The truth is, the truth is.

Briffith was choked by Smoker's words.

But he was not angry, but introduced his origins very frankly.

Smoker filtered out all his whitewashing content and basically restored the true story.

It turned out that Briffith also came from the temple.

He was originally the captain of the God's Army under Gang Cole, known as the first combat force in the temple.

Unlike the honest and gentle Gang Cole, he was cruel and violent, and tortured the enemy at will, which was always disliked by Gang Cole.

Until one time, after he tortured and killed several Shandia prisoners of war, Gang Cole finally couldn't bear it anymore, fought with him, and exiled him.

In terms of hard power, Briffith is actually slightly better than Gon Cole.

But Gon Cole had the assistance of Pierre, so he finally defeated Briffith and successfully drove him away.

However, Briffith did not leave on his own. He pulled a group of diehards who advocated violence from the temple. After several years of development, it has grown to a scale of hundreds of people now.

Smoker suddenly realized: "So that's how it is. Then you can be considered a fallen priest."

Briffith sneered: "What is fallen or not? Whoever has the bigger fist is right? Gon Cole kept talking about democracy and equality, but in the end, he also forced me away by violence."

"What can he do? Give you a farewell party?"

"Okay! Stop talking nonsense!" Briffith began to be impatient: "Choose, join or die?"

Smoker expressionless: "Sorry, I still think Gon Cole is easier to get along with..."

"Got it!" Briffith didn't hesitate, raised his hand to signal, and all the black-robed soldiers around raised their guns and fired.

After Smoker saw through the path of the bullet, he took a few steps as if taking a walk and passed through the gap in the attack.

The black-robed soldier was shocked. How did he dodge such a dense and detailed attack? !

"Waste, get out of the way!"

Briffith snorted coldly, pushed away the black-robed men in front of him, then jumped high, jumped directly in front of Smoker, and then punched Smoker in the face.

Smoker raised his hand to block the punch and said with interest: "Oh? Both strength and speed are good..."

Briffith sneered: "There are even better ones!"

He raised his foot and sent out a huge green wind blade close to his body.

Smoker was shocked.

[Storm Kick? No...]

Facing the attack, Smoker did not take it lightly this time, and hurriedly covered his chest with the Armament Haki.

The green wind blade hit his chest, bursting out with huge power, directly knocking Smoker out more than ten meters away, and smashing heavily into the ruins.

Dust billowed, and the collapsed wall buried Smoker.

"Following Gon Cole... Humph, hearing this name makes me sick!"

"You ungrateful guy, I have a new ability now, and my strength is ten times his!"


The sound of broken stones appeared in the dust.

Smoker walked out, brushing off the dust on his body.

"Ten times that old man's... Is that all?"

Briffith's smile slowly faded, and his eyes became sharper.

Smoker's chest was numb in silence.

"The attack just now was really good, it should be a devil fruit, right? Don't hide it, come on, keep dancing!"

Smoker was very happy to find a devil fruit here.

"Don't underestimate me!!"

Briffith roared, jumped high, and turned into a big blue bird in the air.

[Oh? Animal type...】

The blue bird has a slender body, and its sharp beak and claws reflect the cold light of a blade.

Then he flapped his wings and rushed towards Smoker at a high speed, and his sharp beak pierced Smoker's chest like a spear.

In the past few years, Smoker has come into contact with many bird-type ability users, and even fought with them.

The strongest among them was Guren, who was undercover in the Shattering Pirates. At that time, Smoker and him were only evenly matched.

At present, Briffith's speed is not inferior to Guren, but Smoker is no longer the same as before.

You who turned into birds always like to poke with your mouth..."

As Smoker spoke, he stretched out his palm, covered with Armament Haki, and turned into a deep black.

When the bird's beak approached, Smoker grabbed the bird's beak, swung it up with the force, and smashed it heavily to the ground.

"Uh! ! "

Briffith's mouth was pinched, and he couldn't make any sound, but he could hear a muffled groan.

Smoker continued to attack, holding the bird's mouth to the ground.

He hit it hard a few times, making a hole, and then threw it out.

