The fruit was so delicious that it was hard to resist.

Looking at the artificial devil fruit in front of him, Smoker felt his heart beat to his throat!

He really wanted to slap Vegapunk.

He just devalued this fruit and thought it was just an ordinary test product.

I didn't expect that this was the one Momonosuke ate! !

What a failed product, the only difference between it and the genuine product is the paint!

Barbie pink is indeed not as domineering as blue, but it is strong!

If I hadn't asked one more question, I might have missed this god-level fruit...

Vegapunk held the fruit and came to the wall, pressing the button on the wall for a while.

The wall slowly rose, revealing a dark room.

There was a row of artificial devil fruits with number tags on them.

From No. 1 to No. 36,

They seemed to be Vegapunk's previous test products.

The smaller the number, the weirder the appearance.

Some were very strange, like a lizard head growing on an apple.

Some had patterns that only covered a small half, and the back half was still an apple.

Some had a jelly-like texture, and they were flattened just by being placed there.


[It seems that these were all failed products before...]

[If Momonosuke had found these things, he would probably starve to death and would not dare to eat them...]

Suddenly, he noticed a large glass jar next to him, with green liquid in it, bubbling.

It looked a bit like the green blood of the Seraph,

and a bit like the SAD made by Caesar.

Smoker looked at these devil fruits curiously.

"Why are they placed here? Do you want to keep them for further research?"

Vegapunk shook his head.

"That's not the case. The technology of these failed products has long been mastered. In fact, they can be completely destroyed."

"But artificial devil fruits are not natural after all. If they are destroyed casually, we don't know what adverse consequences will be caused."

"So, I just put it here. Anyway, artificial devil fruits have the advantage of not being corrupted..."

Smoker's eyes lit up when he heard this.

"Dr. Vegapunk, if you don't mind, I can help you get rid of these things!"

"I used my ability to help Caesar Kulang get rid of a lot of poison gas before."

"Poison gas?!"

Vegapunk was stunned at first, and then angrily said: "That bastard is secretly doing these dangerous research again!"

"How did you deal with it? It won't have any impact on you, right? It won't pollute the environment, right?!"

"Don't worry, it won't..." Smoker elementalized his palm, and a can filled with poison gas emerged, and then slowly sank into the darkness.

"My dark space is infinite and isolated from the real world, so there is no need to worry about pollution."

"Even if I die, these poisonous gases will always sleep in the darkness, and even the next ability user will not be able to remove them."

Vegapunk was overjoyed and swiped his hand.

"That's great, Smoker! Please get rid of all these things!"

Including the latest artificial fruit No. 37.

Smoker suppressed his excitement, released the darkness, absorbed a row of devil fruits, and also absorbed the piles of information on the table...

Seeing that the surroundings were quite dirty, Smoker controlled his ability again and cleaned up the entire laboratory...

Vegapunk did not stop it.

He has a brain developed from the Brain-Brain Fruit, which can store knowledge infinitely.

These materials have long been memorized and will never be forgotten.

He just stood quietly and continued to think about the future research direction.

[Artificial devil fruits, no matter how the restoration degree cannot reach 100%, it means that this research idea is a failure! 】

【How about making the bloodline factor into a medicine and injecting it directly? 】

【It is theoretically feasible, but it will put a great burden on the receptor. Without a strong body, it is impossible to withstand the impact of the medicine...】

【Think about it again, think about it again...】

While Vegapunk was daydreaming, Smoker had already cleaned up the laboratory, even sucking up all the dust in the corner.

Looking at the brand new laboratory, Vegapunk was surprised and happy.

"Oh oh oh! Smoker, your ability is really amazing, it is worth studying!!"

"By the way, what is your ability?"

Smoker's ability actually comes with space.

If it can be copied, doesn't it mean that there will be an unlimited trash can for discarded experimental materials in the future? !

Smoker also

Without hiding anything: "This is the Dark Dark Fruit, the Nature type..."

When he heard it was the Nature type, Vegapunk's face fell immediately, with obvious disgust.

"Ah?! Nature type... Oh, forget it."

He has just studied the Animal type.

Although the Superman type is more difficult, it is not out of reach.

On the contrary, the Nature type is far beyond his current technical level.

Even if there are samples, there will be no results.

From a scientific point of view, the Nature type is really useless.

"Mr. Smoker, I have an unwelcome request."

"Hmm? You say!"

"Every year, Punk Hazard produces a large number of discarded experimental products, and the cost of harmless treatment is very high."

"In fact, every year, 30% of our institute's funds are spent on the treatment of waste..."

Smoker took a breath, 30%...

Although I admire Vegapunk's actions to protect the environment, the cost is too high!

No wonder Caesar was so dissatisfied...

In his eyes, this was just throwing money away.

And there were many scientists who thought this way.

Although Vegapunk used his superior position to force this request, he was actually under great pressure.

"Can you use your ability to help us deal with experimental waste in the future? Please!"

After saying that, he bowed deeply.

The huge head drooped down, like a wall pressing down on Smoker.

Smoker was shocked and quickly supported him.

"No, no..."

"Okay, I agree, but I'm usually very busy and can only come once in a while..."

"Oh, that's enough!"

Vegapunk was excited.

Usually, it takes a long time to ask the World Government to add 10% or 50% of the funds.

Smoker's move is equivalent to a 30% increase in funds.

In this way, some projects that have been shelved due to lack of funds can be restarted! !

Smoker was also very happy.

In his heart, he was still willing to befriend Vegapunk.

Scientists in the pirate world are not good, but most of them are villains who have mastered advanced knowledge,

For example, Caesar, Quinn, Kaji...

It is very rare to find someone like Vegapunk who cares about the people and advocates peace.

Suddenly, Smoker asked.

"Dr. Vegapunk, why is the devil fruit so difficult to copy?"

"And... why is it based on the Fish-Fish Fruit, Mythical Beast, Blue Dragon Form?!"

This is a question for Smoker.

Vegapunk studied the bloodline factor first, and then caught Kaido.

Logically, as long as Vegapunk has a need, whether it is a devil fruit or a capable person, the World Government can pull a car.

Then why was Kaido's fruit used as the prototype in the end?

Is it a coincidence? ?

Or is there any other reason? ?

Vegapunk sighed.

"Smoker, I've tried other fruits before, do you know how much the restoration is?!"

Smoker shook his head.

Vegapunk held up three fingers.

"30, only 30%!"

Smoker was shocked: "What?!"

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