Smoker flew with the Moon Step.

Suddenly, white smoke was seen rising not far away.

This was Tina using her observation Haki to sense Smoker coming over and using her ability to summon him.

Following the instructions, Smoker landed on the beach.

At this time, Zane was lying on the beach, looking pale, and Tina was guarding her.

Seeing Smoker land, Tina hurried forward to check the scratch on his chest.

"Smoker, how are you?"

"Did you block that for us?"

Her tone was full of self-blame and heartache.

Smoker didn't care.

This injury was nothing.

He wanted to save more and absorb it all at once.

Unexpectedly, Doflamingo was already at the end of his strength and knelt down so quickly.

Smoker squeezed Tina's hand.

"Don't worry, you know my ability. As long as I'm not dead, I won't die."

Tina: "Uh..."

After that, Smoker used his ability to absorb all the damage, and then the two came to Zane together.

Zane was lying on the ground, covered with scars,

Especially the wound on his arm, although it had been bandaged, it was still oozing blood.

The original blue and white military uniform had been stained with blood for most of the time,

Because of excessive blood loss, her face was pale and she had fallen into a coma.

Smoker sighed: "Speaking of which, her condition is more worrying!"

"Or, you can also help Major General Zane to treat it..."

Smoker pondered slightly, his expression a little hesitant.

"Although she fought with Doflamingo, it can be confirmed that the two sides are enemies rather than friends."

"But I don't know what their relationship was before, how far their cooperation has gone, and whether the problem is serious..."

"Now she is cooperating with us because we have a common enemy, Doflamingo."

"What if we cure her and she turns against us and grabs the evidence? We can't help but be prepared..."

Tina looked at Zane and held her cold hand.

"Anyway, Major General Zane has always taken good care of Tina, and Tina can't stand by and watch."

"Smoker, please save her..."

Tina begged softly, and Smoker couldn't resist.

He immediately released the darkness to heal Zane.

After a long time, the darkness slowly retreated, and Smoker breathed a sigh of relief.

[This guy has a serious injury...]

[This guy has a tough temper. To put it nicely, he is resolute, to put it bluntly, he is reckless...]

After treatment, the injuries on Zayn's body have disappeared,

but she is still sleeping with her eyes closed, and her face is still a little pale.

"I have absorbed her "injury" and "pain."

"However, she lost too much blood before and her body is still very tired. I guess she needs to sleep more..."

[Compared to using abilities, it is better to recover naturally. At least the mental burden is not that great. ]

[And I can save some trouble! ]

Tina nodded: "This is already very good..."

Smoker got up and walked out.

"The town on this island is quite far from here. Zane can't stand the torment. Let's just stay here tonight!"

"You stay with her, I'll go out and clean up!"

Smoker came to the beach. As darkness filled the beach, the pink flamingo ship was thrown out, and dozens of pirates on the ship fell onto the deck together.

They were suddenly trapped and suddenly appeared again, all with surprised and dazed faces.

But before they could figure out the situation, Smoker took action.

He knocked them all down in a few breaths.

Then, many transparent balls appeared in Smoker's hands, which were the pain accumulated before.

He threw the balls at the pirates, and there was a ghost howling on the ship.

When the ship returned to silence, the pirates were already dying.

Seeing this, Smoker nodded with satisfaction and stuffed them back into the darkness.

According to his previous behavior, these pirates were just dregs, with only two outcomes:

Those with bounties were sent back to the base, and those without bounties were thrown directly into the sea to feed the fish.

But now, Doflamingo's slave trade gave him a lot of inspiration.

Slavery is the most corrupt system in the pirate world, no doubt about it.

As a time traveler, Smoker naturally hates it.

However, he knows very well that

No matter the productivity of the pirate world or his own strength and status, he is powerless to change this system.

This is tragic.

Smoker thought for a long time and suddenly realized it.

Since he is powerless to eliminate it, then join them.


Directly utilize the pirate waste and sell them as slaves to fill the market gap!

In the pirate world, bounties represent a threat to the government.

Therefore, the threshold for becoming a bounty criminal is very high.

Although the crimes of the pirate group will be counted on the captain and cadres, many pirates have also killed many people.

It’s just that the government does not take these guys seriously, so there is no bounty, which gives them the opportunity to slip through the net.

In the past, Smoker’s judgment criteria were very simple and crude.

Regardless of whether there is a bounty, as long as they stay on the ship for half a year, they will be killed.

Now think about it, it’s really a bit of a waste.

Why not sell them as slaves? !

For most pirates, given their crimes, it’s too cheap to kill them directly.

