The enemy was in a hurry.

In the distance, Nit Orr turned into a black shadow and passed by a pirate ship like lightning.

Seven or eight pirates had not reacted yet, and they were scratched with several deep scars on their bodies, and blood spurted out instantly, leaving only a shrill wail.

The other pirates were shocked and hurriedly surrounded them.

"What's going on?!"

"What happened!!"

Suddenly, several black balls the size of walnuts fell on the deck and rolled everywhere.

The pirates were confused: "What is this?!"

Suddenly, the black ball exploded with a "boom", and violent flames and countless small steel balls scattered.

There was a sudden howl of ghosts and wolves on the deck, and flames were also burning on the sails on the deck.

The pirates reacted and shouted loudly while putting out the fire.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

"The enemy is in the sky, be alert!!"

Some pirates took out their guns and shot into the sky, but they were all dodged by Or.

These black balls are the new bombs of the navy.

In recent years, Smoker has become more and more familiar with the people in the technology force.

He has given scientists a lot of ideas.

In return, scientists will give Smoker first after they develop new weapons.

These bombs are Smoker's little ideas.

After the explosion, there are not only shock waves and flames, but also countless tiny steel balls and nails.

Smoker specially equipped Or with this kind of bomb.

After all, no one can resist the temptation of strategic bombers...

Nite Or hovered in the air, looking at his eyes shining.

[He is really worthy of being Colonel Smoker. He can even get such a great bomb! ! 】

【With these bombs, I am also the main force!! 】

【Oh, and there is this gun...】

He took out a gun from his back, which was equipped with a large magazine.

【It seems to be called a light machine gun... The implementation effect!! 】

Nite Orr swooped down again, with a clattering fire on his body, and he attacked the pirate ship.

"From this point of view... it won't be a problem to delay for an hour!"

Not far away, on the flagship of the Fang Pirates.

Bend looked at Orr with a gloomy face, and the deputy captain Mocha stood beside him.

"Captain, the lookout has verified that there is only one person! Let me deal with him!"

Bend didn't care about the life and death of the crew below.

"Don't be in a hurry. You need to be patient enough to deal with birds out of range..."

"Such intensive attacks and such high-speed movement will make him tired even if he is a bird. Then he can attack..."

He looked at the pirates wailing on the ship and raised his lips.

"Didn't I bring these minions to deal with this situation?"


In the distance, the warship was sailing at full speed.

Smoker held a cigar in his mouth and frowned at the sea.

At this time, Tina came forward.

"Smoker, I have talked to Mr. Zefa. He will come to meet us as soon as possible!"

Coincidentally, Zefa took the next elite expansion class out to sea and happened to be nearby.

Hearing about what happened here, he hurried over first.

"Well... report your position to Mr. Zefa at any time."

His face did not relax at all.

The problem now is not the lack of combat power.

Tina can defeat the entire Fang Pirates alone.

The problem now is that it is too far to reach.

Even if Zefa comes, it may be useless...

[Or, you have to hold on...]

"Colonel Smoker, Colonel Smoker..."

A soldier rushed over.

"Report! Lieutenant Colonel Or has made contact with the enemy and successfully slowed down the enemy's pace."

"According to the current situation, we can catch up with the pirates before they land on the island!"

"Good job!"

Smoker slapped the railing of the boat and finally smiled, and Tina also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Go full speed ahead, don't waste the opportunity created by Or!!"



At this time, another navy ran over.

He held a piece of paper in his hand, and his face was extremely ugly.

"Colonel Smoker, this is the encrypted command from Teacher Zefa..."

"Encrypted command?!"

Smoker's face changed.

Navy communications are divided into different levels of confidentiality.

Ordinary commands do not need to be encrypted at all.

Similarly, any encrypted command is of great importance, even to the life and death of a country.

In the main storyline,

On Feiyan Island, the message that Kra sent to Luo was an encrypted command.

It just happened to fall into Vergo's hands.

"Give it to me!"

Smoker snatched the order and looked at it.

What's so important? !

Is there something wrong with the monsters in the new world? !

Or is there unrest in a country? !

Or is there a world-destroying natural disaster somewhere? !

But when he saw the content of the note, his expression suddenly became strange.

First nervous, then stunned, and finally angry.

"Asshole, what a joke!"

"Or is risking his life to hold back the Fang Pirates!"

"Tens of thousands of residents on Pumisoma Island are in danger!"

"Now just for this kind of thing, let us stay on standby for three hours?!"

Tina had just seen the secret order, her face full of disbelief, but also full of fear and confusion.

"But... that is God after all..."

Dozens of miles away.

There is an unbelievably luxurious ship.

On the boat, an old man wearing a tight white shirt and a transparent hood was kicking a slave in a rage.

The slave curled up on the ground, covered with wounds and tattered clothes, and dared not say a word even if his head was bleeding.

"Damn slave! Useless trash!"

"Wandering around, it affects my view!"

The old man still felt unsatisfied after beating for a while, so he took out a golden pistol and fired a few shots.


The slave on the ground shook violently and exhaled the last breath of his life,

but his blurred and numb eyes revealed a trace of relief.

The old man put away the gun and shouted to the side.

"Throw this thing out, and bring me a stronger slave!"

"Really, they are all trash!"

"Yes, Saint Bancroft!"

A man in black with sunglasses walked out of the shadows,

He first threw the slave's body into the sea like garbage, and then brought a new slave.

Bancroft sat on the slave's back again.

This slave was very strong, and no matter how he moved, he dared not move at all.

The old man nodded with satisfaction, and his face looked much better.

"Ger, tell me, who am I?!"

"You are the descendant of the twenty kings who founded the World Government, Saint Izambaron Bancroft from the great Izambaron family!"

The old man was the world's noble Celestial Dragon.

The man in black was Guernica, the CP agent who served him.

After hearing Guernica's answer, Bancroft nodded with satisfaction.

"Well said, Ger, very well said!"

"The lowly people in the lower world only need to serve God, and do not need other thoughts... just like him!"

After saying that, he kicked the slave's head hard, and the sharp heel brought a wound, and blood gushed out instantly.

But the slaves could only grit their teeth and dared not move, not even to groan or even to show a painful expression.

Guernica bowed slightly and said, "You are right!"

"There will be no more eyesores along the way, right?!"

Bancroft hated other ships in his sight.

He just encountered a small fishing boat and sank it directly.

The last slave was killed because of the bombardment.

"Report to Saint Bancroft."

"We have completely cleared this sea area. Whether it is a pirate ship or a fishing boat, it will sink to the bottom of the sea. It will not affect your mood."

"There are two warships in the distance. We have asked them to stay on the spot!"

"Look, is this arrangement okay?!"


Bancroft suddenly drew out his knife and slashed Guernica's face with his backhand.

Guernica's face was cut with a big cut, and his left eye was also cut.

"My Lord!"

Guernica knelt on the ground quickly.

After years of domestication, they had no negative emotions when facing the Celestial Dragons.

Bancroft sheathed his knife.

"If you think I should be satisfied, then why ask me."

"If you think I should be dissatisfied, then who gave you the courage to neglect God?!"

Guernica: "You are teaching me that I lost my temper!"

"The front has been cleared, and I guarantee with my life that there will be no mistakes!"

"Hmph, I won't do it again!"

"Yes, thank you for your gift!"

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