The two of them were so busy that they were almost dead.


There was a sound from the ruins.

Smoker dusted himself off and walked out.

Although he looked a little embarrassed, he was not broken.

"All the female warriors of the Nine Snakes Pirates are domineering, but I know that most of them only know the basics."

"But I didn't expect to meet guys like you today!"

Smoker saw the identities of the two people opposite him at a glance.

"Guroliosa left his country when he was young and joined the Rocks Pirates, becoming a cadre..."

"After Rocks was destroyed, he joined the Shattering Pirates, named vice-captain, but actually the captain. He disappeared after being defeated by Aokiji a few years ago..."

"I thought you were dead, but I didn't expect you to be alive. But it seems that you were seriously injured at that time..."

Guroliosa touched his arm, his face a little gloomy.

A few years ago, he and Cruz were originally fighting Aokiji together.

With his own domineering, plus the Shattering Fruit, he might really be able to defeat Aokiji.

Unexpectedly, that bastard actually slipped away by himself, causing himself to be severely injured by Aokiji!

If a sea beast hadn't happened to pass by, I'm afraid I would have died long ago...

"Humph, I didn't expect that the kid who hid behind Garp back then would now become a substitute for the admiral!"

Smoker approached step by step, and the armed color domineering flowed.

"None of this matters..."

"I heard that you have an Armament Haki that is not inferior to that of an admiral? I'd like to see it!"

Then he glanced at Boa Hancock next to him.

"Of course, it's okay if you two come together..."

"What did you say?!"

Hancock was furious and was about to attack.

The three sisters were rescued by Guroliosa a few years ago and returned to Nine Snake Island.

Although Grace did not blame Guroliosa, she was also very sensible. After returning to Nine Snake Island, she has been keeping to herself.

The only ones she is close to are the three Hancock sisters.

Because they have not been tortured by the Celestial Dragons, the three sisters are much more sunny and cheerful.

Later, Hancock showed amazing talent, and Guroliosa accepted her as a disciple.

During the battle today, their master and apprentice were training nearby.

After receiving the news, they immediately rushed over on the python and rescued Grace in a dangerous situation...

Guruoliosa narrowed her eyes and raised her hand to block Hancock.

"I won't refuse a fight that comes to my door!"

After saying that, her arm slowly turned black, as if it was coated with a layer of black glaze, which made it look particularly heavy.

Both sides rushed towards each other at the same time, and two fists, one large and one small, collided.

A shock wave erupted.

Guruoliosa stood firmly in place, but Smoker flew out directly and hit the deck heavily.

The surrounding nine snake warriors cheered.

In this competition, Guruoliosa had the upper hand.

But her face did not relax at all.

Soon, Smoker walked out of the ruins again, his shirt was shattered, revealing his strong muscles, but there were almost no scars on it.

[Sure enough, this guy is the same type as Linlin and Kaido, both of whom have physical fitness far beyond that of ordinary people! ]

[It's difficult...]

With strong domineering, he can suppress the opponent's attack and defense, at least he will not lose in a head-on battle.

But the endurance and recovery brought by a strong physique cannot be compensated by domineering...

The longer you fight against such an enemy, the more disadvantaged you will be!

"Hancock, together!"


Hancock, who had been unable to hold back for a long time, stretched out her hand, and the pink python quickly formed a huge bow.

She put on three arrows, aimed at Smoker and shot them out.

Smoker was a little disdainful.

Empress? That's it?

This kind of attack is just harassment, right?

But the next second, the future scene emerged,

Smoker's face changed drastically, and he quickly turned over to avoid it.

The three arrows brushed past his body, and the wind they brought stung his skin.

An arrow hit the heavy gun on the ship, and the steel gun barrel that several people couldn't hold was instantly blown into pieces.

The other two arrows flew far away and plunged into the sea, suddenly exploding violently.

Huge waves swept in and almost overturned the ship.

Smoker was shocked.

[Is this a bow and arrow? It's even more exaggerated than the exploding rock! ]

[And when did Hancock become an ADC? ! ]

Smoker didn't know that Hancock was not enslaved by the Celestial Dragons, so naturally she didn't eat the sweet fruit, so her fighting style

There has been a huge change in our character.

