The two of them were in a mess, and the two of them were in a mess.

On the sassy Flamingo Pirate Ship.

Doflamingo sat alone in the conference room with a gloomy face.

Back then, he and the four top officers formed a pirate group together, and they have been together all the way to the present.

The relationship between him and the top officers has long transcended the relationship between superiors and subordinates, and they are treated as family members.

After years of fighting on the edge of a knife, although there have been casualties among the crew members and even the officers, the core members have always been there.

I didn't expect that one of them would be killed today!

In Doflamingo's eyes, this is no different from cutting off one of his arms!


He slowly got up, opened the safe in the corner of the room, and took out a Den Den Mushi from it.

This is a recording telephone bug, recording the conversation between himself and Zane.

Half a month ago.

The two people who originally had different positions completely fell out.

Doflamingo wanted to give this telephone bug to the navy at that time.

The reason why he kept it in his hand and didn't give it away was not because he changed his mind.

But he understood that with Zane's background and achievements, these things alone could not bring her down!

[How can I make it work the most? ]

While thinking, the door was slammed open again.

Doflamingo: (•́へ•́╬)


While saying this, he pulled out the five-colored thread.

Recently, Mingge has been a powder keg, and he can be ignited at any time.

In just these few days, he has found faults and killed several subordinates.

"Report to the young master, it's me!"

Doflamingo couldn't help but frown.

It turned out to be Senior.

Remembering that the last time this guy broke in, there was a reason. Doflamingo put away his thread and temper, and asked patiently: "What's wrong?!"

Senior said excitedly: "Master, it's the life card of Master Diamandi. It's moving again!"

Doflamingo: "What?!!"

Other cadres also rushed over after hearing the noise.

They were all shocked when they heard it.


What's going on? !

The cenotaph has been built, and the first seven days have passed. Now you tell me that he is not dead? !

Is this reasonable?

Is this appropriate!

Senior put the life card with only the corners left on the table, and sure enough, the paper began to move slowly.

"Fufufufu... Great, great!"

"Adjust the course and move at full speed according to the instructions!!"

After saying that, he looked at Senior with satisfaction.

When building a grave for Diamandi, everyone wanted to put the life card in it as his "body".

It was Senior who insisted on leaving this life card, despite angering the cadres...

Now it seems that he may have guessed the current situation!

Doflamingo looked at him with a flash of admiration in his eyes.

Loyal, strong, capable, and good vision.

It is a blessing to have such a subordinate...

He walked to the closet, took out a beautiful suit, and slapped it into Senior's arms.

"Thank you for your hard work, this one suits you better..."

Senior's eyes flashed with excitement: "Thank you, young master!"

"No, I should thank you. Thank you for saving my family! Fufufufufufu!"


The atmosphere in the interrogation room was extremely solemn.

A few minutes ago, Diamante was talking about the gossip of the North Sea.

The current Vice Admiral Sakaski, the former North Sea Admiral, was also a sultry man.

He had visited Happy Street in the past and ordered three at a time!

Although he was in disguise, that store happened to be the property of the Doflamingo family...

Smoker and Tina listened with relish,

Suddenly, a cold voice came from behind.

"You are so happy chatting, why don't you let me have some fun too?!"

The three were shocked. It turned out to be Zane? !

Zane stood in front of Smoker and the other three, his face was livid and his eyes were cold.

"Diamante, I didn't expect you to hide on my ship! What a good trick!"

She came late and didn't know that Diamante was captured.

She only heard the second half of Diamante talking to them about the plan tirelessly, thinking that the two were Diamante's subordinates.

She looked at Tina with a trace of pity and regret in her eyes.

"And you... I'm so disappointed!"

The Navy is a place where men are more powerful than women.

There are many strong men, but there are only a few strong women.

It's rare to meet someone who can catch your eye, but I didn't expect that she was a fake...

Although they didn't get along for a long time, she really admired Tina.

After all, Tina was young, and she was

Staring at her, he could not help but feel guilty when he remembered that she was really good to him.

Smoker took a step forward: "What a pity, Major General Zen, how did you find us?"

Zen smiled coldly: "You disguised well, your words and deeds, I really didn't see any flaws! But..."

She pointed at Tina: "Such an excellent marine, it is more than enough to enter the elite navy class, how could he be an unknown person?!"

"And... a warrant officer with no background actually knows domineering, isn't it too strange?!!"

"As long as you pay a little attention, do you think you can hide it from me?!"

Tina was secretly annoyed.

After awakening domineering, she was so excited that she forgot that she shouldn't know this power.

And she opened an interrogation room as soon as she was discharged from the hospital, which was just a step into the gun.

Smoker nodded: "I've learned your lesson. I really underestimated you... You are worthy of being the Spear of the North Sea!"

"Got it, just stay here! For the sake of our journey together, I can regard it as your surrender!!"

Zen said nicely, but he was merciless and shot out a dense field of thorns.

There were many and dense thorns shot at Smoker and Diamante, but fewer thorns shot at Tina...


Diamante was so weak at this time that she couldn't dodge at all. Fortunately, her cloak was still there, so she quickly stood it up and turned it into an iron shield.

There was no domineering energy attached to the thorns, so they couldn't pierce the iron shield.

After a series of ding-dong sounds, all the thorns were blocked.

Smoker didn't use the fruit, but easily avoided the spikes with shaving.

Zen was shocked,

Not only because Smoker learned to shave, but also because his speed was much faster than Tina.

[What's going on! Pirates can use shaving so skillfully? ! 】

If it was a surprise to Smoker, it was a complete shock to Tina.

Because they had trained together, Zane knew Tina's strength inside out.

According to her estimation, Tina could not dodge the attack just now even if she used her observation Haki.

This was indeed the case, and Tina's legs were shot.

But after being pierced by the thorns, it actually went straight through, leaving a few holes that healed instantly.

Zane was shocked.

"Nature system?!"

In the first half of the Grand Line,

As long as you don't meet the big guys who have nothing to do and fry fish, the nature system is absolutely invincible.

Zane's teeth were clattering.

How could such an excellent person become a pirate? ! !

However, this is very tricky.

Haki can indeed deal with the nature system, but it is by no means that simple.

People who have not practiced Haki well are still very dangerous when facing the nature system ability users.

In the navy, only vice admirals can use Haki skillfully.

This "skill" includes two aspects.

One is stable performance, which can turn Haki attacks into normal attacks.

The second is precise control, which can maintain stable output, rather than being weak after a burst.

As for ordinary major generals,

they are just beginning to learn the ropes, and their performance is very unstable.

Zane is very talented, and there is no problem using Haki to fight,

but now in such a small space, facing so many enemies, and there are natural ability users, no matter how cautious you are, it is not too much!

Fortunately, the opponent seems to be smoke, not magma or something like that...

Zane snorted coldly: "Don't think that the natural system can be invincible! There are many ways to deal with the natural system!!"

After that, he jumped out of the house and touched the wall of the interrogation room with his hand.

A row of spikes emerged, blocking the door tightly.

Then, countless tiny spikes suddenly grew on the walls, floor, and ceiling.

All the spikes fell down, layer upon layer, densely packed.

The whole room seemed to be covered with a layer of scales.

Then another layer of spikes appeared and fell down again.

One layer after another, and another layer after another...

In just a few breaths, dozens of layers of spikes and scales were stacked up.

The whole interrogation room became an airtight box.

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