Since he came across the time travel, Smoker has lived a life isolated from science and technology. But the knowledge and experience accumulated in his previous life made him never underestimate the power of science. In the pirate world, most people are dismissive of science and technology. That's because they are at a too low level! People standing at the top of all forces, whether it is the government, the revolutionary army or the pirates, have the opposite attitude towards science and technology, and have never stopped pursuing science and technology. Whether it is Big Mom coveting Germa's life science, Kaido asking Mingo to cultivate artificial devil fruits, even Im asked Vegapunk to research the Holy Mother Flame. It can be said that in the world of pirates,

technology is the most powerful, most potential, but also the most difficult to obtain force.

After entering the navy,

Smoker has been paying attention to the science and technology forces.

In the original work, this organization is very mysterious, and only slightly reflected in Punk Hazard and Warhead Island.

Smoker's current status is too low, and he is far from touching them.

But if he pays too much attention, he may be regarded as having ulterior motives.

Helplessly, Smoker can only temporarily give up the idea of ​​contacting the science and technology forces.

Unexpectedly, this time he was inexplicably connected with the science and technology forces,

It seems that his luck is really good.

Don't look at the fact that these scientists have a bit of a weird temper, and their relationship with the navy officers is not very good.

But Smoker got their pulse,

and got familiar with them in a few days...

As for what pulse...naturally it is technology!

The naval science forces are also divided into directions.

The scientists on this ship are all from the gun and artillery institute,

Their main direction is guns, cannons and shells!

And Smoker was also a military enthusiast in his previous life.

He was good at talking about all kinds of classic guns and cannons.

When it comes to rolling up his sleeves to do scientific research, he is not even worthy of carrying shoes for these scientists.

But when it comes to talking about development directions and ideas without thinking, it is simply a dimensionality reduction attack!

Soon, he, the "assistant", became a "mentor"...

That day, Smoker was eating in the cafeteria.

A hedgehog-headed scientist walked into the cafeteria with a plate and hurried to sit next to him.

"Mr. Smoker, let's eat together?!"

"Oh, researcher Il, please sit down!"

Smoker said as he moved his seat.

Il didn't even say a word of greeting and went straight to the point.

"Mr. Smoker, the concept of automatic rifles you mentioned last time is simply genius! Can you explain it in more detail?!"

Smoker: "Oh, no problem, I once considered a design..."

After that, he dipped his hand in wine, drew a structural diagram of AK47, and then began to explain.

Il's eyes lit up when he heard this.

Soon, a large group of scientists gathered around.

Even Dr. Oubli, who had the highest academic attainments, was among them.

These stubborn and difficult scientists were like a group of well-behaved elementary school students at this time.

Many of them even took out paper and pen and started taking notes.

Smoker talked for a long time and finally finished explaining this classic gun type.

Looking at the scientists' admiring eyes, he couldn't help but laugh a few times with a guilty conscience and gave a few more instructions.

"Firearm research is not isolated. If you want to make a breakthrough, you can't just focus on the breakthrough of the firearms themselves, but also strengthen research in other fields!"

"For example, alloys can reduce the weight of firearms and enhance portability..."

"For example, optics, scopes can make everyone a sniper!"

"For example, chemical engineering, gunpowder still has great potential..."

"And the production line I mentioned last time, if successful, can also greatly reduce the cost of firearms manufacturing..."

"In short, don't work in isolation! You must give full play to the advantages of integration! Haha... Just a little opinion, please refer to it."

All scientists listened to Smoker's words,

First, they were shocked, then their faces were solemn,

Looked at each other, stood up at the same time, and clapped their hands desperately...

"No, no, everyone is too kind..."

In fact, Smoker was ashamed, this is not just standing on the shoulders of giants, it is simply stepping on the heads of giants.

But in this world, he is an absolute pioneer...

Now, Smoker and this group of experts have a very harmonious relationship.

He gives ideas and points out a general direction,

and scientists will be excited to study and realize it.

This is also thanks to the abnormal development of science in the pirate world.


Kdu has begun to study the Terminator,

Germa 66 has begun to study genetically modified humans,

but the navy's weapons are only at the level of World War I,

Although there are many problems in the ideas proposed by Smoker because of the differences between the two worlds,

but the scientists are happy with it.

After all, in their eyes, success is progress, failure is accumulation, and there is no loss anyway.

