The hair turned red, and the hair turned yellow.

Seeing Grace's change, Smoker was also stunned.

Hair changed color? !


It's not a color change, it's a fade!

A closer look revealed that Grace's hair was covered with a layer of blood, making it look like a blood flame.

Now that the blood has been drawn out, the hair has returned to its original color...

Grace raised her hand, and the blood gathered in her palm, turning into a wriggling blood ball.

"This is the essence of blood, the source of power, and a gift from my former enemy!!"

"I will take the blood of all of you. The more battles we fight, the more enemies we have, and the stronger I will be!"

"And you, the navy! You will become my next collection!!"

"Life Returns, Blood Burns!!"

Suddenly, the blood ball in her palm turned into blood mist and entered her body through her skin.

Then, Grace's body changed rapidly.

Her originally fair skin turned red, veins bulged under her skin, and white steam gushed out of her body, raising her aura to a higher level!

Smoker was stunned.

Isn't this... Gear 2?

It's just that Luffy used his feet as a pump to speed up blood circulation, while Grace used her ability to not only speed up the blood, but also pumped a tube of blood...

Although I don't know how effective it is, I think it will put less burden on the internal organs and blood vessels...

Looking at Grace who turned into a steam princess, Smoker swallowed secretly.

[Forget about the second gear, there shouldn't be a third gear, right?!]

[I'll accept the third gear, but if there's a fourth or fifth gear, I'll just give up...]

Grace took off her high heels and jumped a few times on the spot.

Her body became extremely light, like a butterfly.

"I'm going to do it!"

Grace tapped her feet and disappeared, leaving only a puff of dust.

Smoker was surprised, and suddenly Grace appeared in front of him, raised her long legs, and kicked Smoker's head with a sonic boom.

[So fast! The action is completely different from before...]

Smoker quickly raised his arm to block the kick.

[So heavy...]

His whole body was kicked out, and his feet left deep marks on the deck.

Then a bloody claw suddenly grabbed Smoker's face.

Smoker dodged sideways, but still left a few claw marks on his face.

Grace's figure appeared not far away. She squinted her eyes, licked her fingers, and smiled evilly.

"You hid beautifully! But... how long can you hold on?"

After saying that, the figure disappeared again.

Smoker rubbed his slightly numb arm and wiped the blood off his face.

It really deserves to be the "second gear", directly improving his physical fitness several times.

When Luffy was on Judicial Island, he was basically on par with Bruno with 800 dwt when he was not in gear, but after using the second gear, he directly confronted Lucci with 4000 dwt, making him dare not change back to human form.

However, such an outrageous enhancement will inevitably bring a great burden.

"What an amazing ability, it's hard to resist. But how long can you hold on?!"

"Hehehe, don't worry about it, it's enough to deal with you!"

"Oh? Really? Then try it!"

Smoker no longer held back, and directly turned on both the Armament Haki and Observation Haki to the maximum, rushing up to fight with Grace.

For a while, they did not lose the upper hand.

Fortunately, both of them were relatively calm and knew to avoid the boat when attacking, otherwise everyone would have to feed the fish together.

The battle was in full swing.

Grace condensed a blood cone and stabbed Smoker's eyes fiercely.

Smoker turned his head to avoid it and kicked Grace.

Grace condensed a blood shield, but it was too hasty, and Smoker kicked her and the shield away, breaking the railing and flying out.

"Fall into the sea, bastard!"

The Nine Snakes also exclaimed: "Lady Grace!!"

Seeing that Grace was about to fall into the sea, she suddenly turned over several times and stabilized her body in the air.

"Humph, you clever guy, for me, controlling blood to fly is a piece of cake!!"

Smoker looked disdainful.

It was not long before Grace's speed slowed down and her breath became weaker. It was obvious that she had consumed a lot of physical strength.

Grace floated in the air, looking down at the giant dead snake.

"Just right, don't waste it..."

After saying that, she stretched out her hand, and a stream of blood flowed from her palm, just falling on the snake's wound.

Smoker:? ! !

Suddenly, the surface of the snake's body began to be uneven.

It began to wriggle, as if something was stirring inside its body.

Then, the scales broke, blood flowed out from the wound, gathered on top of Grace's head, and turned into a huge blood ball the size of a house.

Suddenly, a stream of blood flew out and merged into Grace's body.

Grace took a long breath, and suddenly steam surged around her body, and her breath returned to its peak.

Smoker was shocked.

He never thought that the Blood-Blood Fruit could be used in this way? !

It seems that it can deprive other creatures of their blood and restore its own physical strength, which can be regarded as an alternative vampire...

At this time, Grace, who had returned to her peak, rushed up again,

Smoker could only fight, and the two fought again.

More than an hour passed in a blink of an eye.

Grace was in good condition. Although she had many wounds, not a drop of blood flowed out, and some small wounds had even begun to scab.

The huge blood ball suspended in the sky also shrunk by 80% or 90%.

Smoker next to him was panting.

"Hu...Hu...The blood of the water snake is almost gone. There is nothing you can do, bastard!"

Although he consumed a lot of physical strength, he should be able to win...

At the same time, Smoker also secretly glanced at the nine snake female warriors around him.

Secretly thinking, what if Grace is so crazy that she draws the blood of her subordinates? ?

Grace was quietly suspended in the air, her hair fluttering as if alive.

"Hahahahaha, you are very good, I am very happy!!"

"The blood of the water snake is indeed running out, but this is on the sea, as much blood as you want!"

Grace stretched out her hand, and the blood in her palm flowed into the sea.

Smoker stared at the sea vigilantly, but did not respond for a long time.

Just when he felt puzzled, he suddenly felt a huge breath coming from a distance, approaching this side rapidly.

[Is this... a sea beast? ! She can actually seduce sea beasts with blood? ! 】

[So that's it, she wants to hunt sea beasts for blood!! 】

The sea beast is extremely fast, and it was close to Smoker while he was distracted.

Although it is not a sea king, its huge body still covers the sky.

The two snakes in front of it are like two eels and loaches.

Grace raised her hand: "Blood Cone·Explosion!!"

The remaining blood balls suddenly changed, condensed into a blood cone as thick as a waist, and stabbed the sea beast fiercely.

With a "puff", the blood cone penetrated the sea beast's head.

The huge sea beast wailed and fell heavily into the sea.

"Hahaha! This blood is a hundred times more than before! How long can you hold on?!"

Grace laughed wildly and drew the blood of the sea beast. After a while, a blood ball almost as big as the pirate ship floated in the air.

Everyone was amazed.

And Smoker stood on the deck, looking up at the huge blood ball.

"Yes, very spectacular... I have roughly figured out your abilities."

"In that case, this boring battle should end..."

After saying that, he raised his hand towards the blood ball and said slowly: "Dark Water!!"

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