The sea was full of smoke, and the sea was full of fire.

Smoker activated his ability, and a puff of black smoke came out of his body.

The darkness under his feet surged, and in an instant, it covered the beach.

This scene made Pica and Torrebol feel a little scalp numb.

Fortunately, the two had rich combat experience and decided to strike first.

"Mucus current!"

Torrebol sprayed mucus from his body, rolling towards Smoker like a tide.

For a while, darkness and mucus entangled together, and they seemed evenly matched.

Smoker was not in a hurry: "Dark acupoints!"

Suddenly, a strong gravitational force broke out in the darkness, instantly swallowing up the mucus.

Torrebol was horrified: "What?! My slime!!"

Pica melted half of his body into the earth and screamed: "Torre, get out of the way!"

A huge rock fist stretched out from the ground and hit Smoker hard.

Smoker was not in a hurry, and the dark acupuncture points increased the gravity.

The fist suddenly stopped in mid-air and then slammed heavily on the ground.

Pica was horrified and wanted to pull out his body.

But Smoker was faster.

"Dark Whip!"

A black whip hit the rock arm and instantly cut it in half.

This kind of cutting is not like a sword cutting, but erosion, and the place touched by the darkness disappears directly.

"Ah! ! My arm!!"

Pica screamed and rushed out of the ground covering his arm.

His arm was broken at the root, and blood spurted out like a tide.

The Stone-Stone Fruit allows Pica to swim in the rock and manipulate the rock freely.

When his body is completely hidden in the rock, smashing or chopping the rock is ineffective.

But when he is not completely integrated, as long as he attacks the active rock, his body can be damaged.

In the original plot, Zoro used this method and chopped him with a wind of troubles, causing him to spit blood.

Just now when Smoker attacked the rock arm,

he neither completely integrated into the rock nor pulled back his body in time,

so the arm received the same damage and was cut off together.

Torrebol was horrified: "Pica!"

He quickly sprayed mucus to plug his wound and barely helped him stop the bleeding.

"Asshole, who are you?!"

Pica's voice trembled with fear and pain.

Smoker naturally didn't bother to pay attention to them, but just said coldly: "Your fruit is good, you can accept it!"

"Dark water!"

Pica and Torrebol only felt a huge suction force, and their bodies rushed towards Smoker uncontrollably.

"Pica, be careful!"

Torrebol released a ball of mucus, sticking Pica firmly to the ground.

He flew in front of Smoker and was knocked unconscious by a slap.

Smoker pinched Torrebol's neck with his elemental palm, and his fruit ability disappeared instantly. The mucus on his body slid off, revealing a skinny figure and a box.

Torrebol was actually very thin, but the surface of his body was covered with thick mucus, so he looked bloated.

Seeing the box, Smoker's eyes lit up.

This guy is the highest cadre, and the things that need him to keep close to him must be extraordinary.

Smoker hurriedly sucked Torrebol and the box into his body.

At the same time, the mucus that stuck to Pica also disappeared.

While Smoker was distracted by looking at the box, Pica hurriedly drilled into the ground.


Smoker was stunned and hurriedly increased the gravity to pull him out.

Unfortunately, the ground blocked the gravity. Although the earth was torn apart, Pica still escaped.

[I was careless and was tricked by him! ]

[What a pity, the Stone-Stone Fruit is still very good. ]

[I just didn't expect that diving underground could get rid of the shackles of the Dark-Dark Fruit...]

Smoker vaguely discovered a blind spot of the Dark-Dark Fruit.

However, there is no time to be upset now, there are more important things at the moment...

Smoker set his sights on Doflamingo's pirate ship.

"Humph, even if I can't catch Pica, at least I have to collect some interest!"

Smoker came to Doflamingo's pirate ship and directly used gravity to pull the ship ashore.

Those crew members tried desperately to control the ship to escape, but it was in vain.

The smarter ones jumped into the sea directly, and Smoker didn't bother to pay attention.

The stupider ones were dragged in front of Smoker along with the ship.

Smoker didn't bother to care about the lives of these minions, and directly dragged them into the darkness with the ship.

Doflamingo never dreamed that his home was robbed...

Tina's side.

She was staring at the cadres.

The cadres were concerned about Diamante's life and death and did not dare to act rashly.


A stone wall rose between Tina and Diamante, trying to separate the two.

Tina reacted very quickly and drew her sword to chop Diamante's head.

But she was still a step too slow, and the saber was knocked off by the stone wall, leaving only a wound on Diamante's forehead.

Then seven or eight stone spikes emerged from the ground, stabbing Tina into a hedgehog.

The other cadres were overjoyed: "Lord Pica!"

Gladius still felt unsatisfied,

He touched the ground and activated his ability, and the stone spikes that stabbed Tina suddenly exploded, blowing Tina into pieces.