I thought these few blows would be enough to knock him out, but unexpectedly, Bliphis flapped his wings and flew away again.

Smoker was stunned.

[Huh? ! Is he so resistant? ? Even if he is an animal, those few blows were enough to make him faint...]

[But it is also strange that this guy's physique is much weaker than Gulun, but his speed after transformation is almost the same. What kind of fruit is this...]

Bliphis stopped in the air, and after catching his breath, he suddenly roared.

I saw green light flowing on his feathers, and then several whirlwinds visible to the naked eye appeared, circling around him up and down, like a few ribbons.

The black-robed people around were all shocked when they saw this.

Someone shouted: "The leader is mad, get out of the way, don't get hurt by mistake!!"

The others also ran away howling.

Smoker frowned.

Is this awakening?


Those ribbons are air currents condensed by the wind, not the flame clouds that are unique to the awakening of the animal type.

There is only one explanation, that he did not eat an ordinary animal type fruit.

As if to confirm his guess, Bliphis looked down at Smoker, his eyes almost emitting fire.

"I admit that you are very strong, so strong that I am surprised!"

"But in front of this Bird-Bird Fruit·Phantom Beast·Blue Luan Form, everything is in vain!"

[With this fruit, even that Thunder bastard couldn't kill me! ]

"Phantom Beast?!"

Smoker's eyes widened, his eyes were both shocked and... greedy.

No wonder, this fruit, which is also an animal type, has such a high bonus to strength, speed, and defense! !

I really picked up a treasure this time when I went out! !

I want this fruit!

Bliphis chirped and flew around Smoker.

The speed was getting faster and faster, and in the end, even Smoker could hardly see it with the naked eye.

Suddenly, he attacked Smoker from behind, and his wings slashed at Smoker's lower back like a guillotine.

But in front of Smoker, pure speed was meaningless.

He anticipated this attack, turned around and crossed his arms, and blocked the slash with his arms covered with armed color domineering.

The wings and arms rubbed against each other, and a string of scorching sparks flew out.

Smoker's arm hurt sharply, and he was surprised to find that it was scratched.

Briffith vibrated his wings in the air, and the surface of the wings flashed with light, which changed shape and condensed into a blade.

"Qingluan has the ability to control the wind. Facing the cutting of the wind, no matter how strong the defense is, it is useless!!"

Smoker sneered, and was too lazy to pay attention to this guy who was not surprised by anything.

Darkness surged on his hands, and he quickly healed the wound.

Briffith's eyes condensed, and he couldn't help asking, "What ability is this?!"

But Smoker ignored him.

Briffith was stunned.

Everyone would introduce their abilities when fighting, but you, a bastard, didn't play by the rules? !

So he snorted coldly, waved his wings, and slashed down with more than a dozen huge green wind blades.

Smoker easily dodged, and the wind blades slashed the ground, leaving a bottomless gap.

"You are good at dodging, what if this is it?!"

Briffith began to fly around Smoker, faster and faster, and finally turned into a green light that was almost completely invisible to the naked eye.

Smoker stared at the green shadow, looking at the green light shrouding his body, and instantly understood something.

[So that's it, manipulating the wind to reduce resistance, so as to achieve incredible speed. ]

[However, this guy's physical strength is too poor, and he has not been able to bring out the original potential of this fruit! ]

After figuring it out, Smoker was no longer panicked.

Because pure speed is meaningless in front of the observation Haki that can foresee the future...

The reason why Luffy was able to defeat Katakuri with the fourth gear snake man is not only because of his fast speed, but more importantly, he has mastered the same level of observation Haki...

Suddenly, Briffith began to attack, releasing countless wind blades the size of leaves.

Because its speed was too fast, it seemed to attack from all directions at the same time.

"Hahahahaha, facing my covering attack, where can you hide?!"

The wind blades slowly gathered towards Smoker in the middle.

Smoker raised his eyebrows. Although these wind blades were small, their power was not bad at all. The hard rock was cut in half like tofu.

Smoker took a deep breath and slowly closed his eyes.

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