The more you eat, the more you eat.

Tina moved quickly.

After a while, she brought a large basket with a lot of fruits in it.

Smoker looked at it,

Bananas, apples, pineapples, melons, pears...

Yes, these are the shapes of devil fruits.

As for the sugar cane... leave it alone for now!

"Smoker, what do you want to do with so many fruits?!"

Although Smoker has trained to become a big eater,

but these big eaters are interested in meat, and fruits are just a sip.

Smoker put his arm around Tina's shoulders.

"I want to do an experiment, a great experiment, if it succeeds... hehe!"

【If it succeeds, I won't have to worry about devil fruits for the rest of my life! 】

Tina was about to open her mouth when the door was kicked open.

Seeing the person coming, Tina jumped out of Smoker's arms as if she had received an electric shock,

Smoker looked at him with his eyes blazing with fire.

But when he saw the appearance of the person coming, he was stunned.

Who is this person?

He was skinny, wearing dirty clothes, with thick dust on his face, and a section of his long beard was burned off.

The person saw Smoker and his eyes lit up: "Smoker, I have been looking for you these days!!"

Smoker was shocked: "Dr. Aubrey?!"

How come you have become like this after just a few days of not seeing each other? !

At this time, Aubrey was excited, and did not disturb the couple's consciousness at all, and grabbed Smoker's hand.

"Smoker, it worked!!!"

Smoker was a little puzzled.

"What are you talking about? What's successful?!"

"Everything is successful! You talked a lot to everyone before, and everyone's crazy research has produced results!!"

"What?!" Smoker was a little dumbfounded.

He remembered that he was drunk and boasted to these scientists about the gun technology in his previous life.

But when he talked about it, it was not systematic or detailed.

These guys just did it based on their drunken talk? !

In fact, for these scientists,

knowing the direction and knowing the goal is half the success.

Aubrey held Smoker's hand and chattered non-stop.

"You're right. After the gunpowder is granulated, its power and combustion have been significantly improved!"

"And there are shells! The power of conical shells is much stronger than that of round shrapnel shells. We also added some alloys, and the performance is even better..."

"And there is that AK47 you mentioned..."

"Forget it, forget it, I won't say it anymore. Today is a good time for test firing. Come with me to see it!"

After that, he pulled Smoker towards the laboratory.

"Hey... Hey... Slow down!"

Smoker didn't know where the old man got so much strength.

He didn't dare to pull him hard and hurt him. He could only look at the basket of fruits reluctantly,

Then he was dragged away reluctantly...

On the deck.

All the test items were neatly stacked.

A heavy artillery, a group of conical shells, and a group of round shells.

Two guns, several magazines, filled with bullets.

Several scientists and marines were busy.

Smoker picked up the gun and looked it up and down.

At least in terms of overall appearance and structure, it is 70% similar to the AK47 in his previous life.

Touching the gun body and butt, it was polished very smoothly, and all the parts fit tightly together.

Smoker couldn't help but admire: "It's incredible that we have achieved results in such a short time..."

Aubrey said complacently: "Of course, don't underestimate our gun department!"

But then he sighed.

"However, this is also thanks to the ability of the shaping fruit we have here."

"He can shape any object into the desired shape, so the progress is so fast."

"But she can only solve the problem of samples. If we want to achieve mass production, there is still a long way to go."

Smoker smiled slightly.

"Everything is difficult at the beginning, at least we have taken the first step!"

After hearing this, Aubrey also swept away his previous worries.

"That's right, hahaha, the progress of technology is unstoppable!"

The next step is test firing.

First, he fired a few shots at the sea, and then he used his gun to shoot at a row of targets.

Aubrey was holding the experimental record, surrounded by a group of scientists, all with jubilant expressions.

Suddenly, a big hand reached out and snatched the experimental record.

The scientists glared at him.

Who is this? How dare you delay our experiment with such a low quality? Do you believe me and tell the leader about it?


But when they saw the identity of the people, they were instantly silent.

It turned out to be Zefa and Sakaski.

Just now, Smoker saw that the effect was good, so he asked people to invite Zefa and Sakaski.