However, he knew that he should be serious.

Guroliosa and Hancock, one close combat and the other long-range ADC,

Each of them alone is nothing,

But together, it is not so easy to deal with...

"Stop... stop it!"

Suddenly, Grace's voice came from the side, interrupting the tense momentum of both sides.

The three turned their heads and saw that the snake stood up with her.

"You retreat! This is a duel between us. I lost... you have to admit it! Do you want to humiliate me?!"


Guroliosa wanted to say something else, but in the end he could only sigh.

"Yes, Your Majesty..."

Grace tried to stand up straight.

"Sorry, Navy, my subordinates were too impulsive. Our outcome has been decided..."

Smoker's domineering aura slowly faded away.

"It doesn't matter... Since you admit it, I will definitely not deny it!"

Grace took a deep breath and closed her eyes again.

"Then, my life belongs to you!"

Guruoliosa opened her mouth, but didn't say anything. This was the captain's order and she couldn't question it.

But after a while, Grace still didn't see Smoker take action, so she opened her eyes in confusion.

Smoker just stared at her, but didn't mean to take action.

Seeing her open her eyes, Smoker let out a long sigh.

"Forget it, I'm tired. I'll take your life next time we meet!"

After saying that, he used his ability to fly into the air.

Grace watched him leave, and finally she was completely exhausted. Her eyes turned black and she was about to fall to the ground.

Guruoliosa hurriedly supported her: "Grace, are you okay!!"

Grace tried to open her eyes.

"I didn't expect that the navy is so strong now..."

"Also, that steam locomotive ship, although all the craftsmen died in a shipwreck and it can no longer be reproduced, the Calm Belt is no longer safe..."

Hancock said nervously: "Lady Grace! Please stop talking! We will treat you immediately!!"

"It's useless, I can't do it anymore..."

Grace smiled bitterly: "The internal organs are severely damaged, even blood can't repair it. While I still have strength, bring the government's Den Den Mushi."

The person next to him brought over an encrypted Den Den Mushi.

Grace dialed the number, took a deep breath, and tried to make her voice the same as usual.

"Hello, World Government?!"

"We agree to your proposal. I am willing to serve as Shichibukai!"

"I have agreed. Why are you talking so much nonsense!"

"The appointment document has been sent to Nine Snakes. I will sign it when I return!"

Then she hung up the phone and said weakly, "I hope... this will buy some time for Nine Snakes."

"This is the last captain's order!"

The Nine Snakes female warrior said in a calm voice, "Yes!"

"Now I declare that Boa Hancock is the next emperor. You must obey her as you obey me. , do you understand? ! ! "


Hancock said anxiously: "Lady Grace, I can't do it..."

"Shut up!" Grace grabbed her wrist tightly: "You can do it! You must do it!"

"Remember, when you return to the Nine Snakes, you will sign the appointment document of the Seven Warlords..."

"To the outside the outside world, tell them that you defeated me and then took over the Seven Warlords!"

"That Smoker...a man like him won't say anything nonsense, remember, be protect the Nine Snakes for me..."

Hancock couldn't stop her tears from flowing.

Suddenly, she realized that her body couldn't move.

"Lady Grace..."

Grace's face began to look ugly: "This is the last thing I can do..."

Suddenly, the blood in her body spurted out from the wound, condensed into blood balls in the air,

fell on Hancock, and slowly merged into her body.


I don't know how long it took.

The Nine Snakes Pirates held a grand funeral.

Grace lay quietly on a small boat, seemingly asleep.

She had been cleaned and changed her clothes, but she was abnormally pale.

Guloliosa stretched out her snake staff and pushed the boat away.

When the boat drifted away, Hancock took a rocket and shot the boat.

Soon, in the eyes of everyone, the boat disappeared in the sea of ​​fire.

Guloliosa: "Hancock, it's time to go..."

Hancock wiped her tears and nodded: "Set sail!"

Nine snake warriors: "Yes!!"

Hancock sat in the captain's room, and suddenly felt something in his heart. He raised his hand, and a drop of blood slowly appeared on his fingertips.

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