The sky was full of fog, and the sky was full of fog.

Smoker suppressed his depression and read on.

The tragedy happened later.

Other sky islands were shocked when they heard that Mozegrad had solved the Ark's energy problem.

Mozegrad's strength was not weak.

If he could master this flying ability, it would pose a great threat to the rule of the temple.

Other sky island forces were naturally very wary.

There is already a temple above, and there is also a troublesome Shandia next to him. Now you also want to be a living father? !

So, under the leadership of the temple, they attacked Mozegrad.

The incident happened suddenly, and Mozegrad was outnumbered and was beaten back step by step.

The city was completely destroyed, the researchers were hunted down, and many research materials were completely destroyed.

During this period, Dr. Gass created a large area of ​​silencing gas for everyone to hide in to avoid being discovered by the warriors with the heart network...

The enemy did not know the details and temporarily suspended the attack, which gave them a chance to breathe.

But it was just a breath, and the defeat... was already determined!

In order to remember this past, the survivors carved this history on the stone tablet.

In order to hide this stone, Dr. Gass used his awakening ability to turn the stone tablet into the source of silencing gas,

At the same time, he changed the climate here, so that silencing gas was permeated here all year round.

Smoker sighed.

According to the records in the stone tablet, Mozegrad was surrounded at that time,

Facing overwhelming military power, there was no chance of a comeback.

Dr. Gass had a powerful fruit, but unfortunately he was just an ordinary person after all, and could not form combat effectiveness. The most important thing was that there was seastone on Sky Island...

Therefore, the final outcome of Mozegrad can be imagined.

As for the fierce dogs living here, they were the fighting dogs they raised at that time to warn the enemy.

Although their masters died in the battle, they still guarded this place from generation to generation...

After reading the story of Mozegrad, Smoker felt a little heavy.

But the following experimental report left by Dr. Gass made Smoker excited.

Because this report is the process of Dr. Gass's development of the fruit!

After Dr. Gass developed the high-combustible gas, he wanted to store it as the energy source of the Ark.

But unexpectedly, the substances transformed by the natural system cannot be preserved for a long time. Even if they are stored in a vacuum tank, they will disappear after a period of time.

Smoker was thoughtful.

The darkness created by oneself is like this. If you ignore it, it will only exist for a few hours at most.

Not only himself, but also Tina...

Smoker and Tina have been working hard to develop the fruit, trying to keep the released substances for a longer time. Unfortunately, there has been progress, but the effect is not great...

At that time, this problem also troubled Dr. Gass. He could not replicate the highly flammable gas in the laboratory, so he could only focus on his ability and rack his brains to develop his ability.

Finally, one day, when he was studying his ability, he found that the cup in his hand suddenly emitted gas.

Dr. Gass was shocked and hurried to study the cup, and finally came to several conclusions.

First, he can assimilate other objects to become a new source of gas. These substances can be solid, liquid or even gaseous, and this assimilation is permanent and will continue even if the ability is no longer applied.

Second, assimilating other substances will consume physical strength. The larger and more objects assimilated, the greater the consumption. Dr. Gass can assimilate a cup effortlessly, but assimilating this stone tablet is already very tiring. At that time, it took him nearly a week to complete this circle of yellow fog defense.

Third, once a new source is created, it will affect the surrounding environment. In this environment, the ability of the ability user will be strengthened and the consumption will be reduced, which is a typical cost reduction and efficiency improvement!

After Dr. Geis awakened, he immediately assimilated some gas tanks.

These gas tanks can continuously release high-explosive gas, which is equivalent to endless energy.

And this news also caused panic among other forces, and eventually became the fuse for the destruction of Mozegrad.

Looking at this report, Smoker suddenly realized.

I have always wanted to keep the released substances for a long time, but it turns out that the direction is wrong!

In fact, the natural system and the superhuman system are the same, both of which have an impact on "things other than themselves".

It's just that the superhuman system assimilates the surrounding environment into a certain substance,

while the natural system assimilates the surrounding environment into a new element source.

[When Akainu and Aokiji fought, it was not that the magma and ice released by the two always existed, but that they assimilated the land on the island into the source of magma and ice! ]

[In the new world,

Located on the Thunder Island, it is probably because the former Thunder Fruit ability user assimilated the clouds in the sky...]

Smoker pondered for a moment, picked up a small stone and placed it in his palm.

"Assimilate it, not just apply the ability..."

The sun set in the west and rose in the east again, and Smoker held the stone all the time.

In the middle, except for calling Urouge to report safety, he hardly moved.

Suddenly, a flash of enlightenment flashed through Smoker's mind.

[This feeling...]

Suddenly, the gray-brown stone gradually darkened in color, and finally turned completely black, becoming a black hole, and the surrounding sand and gravel flew into it.

"So that's it..."

Smoker walked to the edge of a ruin, closed his eyes and concentrated, and then suddenly opened his eyes, only to see that the ruins turned into darkness, bursting out with huge gravity, sucking in all the surrounding sand and yellow fog.

Smoker's eyes were full of joy.

They are all darkness,

But the darkness before my eyes is not from "release", but from "assimilation"!

The difference in one word, the difference in realm...


(The above is my personal understanding of the awakening of the natural system. If I get slapped in the face later, please pat me lightly!!!)

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