It's rare to have a general and a vice general here, so I have to show them.

As long as they are satisfied,

won't the research funds in the future be pouring in~

Zef looked at the experimental results,

although his face was calm, his fingers were trembling slightly.

What did I see? !

Conical shells, the power is unknown, but the range is increased by one third.

New automatic rifles, the rate of fire increased by 10 times? !

(Bolt rifles generally have 20-30 rounds/minute, automatic rifles generally have 600-800 rounds/minute, excluding the time to change magazines, the difference is about ten times.)

This is a good thing that can directly improve the navy's foundation! !

As a senior naval official,

he knows the current situation of the navy very well.

With Roger's shout, the Great Pirate Era began.

Pirates from all over the world emerged in endlessly like leeks, making the Navy particularly uncomfortable.

But what's more terrible is that

Young people who were supposed to join the Navy all became pirates for "freedom" and "dreams".

As one thing went up, the other went down,

The Navy began to gradually feel that the successors were weak.

Now the Navy basically has three generations.

The first generation is my generation, which can be said to be full of talents.

Not only are there three top combat forces, Garp, Sengoku and myself, but also Crane, a super capable think tank.

The second generation is Sakaski and others, which can be regarded as successors.

Although Garp's son ran away, the remaining three little monsters have the potential to be admirals.

There are also young generals headed by Kake and Gion, who are also capable of fighting.

However, in the third generation,

because of the entry into the Great Pirate Era, the situation took a sharp turn for the worse!

The quality of the newcomers in the navy has seriously declined.

Except for Smoker and Tina in front of them,

I haven't met any amazing talents in these years!

Zeff has been worried about this.

The current strength positioning of the navy is very awkward.

It can crush any pirate group, but it can't suppress the whole field!

This leads to a result.

Once the navy is too strong, the pirates who were originally fighting on their own will huddle together for warmth, which will lead to the escalation of the war.

This is an unbreakable knot.

Unless there are more than a dozen admirals in the navy at once, they will directly kill through the new world.

Otherwise, it will be in vain.

Because of the destruction of the war, many people are homeless and have become pirates again...

But the research results this time are different.

Although there is no threat to the pirates in the new world,

It can quickly wipe out the pirates in the four seas and paradise.

Over time, the pirates in the new world will not be replenished and will naturally weaken slowly.

It's like a big tree.

Although it can't be cut directly, you can pour boiling water on it every day...

Seeing Zefa appear,

Dr. Aubrey was overjoyed, and his beard trembled.

"General Zefa! Why are you here too?!"

He has been in the laboratory these days, and he doesn't know what's happening outside.

"Long time no see, Aubrey!"

Zefah smiled: "I have retired as general a long time ago, and now I am just an old man in the second line."

Dr. Aubrey shook his head quickly.

"How can that be! In my heart, you will always be the general!"

"If you hadn't opposed the opposition, the scientific corps would have been cancelled long ago. You are the great benefactor of our entire scientific corps!"

Smoker was stunned.

Zefah and the science and technology corps have such a deep connection?

That's right, there are many disabled people in the navy, but only Zefa got the crusher.

I originally thought it was a benefit obtained by relying on the status of a general,

Now it seems that it may not be the case...

Zeff watched another round of test firing,

even used himself as a target, and was hit by shells and bullets,

only then did he leave with Sakaski contentedly.

On the way, he suddenly asked: "Sakaski, what do you think of Smoker?!!"

Sakaski pondered for a moment: "He is both civil and military, a versatile person..."

Zeff nodded with a wry smile: "Yeah... What a troublesome kid!"

"I haven't been rewarded for my last achievement, and now I have made another great achievement. I don't know what to do!"

"Forget it, leave it to Zhan Guo and He, they are smart..."

"Also, Sakaski, what did you and Zen think about the last matter?!"

Sakaski looked at Zeeff with a firm look in his eyes.

"Surely obey orders!!"


After he took Tina back,

he first put a big lock outside, and then used the elemental transformation to get back into the house through the crack in the door.


A bunch of fruits, smiling evilly.

"This time, even if the Five Elders come, don't even think about asking me to open the door!"


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