The battle was over, and the battle was over.

The ghost Webber's eyes were bloodshot, and he felt that his dignity was trampled into the mud.

Seeing the expressions of the people around him, especially the shocked and worried eyes of the little Lolita Laqi, he suddenly became hot-blooded and his eyes turned red.

He grabbed a spear from the hand of the person next to him and rushed forward.

Gang Cole and the old chief couldn't help but exclaimed: "No!"

Urki watched the show with a smile, and there was no panic on his face.

Smoker said lightly: "Iron block!"

With a "ding" sound, the spear pierced his chest. The spear bent into a bow shape, but it couldn't pierce Smoker's skin at all.

Webber and his friends were stunned.

Smoker's eyes were slightly cold. He stretched out his hand and flicked his forehead with his fingers.

Webber felt as if his forehead was hit by a heavy hammer, and he flew out, knocking down all the people who followed him.

Gang Cole hurriedly bowed and said, "Sorry, Mr. Smoker, they are just children, too impulsive, and actually have no ill intentions..."

Smoker looked at the hole in his clothes.

"This is not a child's prank, Mr. Shen."

"Although the customs of your Sky Island and Qinghai are different, the principle of killing and paying with one's life is probably the same."

Gang Cole hurriedly said, "Please be magnanimous, we will definitely cooperate with the base construction you mentioned..."

Smoker glanced at him deeply.

"Okay, I hope there won't be a next time."

"I'll say it again, if you kill someone, you must pay with your life. Both you and we must abide by it."

"In the future, the area around the naval base must be peaceful. Those who don't know the rules will no longer exist!"

"This..." Gang Cole opened his mouth and finally sighed silently: "I understand..."

Smoker also knew that what he did was a bit unreasonable.

But this is the world of pirates. There is no reason to talk about it. Even the world where Smoker lived in his previous life is about physics, not reason...

The Shandians were confused after listening to the conversation between the two.

"What base?"

Gon Cole turned into Smoker's mouth and introduced the naval base.

Of course, the same thing sounded much better when it came out of his mouth.

The Shandians whispered.

Finally, they all looked at the old chief.

They believed that with the wisdom of the old chief, they would definitely make the most favorable choice.

The old chief was also confused, and hurriedly asked for details, especially asking about the strength of the navy.

After asking around, he came to the same conclusion as Gang Cole.

This matter was a matter of dragon riding on the face, and it was the general trend. There was no room for bargaining.

Resistance? Not possible...

One Smoker could destroy their entire tribe, not to mention that the other party was an "organization".

He breathed a sigh of relief and was ready to agree.

Agree first, keep calm, and then talk slowly...

Unexpectedly, Webber struggled to stand up despite the dissuasion of others.

"Chief, we can't agree. How can we succumb to power?"

"If we don't fight, what should we do with the blood shed by our predecessors and the hatred from generation to generation?!"

The old chief's face flushed, and he felt his blood pressure rising.

Are you stupid, kid? !

It would have been fine if you had scolded Gon Cole away before.

Although Shandia's strength is not as good as that of the Island of Gods, it is not much different. If they really fight hard, they can also injure the other party.

And with Gon Cole's personality, he should not bother with a few children...

But what is the situation now? !

This organization called the Navy can crush me with just a flick of their fingers, and the young man in front of him called Smoker is definitely not a good person.

Now it's too late to stabilize the other party, you dog thing is still pushing? Do you have to destroy your entire clan? !

The genes of the great warrior Kalgara are not very good either, it hurts his brain...

Seeing Smoker's smile gradually cooling, Gon Cole hurried forward to dissuade him.

"Mr. Smoker, I apologize to you, please don't be so petty with a child. When you came here, you promised me not to hurt the Shandians..."

The old chief looked at Gon Cole with a touch of gratitude in his eyes, and hurried up to plead.

After much persuasion, Smoker finally let out a long breath and slowly loosened his fist.

However, he still walked towards Webber with a stern face.

Facing Smoker's oppression, several of Webber's friends retreated one after another, and even he himself couldn't help trembling.

Smoker looked down at the group of teenagers.

"You think the same as him, don't you?!"

"Unfortunately, I didn't see any warriors who swore to defend their homeland, only a group of hooligans who wanted to vent their excess energy."

When the Shandia boys heard this, their faces instantly turned red.

Weber showed a hateful look.

Smoker didn't care, grabbed Weber's neck and lifted him up.