Looking at the scientists who were discussing enthusiastically in front of him, Smoker felt relieved.

[This can be regarded as a good relationship with the scientific forces. It will be justified to contact them in the future. ]

[Although I can't think of the purpose now, it's always right to pave the way first. ]

[At worst, if I get tired of fighting and killing in the future, it's not bad to go to the scientific forces to hang a sinecure...]

Of course, the reason why Smoker is so diligent in imparting technology is to improve the strength of the grassroots navy.

In the Grand Line, what determines the power structure of the sea is undoubtedly the high-end combat power.

To put it bluntly, it is a few emperor-level combat power and a few general combat power.

But what really affects the quality of life of civilians are the lower-level navy and the numerous small pirates!

The Four Emperors do have the powerful fighting power to destroy a country by themselves,

but how many people can they torment even if they fight to death? !

What really makes the sea bloody are the small pirates everywhere.

The technology handed over by oneself should make the equipment of the navy soldiers go a step further.

This is no threat to the big pirates, but it is a disaster for the small pirates.


a pirate group with a lot of blood debts,

encounters a navy force that can barely resist,

but the other side suddenly changes from flintlock rifles to automatic rifles,

that scene, just thinking about it is exciting...

These days,

Smoker is pestered by naval scientists every day,

either giving lectures or answering questions, or drawing design drawings,

until everyone has a project in hand, then they stop pestering Smoker.

And Smoker finally has time to find Tina.

At this time, it has been seven days since the two separated...

When Smoker saw Tina, he was shocked.

"Tina, what happened to you?!"

At this time, Tina's fair face was full of haggardness,

dark circles under her eyes, messy hair, and her eyes looking at Smoker were a little dull.

She looked very much like before her sudden death in her previous life...

However, there were many more expensive jewelry on her neck, ears, and hands.

"Tina is fine, just a little tired and less sleep."

"The documents on this ship are too messy, it's just a pile of garbage..."

Smoker was distressed and sobbed.

"Or let's forget it and think of other ways."


Tina shook her head stubbornly.

"As her assistant, Tina can look through anything openly. We must not give up such a good opportunity..."

"Don't worry, it will be easy once Tina has dealt with the previous mess..."

It turned out that when Zane recruited Tina as an assistant, he initially just wanted to help him deal with documents and affairs a little bit, and didn't expect her to help too much.

But unexpectedly, Tina had an amazing talent in administration.

Everything she handled was arranged clearly, and it was more orderly than Zane's own handling.

Zane was very moved and quickly threw all the work to Tina,

and he became a hands-off shopkeeper.

Every day, she either practiced or sunbathed on the deck,

free and easy...

But Tina was miserable. She worked day and night for three days and finally dealt with the mess that Zane had accumulated.

But before she could catch her breath, Zane asked her to take over all the affairs on the ship instead of him.

The work of various departments on the ship, except for those military secrets, was all gathered on Tina's side.

Tina was stunned.

After this, what was the difference between her and the supreme commander except that she didn't have the title of major general and the authority to look through secrets? !

How could the other senior officials on the ship agree? !

But what she didn't expect was that

the "elites" of G2 heard about this,

not only were they not unhappy about the seizure of power, but they were so excited that they burst into tears.

That's great!

Major General Zane finally stopped tormenting them!!

Finally someone told them what to do, instead of scolding them when they were assigned tasks and beating them when they handed in tasks!

In this way, Tina "seized power" in a muddle...

In this way, Tina's actions were naturally much more convenient.

She could look through the information and check the personnel at will...

But the side effects were also obvious.

If the backlog of work on Zane's hands was garbage, then now she was equivalent to facing a garbage dump...

Just looking at the catalog, Tina was shocked


For four days, Tina barely slept, and finally she had some ideas sorted out...

Only then did she have time to see Smoker.

"Hiss..." Smoker took a breath.

"She's totally treating you like a cow..."

"Don't you hate this kind of boring administrative work the most?!"

Tina raised her gold-studded and diamond-studded hand and gently wiped the tears from her eyes.

"There's no way, she gave too much..."

Zen was in a good mood, and he would grab a handful of gold coins and a few pieces of jewelry for Tina at any time.

Or he would share his fine wine and cigarettes with her, which were all high-end goods that she couldn't afford even if she had money.

In just a few days, Tina saved up a box of gold coin jewelry.