Gladius' eyes showed a touch of joy.

"Stupid woman, this is the end of going against the Doflamingo family!"

But before he could finish,

a white smoke suddenly condensed in front of him and turned into Tina again.


Gladius was shocked.

Before he could react, he was punched away by Tina.

After so much training, Tina's fist is as powerful as a hammer.

Gladius was beaten so hard that he spit out blood and fell heavily to the ground.

He struggled to get up, holding his chest, with a look of horror on his face: "Damn it! Be careful, this woman is a natural type!!"

"Master Pica, take Master Diamante away first, leave this to us!!"

Pica glanced at Smoker's direction with some fear, and said nothing, just screamed: "Be careful!!"

Then he used his ability to drag Diamante into the ground.

From beginning to end, he didn't tell a few people that

he and Trebol were defeated, and he escaped with his life!

In the Doflamingo family, subordinates must unconditionally devote their lives to their superiors.

In Pica's eyes, only Doflamingo and several other top cadres are companions.

As for these people, their life or death is not important.

If they can be used to delay for a while, it can be regarded as making the best use of them!

At this time, several other cadres also took action.

"One hundred thousand tons of pressure!"

Mahabais jumped high and hit Tina hard.

Tina easily dodged with elemental transformation. Just as she was about to counterattack, she suddenly felt something in her heart and quickly raised her hand to block, blocking a sneak attack.

This was so powerful that Tina was pushed several meters away by the huge force.

Tina looked up and saw a sturdy old man.

"Don't think you can be arrogant just because you are a natural system. I can also use domineering!"

"Take it, Di Weng Fist!"

Lao G rushed towards Tina, made a G with both hands, and the attack poured down like a rainstorm.

Tina did not dare to be careless and quickly took action to resist.

The two of them went back and forth, and it was difficult to tell them apart for a while.

[Such strong power and speed, is this old man Lao G? 】

Tina suddenly jumped up: "If you think I'm the kind of loser who only relies on the fruit, you're wrong!"

"Rain Legs·Rain!"

The wind blades like a rainstorm tilted down, and Lao G and others hurriedly dodged.

From the actions and dodging of several people, Tina has seen that only Lao G can use Haki.

This is good, she doesn't have to worry about others, and can concentrate on dealing with Lao G.


Tina's figure disappeared in the air, and the next moment she appeared in front of Lao G,

She threw a punch, but was blocked by Lao G's backhand.

And Lao G's random punch attack was perfectly avoided by Tina with her observation Haki.

The two sides fought back and forth, and they were fighting hard.

Of course, others would not be idle either.

Gladius, Mahbais, and Seniole also all joined the battle.

Although they could not use Haki and could not cause any damage, they could at least contain one or two.

But the price was that they all got slapped more or less.

After fighting for a while,

Tina found the right time and punched Lao G in the face.

Lao G's body tilted, but he did not fall down. Instead, he grabbed her wrist tightly.

"Little girl, you are very fast."

"It's a pity that the attack is not strong enough. It's futile in front of my Armament Haki, G!!"

Tina frowned, then sneered: "Tina knows her weaknesses better than you! Since you are so confident, take another punch!"

After that, she raised her other fist and hit Lao G's face hard.

Lao G did not dodge, covered his face with Armament Haki, and prepared to take it hard.

"It's a waste of effort..."

Before she finished speaking, there was a violent explosion, and Lao G was blown away directly.

Lao G raised his body with difficulty, bleeding from his mouth and nose, and said in a trembling voice: "What kind of move is this G?!"

Tina sneered and raised her milky white fist.

Lao G muttered: "Elementalization?!"

"This is not simply elementalization, but compressed smoke, which is released instantly when attacking! This will cause an explosion."

"How is it? This punch is quite good!"

This is a move designed by Smoker

, inspired by Tyrant Bear's compressed air Bear Shock.

Although not as strong as Bear Shock, the pre-swing is not that long and can be cast almost instantly.

This move can effectively make up for the disadvantage of low physical damage of the Smoke Fruit.

"So that's it G... What a genius move!"

Rao G stood up tremblingly and got ready again.

"But I am a cadre of the Doflamingo family and I will not give up so easily G!"

Suddenly, Smoker fell from the sky.

He stepped on Rao G's head into the mud.

In terms of physique, Smoker is much stronger than Tina.

Rao G screamed and was directly stepped to death.


Tina was surprised and happy.

Gladius, Mahabais and Senio were pale.

It turned out that Lord Pica did not come here to defeat the enemy, but was chased here.


Senior reacted the fastest, diving into the ground and swimming away.

Smoker frowned slightly, but did not try to stop him.

He had just tried it, the ground would block gravity,

And he was just a small character, so he could just run away.

But Gladius and Mahbais were not so lucky.

Facing Smoker and Tina, they lasted less than a minute before they were both thrown into the darkness.

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