Weber felt suffocated and his face turned red.

His friends were shocked and rushed to save him, but they were kicked to the ground by Smoker.

"Believe it or not, even if I strangle you to death now, it will not affect the result. Shandia is the same as you now. No matter what you do, you can't change the status quo. Before you fight, use your brain first. What can you get from fighting and what can you change!"

"You... and you!"

Smoker glanced at the group of boys, pressing them so hard that they couldn't breathe.

"Compared to any great warrior, this old chief who looks weak but is actually smart is the role model you should learn from the most!"

After saying that, Smoker threw Webber back to them.

This time Webber did not yell again, but just covered his neck and gasped.

The look was still unruly, but more thoughtful.

Smoker walked up to Gang Cole and the old chief.

"Let me be frank, the source of your hatred is the land of Arpaiado."

"Mr. God does not want to give up the temple, and the Shandians want to return to their homeland. The two places happen to be on both sides of Arpaiado. Why not use the middle as the boundary, and you each occupy half of the land! As for the only need the bay outside Angel Island and a small amount of land!"

Gon Cole and the old chief were stunned and wanted to say something.

Smoker stretched out his hand to interrupt them.

"I know what you mean... After all, no one wants to give up half of the land for nothing, especially since 'Bass' is so precious..."

After that, he walked to the edge of the sea of ​​clouds: "Dark Cave! Release!!"

The darkness spread rapidly, and there was no end in sight. Then a huge island appeared in the darkness and fell into the sea of ​​clouds.

Before coming to Sky Island, Smoker packed up several uninhabited islands.

Everyone was stunned when they saw the island that suddenly appeared.

"This island is a gift to the Shandians!"

Then, he said to the Shandians: "I know you were forced to leave your homeland for hundreds of years, and it's not easy to reconcile."

"But as an outsider, I would like to ask you to think about it. Four hundred years ago, it was the angels that invaded Shandora, but from another perspective, it was not Gaya Island that invaded Sky Island!"

"You sacrificed many soldiers, but the other side also suffered heavy casualties. This bad debt is getting bigger and bigger. Now it's hard to figure out who owes whom. If you drag it on, it will only increase casualties in vain."

"The chain of hatred must be cut off, and I hope it will be today!"

The Shandians whispered to each other, and in fact, many of them had fought enough.

More importantly, they had a very good impression of this term of the God of Heaven, Gon Cole.

Even Webber, who was full of hatred in his heart, had to admit that Gon Cole was a qualified god.

Smoker took in everyone's reactions, smiled slightly, and didn't continue.

After all, he was an outsider, so he just stopped at the right time.

He continued, "Everyone, the area of ​​Arpaiado is 400 square kilometers. I know you can't give it up. I promise that as long as you agree to my plan, I will provide 400 square kilometers of land to each side!!"

400 square kilometers is 20 square kilometers...

Smoker decided to find a few more uninhabited islands to send over, or at least dig a piece from the red soil continent...

Everyone was shocked by Smoker's generosity.

Can you do it this way...

Gon Cole took a long time to recover and swallowed hard.

"Mr. Smoker, what do you need us to do?!"

"Angel Island... After the naval base is built, supplies are a big problem."

"So I hope Angel Island can provide all living supplies. Of course, we will buy them at market prices and won't let everyone suffer."

"As for the old chief..."

The old chief suddenly became nervous: "Please say..."

Smoker's expression became a little embarrassed.

"There is a lot of gold in your hometown Shandora, which is a resource we urgently need. I wonder if you can give it up?"

The old chief nodded: "Well, what else?"

Smoker was stunned: "Ah? No more..."

The old chief and the Shandians were both confused: "That's it?!"

Smoker was stunned: "Ah? Ah..."

The old chief laughed: "What did I think? I was scared to death. That kind of thing is useless to us. You like to take it all away..."

"!!!" Smoker said happily: "In that case, it's settled!!"

"Then about my proposal..."

The old chief looked at the Shandian's expression and nodded.

"The conditions you gave are very sincere. On behalf of the whole tribe, I agree with your proposal!!"

Gon Cole also stepped forward.

"I also agree with your proposal on behalf of the Temple and the Island of the Gods!"

Smoker felt relieved.

It would be great if they could accept the naval base willingly!

He stretched out his hand.

"Then let us get along happily in the future!"

Gon Cole and the old chief also stretched out their hands, and the three hands were tightly folded together.

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