The two of them were in a state of panic.

The moment before Weber's spear pierced Zefa, Zefa stretched out two fingers to pinch the tip of the spear.

Weber felt as if the spear had pierced steel and could no longer advance. He wanted to attack again, but found that he couldn't even pull it out.

"Kid, you can all come together. As long as you can pull it out, you will win..."

Other Shandia boys heard it and pulled the spear out together.

But no matter how hard they tried, it was like an ant trying to shake a tree.

Mantis suddenly had an idea and pulled out a machete from his waist to cut off the spear.

The spear was broken, so it was a draw.

Zefa chuckled: "Little clever..."

With a force, the gun barrel instantly turned black. The machete hit the gun barrel, but the gun barrel was intact, but the blade was broken.

Then Zefa exerted force and directly used the gun barrel to pick up a group of teenagers.

Several people flew in the air with their fangs and claws, and fell heavily to the ground, each of them holding their heads and stomachs and groaning.

"How is it, kid, are you convinced?"

Several people nodded with bitter faces.

Zefa looked at them. These little guys are the seedlings that Smoker said, right?

"The naval base will recruit new soldiers in the future, and you are welcome to join when the time comes."

After saying that, he left without looking back.

He raised his hand and washed away all the dust and pain on their bodies, smiled and nodded, and left.

Several people looked at the clean and new bodies, and their eyes were full of light.


A few days later, Smoker once again led the naval science team to investigate Sky Island.

After recovering the Thunder Fruit last time, Smoker was anxious to find the Golden Country, and he only went to Sanzhang Island before returning home.

But in order to build an air force, he had to find the design drawings of the Ark Proverbs!

So while he was free, Smoker prepared to search again.

The news was known by the scientific troops, and immediately aroused their interest.

In the past few days, they conducted a preliminary investigation of the Sky Island.

The Sky Island looks weak, but it has very unique civilizations and resources, which really surprised them.

So, the Navy Science Corps specifically found Zefa and applied to accompany Smoker to inspect the Sky Island.

Zefa naturally would not refuse such a request, so he asked Smoker to lead the team, collect grass and rabbits, and do the work together.

Smoker had no choice but to take the people from the science and technology troops with him.

And the scientists also gained a lot along the way.

They found that although the civilizations of the Sky Island were similar, some islands had very outstanding characteristics.

For example, although the creatures on Sky Island are larger than those on Qinghai,

the animals on Apaiado are particularly huge, several times the size of those on other islands.

For example, Visalia, a small Sky Island, has meteorological technology far superior to that of Qinghai.

If used well, it is not inferior to the natural devil fruit at all.

But where does their technology come from?

Is it possible to develop such advanced technology just because they can float in the air?

In addition, there are some islands that can cultivate various shellfish.

In addition to the perennial wind-blowing shellfish, there are also many rare shellfish.

Enel once attacked this island and took away a large number of slashing shellfish.

So whether it is a mountain or an ordinary divine weapon, they are equipped with slashing shellfish.

The next island that Smoker and his friends are going to is called Mozegrad.

This island is famous for its machinery and has produced many products that are well-known on Sky Island.

For example, the powerful rocket launchers driven by Weiba and Yanbei...

Unfortunately, due to a civil war many years ago, this island has become a dead place.

However, if there really is a spaceship with a sophisticated structure, there must be clues on this island.

Under the leadership of Ulki, Smoker and his party boarded a large Weiba yacht and arrived at Mozegrad after several days of travel.

In their expedition team, in addition to Smoker and Ulki, there are 5 naval scientists and 3 guards.

Smoker slowly rose into the air and overlooked the entire island.

It can be seen that this island was originally a highly developed city, but unfortunately now only broken walls and ruins are left, covered with various plants, and it has completely become a paradise for plants.

On the other side of the island is a pale yellow mist, reflecting a strange light under the sunlight.

Smoker took a few photos with the Den Den Mushi, landed in front of the scientists again, handed over the photos and said: "Dr., what are you going to do? We will cooperate with you fully!"

Ulki and several guards nodded.

These days, Smoker and the three guards have also become familiar with each other.

The leader of the three

The first one is called Mizumi, a tall green-haired strong man with a pair of curved and sharp horns. He uses a huge shield as a weapon and is known as the shield of the science and technology forces.

The other two are brothers named Kati and Hama.

They have scars on their faces and exposed parts of their bodies because they were once in the hands of pirates and tortured inhumanely. After being rescued, they were disabled, so they voluntarily accepted the transformation of the science forces and became half-human and half-mechanical soldiers.

Kati's left half was transformed, his left eye is a mechanical eye, and a cannon is installed on his left hand.

Hama's right half was transformed, his right eye is a mechanical eye, and his right hand is a Gatling machine gun.

The scientists checked and found nothing abnormal.

So, everyone entered the ruins of the city together.

Several people did find a lot of wreckage of technological products along the way, but unfortunately they were too old and damaged too badly, and they were no longer useful.

Smoker and others were fine, but several scientists almost cried out of heartache.

Suddenly, Kati, who was on guard, focused his mechanical eyes on the distance.

"There is a well-preserved building three kilometers away at two o'clock in the east!!"

Everyone was shocked and rushed over.

Sure enough, in the ruins, there stood an eggshell-shaped building.

Unlike other buildings, the outer layer of the eggshell-shaped building was covered with thick metal.

Although there were many dents and holes on the surface, the outer shell was still intact.

Only one door was destroyed, and it seemed that someone had already got there first.

Smoker now roughly knew the Sky Island characters. Looking at the sign at the door, he muttered: "Mozegrad Science and Technology Museum..."

"What?!" The scientist was shocked and his eyes suddenly sparkled.

"Let's go! Let's go in!"

After that, he rushed in without caring whether there was any danger inside.

Smoker and others hurried to follow.

What disappointed the scientists was that the technological products inside also disappeared, leaving only some models and the like.

The scientists were somewhat discouraged, but their dedication over the years made them continue to look for clues.

But Smoker's eyes sparkled.

Because there was a huge ship model on one side of the Science and Technology Museum.

Probably because it had no practical use and was not easy to move, it was left here.

But Smoker was shocked.

The appearance and layout of this ship model were too similar to the Ark Maxim!

[Yes, Mozegrad is the birthplace of the Ark Maxim! ]

[As long as you get the design drawings, you can start to build an air force! ! ]

Suddenly, Smoker sensed a strange breath, and his heart tightened. He shouted to the scientists and guards in the distance: "Be careful!!"

Almost at the same time, Mizmi raised a shield to block the scientists.

There were a few gunshots, and someone fired at the scientists, but they were all blocked by Mizmi with a huge shield.

The next second, Smoker suddenly appeared behind the attacker, grabbed his arm, and said coldly: "If you don't want to die, surrender!"

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