The warship quickly caught up with the Celestial Dragons' ship.

Zeffa stood up: "Smoker, come with me to see the Celestial Dragons!"

Smoker looked disgusted.

"What? Do I have to go too? You are a general, isn't it enough for you to go?!"

Smoker's forehead was bulging with veins.

"Stop talking nonsense! There will be many opportunities to see these guys in the future, do you want to hide forever?"

Young man, do you still want to make progress...

Smoker couldn't resist Zephyr, and was finally dragged over.

When he boarded the Celestial Dragons' ship, he felt that it was not a ship, but a mobile palace.

Everywhere was magnificent, and there was luxury and debauchery everywhere.

In those days, only the captain's room of Zane's ship was exaggerated. This ship was full of luxury from inside to outside.

Under the leadership of CP, the two came to the room of the Celestial Dragon.

As soon as they entered the door, they heard shouting and trampling.

"Waste!! What a waste!!"

"I actually felt the bumps!"

The slave who was replaced a few days ago fell to the ground.

Bancroft roared hysterically and stepped on his head hard.

Although he was stronger,

but every time he carried the Celestial Dragon around and didn't have enough food,

he finally ran out of strength and accidentally shook a little, which made the other party furious.

At this time, the slave could only lie on the ground and shiver,

neither daring to cry nor screaming.

Next to him was a beautiful woman with a sexy figure and cool clothes, holding wine and food, standing aside with a smile on her face.

As if everything that happened here had nothing to do with her.

But if you look closely, her eyes are full of dead silence, like a walking corpse.

Smoker, Zephyr: "..."

After a while, Bancroft seemed to be tired of fighting, and took out a pistol and shot the slave in the head.

The beautiful woman next to him heard the gunshot, and seemed to think of something. She suddenly turned pale and shook unconsciously.

Bancroft frowned and shot her dead with a backhand shot.

"Get rid of it!"


Several agents and servants walked out of the secret door next to them, and cleaned up the corpses and bloodstains on the ground with ease, and then retreated.

Only Guernica stayed.

Bancroft sat down on the soft couch, picked up the wine and drank it all.

"Black Wrist, I heard that the warship was going to act without authorization just now? Is the navy going to disobey God's order?"

The Celestial Dragons speak and act like idiots.

But when it comes to bossing people around and accusing them of something, they are all gifted, as if this skill runs in their blood.

Facing the Celestial Dragons, Zephyr had to bow his head.

"Respected Saint Bancroft, although I don't know where you got the rumor from, I assure you that it is not true!"

"Are you questioning me?!"

"I dare not..."

"I dare not?! What is there to be afraid of? ! ! Your navy is really getting more and more presumptuous!!"

"Instead of serving me, you are going to chase pirates! Do you still have me in your eyes?!"

Zeffer's fists hardened, but his tone remained calm.

"Saint Bancroft, please listen to my explanation!"

"I won't listen!"

Bancroft took out a gun and pointed it at Zephyr: "You just need to answer immediately, for your navy, which is more important, serving me or chasing pirates!!"

"Of course it's chasing pirates!!!"

Smoker's words were shocking, and everyone looked at him.

Bancroft: "?!!!"

Zeff: "?!!!"

Bancroft trembled all over, stared at Smoker with wide eyes.

"Disrespectful...disrespectful! What did you say?!!!"

Guernica also took a step forward, his body covered with domineering aura, like a vicious dog ready to attack.

"I said we should go after the pirates!"

Smoker's eyes were like lightning, and he was in awe.

Suddenly, he pointed at Guernica and shouted: "What do you think the Celestial Dragons are?!!!"

"Uh? Ah?!"

The incident happened suddenly, and Guernica's brain crashed instantly, and he didn't know how to answer for a while.

Without waiting for him to speak, Smoker waved his hand.

"The Celestial Dragons! They are the masters of this world, the gods of this world!!"

"Protecting the lives of the Celestial Dragons and maintaining their dignity is the highest mission of the Navy!!"

Zeff: "?!!!"

Guernica: "?!!!"

Bancroft's eyes were shining.

"Hmm? Keep talking!"

"Yes, Saint Bancroft!" Smoker continued: "Humble

It is blasphemy for the lowly pirates to approach God! ! "

"Whether they know it or not, and no matter what their purpose is, appearing on the island where the Celestial Dragons are about to set foot is undoubtedly a capital crime! ! "

"As a navy, we must never allow such a thing to happen!"

"This is not the idea of ​​my subordinates, but the belief of all the navy!"

Smoker said, while giving Zephyr a look.

Zeffer understood.

"That's right! If CP is the shield of the Celestial Dragons, blocking the attack for the Celestial Dragons."

"Then the navy must be the sword of the Celestial Dragons, take the initiative to attack and cut off all threats!"

"Any threat that may collide with the Celestial Dragons must be strangled in the cradle!"

"Hahaha, good! Well said!"

Bancroft danced with joy and asked Smoker.

"So... Marine, what do you think we should do? ! "

A stern look flashed in Smoker's eyes.

"Those who offend the gods...die! !"

"We will land in advance to clear away all the eyesores for you!"

Bancroft nodded.

"Okay! Then pass on this holy decree, and you will go and wipe out the dirty pirates! !"

"Yes! "

After receiving the order from the Celestial Dragons, Smoker led the navy to rush to Pumisoma Island.

Ze Fa was detained on the ship by Bancroft to protect his life.

Smoker and his party raced against time to stop the Fang Pirates.

Just because the Celestial Dragons messed up the situation, the time that was originally carefully calculated was wasted for several hours.

Smoker was also very anxious.

[Or hasn't sent back any news for a long time, and I don't know what's going on in Pumisoma Island.]

[We must catch up...]

Soon, they arrived at Pumisoma Island.

The Fang Pirates had already left.

The town on the island was engulfed by fire and black flames,

The streets were full of Seeing the bodies and broken limbs, the streets were stained with blood.

Some young women were leaning against the wall in dishevel and wounded, their eyes were empty.

Some survivors were desperate to save people and put out the fire without caring about the pain and sadness.

When the warship docked at the dock,

All the navy looked in one direction, speechless.

There was a pole standing there.

A corpse was hanging on the pole, with knife wounds and burns all over his body, his hands and feet were chopped off, and only blood holes were left in his eyes and nose. It was obvious that he had suffered inhuman torture before his death.

The sea breeze blew, and the corpse kept shaking.

Smoker and the navy felt cold all over.


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