The next week, Smoker did nothing.

He handed over all the training and administration to others.

He either looked through various documents and files or wandered around and chatted with the sailors...

Ask everyone if they need anything? Any difficulties?

Please tell us what you think of the naval science force...

It's very much like the Soviet political commissar...

After a long time,

the sailors also got to know Smoker.

They all had a good impression of this base commander who smiled every day and was particularly generous in giving out cigarettes.

During this period, Black also came secretly several times and gave Smoker a lot of information.

At the same time, he told Smoker that

once, he used his enhanced hearing to monitor Red's phone call.

This guy said that he would teach Smoker a lesson after he recovered.

Of course, with his injury, it would take at least a few weeks...

Smoker was too lazy to pay attention and continued to work on his own...

Soon, Smoker found that it was not Mantis's fault.

The Navy Science Corps really couldn't beat those bastards of CP...

They did all the hard work, and the military funds were often misappropriated. The key is that they didn't get a good result from the World Government...

In fact, there were also stubborn navy who couldn't stand the CP's tyranny and confronted them directly.

But the navy were all warriors, and they were not as eloquent as the CP.

Many times, they became unreasonable even when they were right.

In addition, the World Government always took sides.

So the navy always suffered losses...

Over time, the navy gradually became numb to the bullying of CP, and eventually became what it is now.

In fact, there are many bases where CP and the navy are jointly stationed.

But the navy there is not so miserable...

Smoker thought for a long time and finally got the answer, that is, the Navy Science Corps is too "useless"...

How to say it?

What is the responsibility of the Navy Science Corps?

It is to resist the enemy and prevent people from attacking the research institute and scientists! !

However, normal pirates will not approach Punk Hazard unless they are lost or accidentally enter.

All they want is treasure.

What scientists, what science and technology, what do they have to do with me? !

And those who really need technological power are those big pirates who dominate one side,

For example, Big Mom, Kaido...

But these guys are not something the Navy Science Corps can deal with.

As soon as they go out, the Navy Headquarters will come to support them early, and they don't need to take risks.

As for the infiltration of underground forces, it is the responsibility of CP...

So, it is actually difficult for the Navy Science Corps to achieve convincing results.

As a soldier,

without military merits and achievements,

they naturally cannot prove their strength and value.

Faced with CP's questioning, they really can't say anything.

It's difficult...

That day, Smoker was sleeping soundly in his office chair after walking around.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door outside.

Smoker woke up: "Who? Come in!!"

The person pushed the door open and came in. It was Mantis.

"Vice Admiral Smoker..."

"Oh, you're here? Come in and sit down. How is the work you were asked to do?!"

Mantis closed the door and took out a list.

"I have investigated it. The people on it are trustworthy..."

These days, Smoker has been busy with one thing besides wandering around.

That is to find out who is from the World Government and who is from the Navy...

There is no need to investigate thoroughly. It is enough to know who is trustworthy.

This task was given to Garp's old subordinate, Mantis.

Smoker carefully investigated Mantis's resume.

After returning to the headquarters with him, he was promoted to brigadier general...

With his strength and achievements, this is a natural thing, nothing to say!

After the promotion, Mantis did not relax, and continued to travel all over the country to eliminate pirates.

Three years ago, he was on vacation and the town where he was was attacked by pirates.

Facing the vicious pirates, he single-handedly resisted the entire Supernova Pirates, fought to the death, and protected thousands of townspeople.

With this merit, he was promoted to major general and transferred here from Garp.

After coming here, Mantis felt very uncomfortable.

Originally, with Garp, every day was either training or fighting, and there was no need to think too much. Life was simple and happy.

But now, CPs pop up to find faults at any time,

Mantis is also

With a bad temper, he has been with Garp for a long time, so how could he take CP seriously?

As a result, the two sides have repeatedly clashed, but he is always the one who suffers.

If it weren't for Brugulus' mediation, his title of major general would have been stripped long ago...

In the past few years, he has lived here very aggrievedly.

After Smoker came, he found him as soon as possible.

There was no other reason, just because he used to be Garp's subordinate...

Smoker gave him a task to help him select a group of trustworthy people.

Smoker looked at the note, which had forty or fifty names on it.

From brigadier generals to non-commissioned officers, the three guys he knew on Sky Island were also among them.

"Why? In your mind, Brugulas is not trustworthy either? Didn't she help you?"

"I am very grateful for the help of Vice Admiral Brugulas, but unfortunately, she still leans towards the government."

"And the people on the list are very determined to the World Government!"

Smoker was curious: "Oh? Why?"

Mantis's eyes became gloomy.

"Their families and friends have been hurt by the World Government to some extent..."

"They stayed in the Navy just for justice!!"

Smoker nodded slowly.

"I see..."

Forty or fifty people are actually too few.

But what Smoker has to do is not to go out to fight, these people are barely enough...

"Mantis... I am very dissatisfied with the current situation of the Navy Science Force!"

"Just a CP, a dog raised by the Celestial Dragons, dare to bar its teeth at us."

"You... or you, are you willing to help me slap those bastards?"

Mantis' eyes lit up and saluted.

"It's all at your command!!"

"Excuse me, what do you need us to do?!"

Smoker chuckled.

"Of course, it's to show your unparalleled loyalty to the World Government..."

Mantis: "..."

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