It’s better to sell them as slaves directly,

Let them die slowly in slavery and torture day after day.

Compared with ordinary people, pirates are undoubtedly more physically fit and more competitive!

One more evil pirate slave means one less innocent civilian slave.

If that's the case, why not do it? !

And you can make a fortune by the way...

Can a just thing be called a fortune? !

After dealing with the pirates, Smoker cleaned up a few rooms and the three of them settled down.

Zane slept until the next day.

If she hadn't given a special order that no one was allowed to come to find her, I'm afraid the warship would have come long ago...

Zane's eyelids moved and slowly opened his eyes.

He sat up suddenly the next second.

He looked around first, then hurriedly checked his body, especially his arms.

When he found that all the wounds had disappeared, he showed an incredible expression.

At this time, Smoker and Tina heard the noise and walked in.

Tina stepped forward a few steps.

"Major General Zane, are you okay?!"

Zane nodded and asked, "Where is this?! Where is Doflamingo?!"

Smoker lit up a cigarette and took a deep breath.

"This is Doflamingo's pirate ship, which I seized."

"That guy escaped, and only a few cadres and crew members were captured."

"Is that so..." Zane nodded, breathed a sigh of relief, and then hurriedly asked, "Where is the thing we are looking for?!"

"I have found what I am looking for!"

"As for what you want, it should be on this ship, because you are still sleeping, we did not search the ship without authorization!"

Zane heard it and hurriedly struggled to get up.

"Then what are you waiting for?! Go find it quickly!!"

For her, the recording telephone bug was a death warrant.

If she didn't destroy it in a minute, she would not feel at ease for a minute.

Zane staggered towards the captain's room.

Before, Diamandi had explained the location of the recording telephone bug,

Smoker did not hide it and told Zane directly.

Zane glanced around the room, came to the corner, removed a wall panel, and revealed a safe.

Opening it, there were a lot of things inside.

Confidential documents, deeds, contracts, maps, telephone bugs...

It was obvious that Doflamingo had spent many years of hard work.

At this time, Smoker and Tina also came in.

Zane didn't care about the two of them, and searched by himself, and soon found the recording telephone bug.

Because Zane's name was marked in detail on the telephone bug.

Zane's face was livid, and he gritted his teeth and clicked on the telephone bug.

The telephone bug suddenly opened its eyes and began to play the recording intermittently.

"...The forces in the North Sea are too complicated... We... want to dominate the North Sea..."

"... This money... is just the first batch... As long as we continue to cooperate, the benefits will be greater..."

"... I can also promise you that I will not invade your country in the future... Please consider it!"

"... Colonel Zane, happy cooperation! Click"

The recording ends.

Smoker and Tina looked at Zane with strange expressions, secretly on guard in their hearts.

Although the conversation was unclear and incomplete,

But from the meaning, these two people cooperated quite deeply!

Zane was angry and anxious, his silver teeth clattered, and he was full of grievances.

Doflamingo, this bastard, deliberately made the signal unclear, so that the content of the conversation was cut off.

Originally, the two sides discussed the elimination of underground forces, but now it has become a conspiracy to rule the North Sea.

If this recording falls into the hands of the Navy Headquarters, even if it cannot be used to convict, it will be enough to make him sit on the bench for the rest of his life!

However, her expression soon relaxed.

This is a special recording Den Den Mushi that can store recordings permanently, but cannot be copied.

In other words, the recording in front of you is unique!

Seeing Smoker looking at the Den Den Mushi, Zane

His heart tightened, and he grabbed the recording phone bug.

"Thank you so much this time!"

"But, don't worry about this phone bug, just let me handle it!"

The recording phone bug is a special type of phone bug,

It has extremely strong vitality and defense, and it is difficult to kill it with ordinary means,

So, Zane has to take it back and deal with it properly.

Smoker narrowed his eyes slightly.

The task assigned by Kaji is to investigate Zane.

This phone bug is an important physical evidence!

Smoker took a deep puff of cigarette, threw the cigarette butt on the ground and stomped it out, and said indifferently: "Major General Zane, such an important recording, you just play it in front of us, aren't you afraid that we will report you?"

Zane tightened his grip on the phone bug, and his eyes became dangerous.

"You heard it, I can't do anything. But as long as I'm alive, no one will hear these recordings!"

"But, I heard it."

"You heard a bird..."

Suddenly, Zane realized that the sound was wrong, and the whole person froze.

She mechanically turned her head towards the door.

A tall and burly figure was looking at her with a half-smile.

"Eh?!!!" Zane's eyes almost popped out and he couldn't speak.

"Zezeze... Mr. Zefa?!!!"

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