With her military rank, she couldn't earn that much in a few years without eating or drinking...

Smoker sighed.

"Forget it, it's rare to have some free time, let's not talk about this for now, you should take a rest..."

Tina also felt her eyelids getting heavier and heavier.

"Okay, remember to call me in an hour, I have a meeting..."

After helping Tina to sleep, Smoker sat aside and smoked.

How did a good girlfriend become a social slave? ! !

But better than a social slave, at least Zane is really generous...

In this respect, he is a bit like Doflamingo.

Wait, Doflamingo... seems to have forgotten something.

What the hell? ! !

Diamandi! !

Has this guy been locked up for a week? ! !

There is no food or drink, no sound or light inside,

Is he starved to death? !

If he is not dead, he must be crazy, right? ! !

The Dark-Dark Fruit is not the Strong Castle Fruit, and the ability users can go in and check at will.

If Smoker wants to know the situation of Diamandi, he can only let him out.

However, there are many people on the ship, and Smoker dare not let him out easily.

If he is discovered, he will be finished.

Helplessly, he could only run around, prepare some food, drinks, newspapers, oil lamps, etc., and breathe them all into the darkness in one breath.

[I hope that with these things, that guy can last a few more days...]

[Don't die... The information in your stomach is very precious! ! ]

An hour passed quickly.

Tina slept and felt much better, so she said goodbye to Smoker and went back.

Because the work has been sorted out and is no longer a mess,

So in the following days, although Tina is still very busy, it is a world of difference from the beginning.

In addition to handling work, she even has time to practice with Zane.

In the training room, Tina and Zane are practicing,

It's more like Zane instructing Tina.

Zane stretched out his left hand, and the spikes shot at Tina like a machine gun.

Tina naturally would not expose her ability, but just used her body and reflex nerves to avoid attacks.

"Yes, the action just now was very beautiful!"

"Not only should you pay attention to the attack in front of you, but you should also learn to predict it!"

"When attacking, you should predict the opponent's dodge! When dodging, you should predict the enemy's attack!"

Although they have been together for a short time,

Zen likes this assistant more and more.

At a young age, his strength and ability are already remarkable.

Even in the headquarters, such an excellent soldier is rare!

I didn't expect that such a treasure would be replaced during the rotation...

Thinking of this, Zen smiled wickedly.

"Tina, come faster! Can you do it?!"

Tina stood still panting and replied with a stubborn look.

"Very good!"

Zen stretched out his hands, and the spikes tilted down like a rainstorm.

Tina gritted her teeth to dodge, but because of her lack of physical strength, her speed was much slower.

As time went on, scars began to appear on Tina's body.

Zen raised his eyebrows when he saw this, and not only did he not relax his attack, but he accelerated his attack.

As time went by, Tina became more and more tired, with more and more scars, gradually staining her uniform red.

At this time, she was unable to dodge, and could only use paper to carefully feel the weak airflow when the spike approached, and sway her body slightly to dodge.

Tina entered a mysterious state.

Although her vision was blurred, her perception of the attack became clearer, and even many invisible attacks were unconsciously dodged...

Zane in the distance was secretly surprised.

[Observation Haki? ! No, it has not awakened yet, but it has already taken shape...]

Zane was a little distracted, and unconsciously launched an attack without holding back.

Zane was horrified: "Not good!"

The speed of this spike was twice as fast, and it shot towards Tina's lower abdomen.

Seeing the tragedy happen, Tina's body tilted unconsciously,

The spike brushed past her waist, leaving only a hole in her clothes.

And this seemed to have exhausted all of Tina's strength. She closed her eyes and fell to the ground helplessly.



Zen rushed over and caught Tina.

Tina tried to open her eyes: "Major General Zen, I'm fine, just now that was..."

Zen's eyes lit up: "Congratulations, Tina, you have awakened the Observation Haki! That's an ability that even I am not proficient in!"

"Observation Haki?!" Tina's eyes lit up: "That's great..."

Zen smiled: "Silly girl, don't get excited yet, you are too tired, take a good rest first, and I will help you consolidate the results of your training later!!"

Tina nodded gratefully.

"Then please...Major General Zen!"

Soon, two medical soldiers came over with a stretcher and carried Tina away.

Zen smiled and sent them away.

When everyone left, the smile suddenly faded...

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