The town of Roge is the outpost of the East China Sea entering the Great Route.

Because of its special geographical location.

Navy, pirates, bounty hunters, merchants, tourists...

All kinds of people gather here.

The endless flow of people and the dazzling array of goods have turned the entire Roge Town into a huge shopping mall.

Various shops, markets, and transportation companies are lined up.

Bars, hotels, and fun streets have also emerged.

It has brought endless wealth and caused countless chaos.

After leaving the dock, Smoker wore a black jacket with a pendant hanging on his chest and walked slowly on the street.

Smoker had been to Rogue Town before and was very impressed by the prosperity here.

But this time it felt very different.

There were so many people that the originally spacious streets seemed crowded.

There were not only townspeople, merchants and navy on the street, but also some people rarely seen in normal times.

Nobles dressed in luxurious clothes and surrounded by people.

Strong pirates with imposing aura and strong blood.

Senior navy far beyond the level of the East China Sea.

World government personnel in suits and leather shoes.

There were also some people who looked ordinary, but Smoker keenly realized that these people were definitely not simple...

[World Government, nobles, navy, pirates, and the hidden revolutionary army and dark forces...]

[It really deserves to be the eye of the typhoon in the Great Pirate Era. Just standing here, I feel my blood boiling! ! ]

At this time, a voice interrupted Smoker's thoughts.

"Sir, do you need weapons? If you do, welcome to our shop!"

"Although our shop is not big, it is a century-old brand. We offer a variety of weapons at a reasonable price. We guarantee that you will be satisfied!"

Smoker looked around and found that he had walked to the door of a weapons shop.

The thin, rosaceous, and mercenary young boss was soliciting business at the door, while the tall and fat lady boss was entertaining customers in the shop.

The combination of the two looked quite funny.

Smoker recognized the other party at a glance and couldn't help but shout out.


This young man was the Ipponmatsu that was given to Zoro, the Third Generation of Kitetsu, and Yukizou.

"Huh? I know you, that's great!"

"Would you like to come in and take a look? I can give you a discount!!"

Smoker looked at the weapons shop curiously. It was much smaller and shabby than in the anime.

It seems that Ipponmatsu has been a rip-off over the years... No, it has been well managed.

Zoro testing the sword is a famous scene in One Piece.

Since he is here, how can he not check in...

Smoker nodded and walked into the store.

Although the store is small, it has everything.

Gun, sword, armor, meteor hammer, mace, and there is a ten-handed sword in the corner...

Smoker picked it up and tried it, and it was surprisingly easy to use.

But he ignored Ipponmatsu's nagging sales pitch and put it back on the shelf.

Smoker has no interest in this ten-handed sword.

In the pirate world, the weapons of the strong are very simple.

It can be a knife, a fist, a mace, or even a slipper...

Who would use a ten-handed sword...No matter how you look at it, it exudes a strong smell of weakness.

Smoker saw a wooden barrel full of knives behind the door, and his eyes lit up, and he searched with expectation.

But he couldn't find the Sandai Kitetsu after searching everywhere.

[Is the Sandai Kitetsu not here yet? ! ]

[It will take more than a decade before Zoro can test the sword, so it is normal that there is no sword now.]

Smoker is not interested in swordsmanship, he just wants to pick up a bargain.

After all, it only costs 50,000 Baileys to buy it, and it can be sold for millions.

It is a waste not to grab the ready-made wool.

Unfortunately, it was empty-handed...

Smoker smacked his lips regretfully and continued to walk around the store.

Suddenly, there was a noise outside the store.

Ipponmatsu didn't care about Smoker and hurried out to see what happened.

Then there was a loud bang, and Ipponmatsu flew in from outside the door and hit the boss lady.

Fortunately, the boss lady was thick and caught him steadily.

However, the two were just ordinary businessmen, and they were looking at the door with horror at this time.

The next second, two pirates rushed in angrily.

One of them was holding a knife in his hand, and it was the third generation of Kitetsu.

"You damn profiteer, what kind of broken knife are you selling?! My captain used this knife to fight, not only did he fail to defeat the enemy, but he also hurt himself! If you don't give me an explanation today, I will tear down your broken shop!"

Ipponmatsu said tremblingly:

"My two guests... No, my two uncles, it's unfair. This sword is the Sandai Kitetsu, a real famous sword..."

The pirate kicked the shelf and broke it.

"You mean my captain's swordsmanship is not good and he hurt himself?!"

Another pirate also slowly pulled out a knife from behind.

"Our captain is the famous Black Wolf, a great swordsman with a bounty of 2.6 million!!"

"How dare you insult his swordsmanship! You can only pay for this shame with your life!"

After saying that, he approached the Ipponmatsu couple step by step.

After such a commotion, the customers of the store had already fled.

Only the Ipponmatsu couple and Smoker were left.

Suddenly, Smoker stood up from behind the shelf.

"I really can't stand it. A rubbish pirate who can't even control a sword dares to call himself a great swordsman..."

Smoker didn't want to meddle in other people's business.

In the original plot, the Ipponmatsu couple was safe and sound, which meant that he didn't need to take action this time.

But he didn't know whether his appearance would trigger any butterfly effect, so he took the initiative to stand up.

"Who is it?!"

"You are looking for death!!"

The two pirates glared at Smoker, their eyes were like choosing someone to eat.

"You are weak, but you blame the knife. That little gangster named Black Wolf is only worthy of fighting with a branch."

The pirate holding the Sandai Kitetsu heard the provocation, roared and rushed up, wanting to kill Smoker.

Smoker slightly dodged and avoided his attack, while continuing in his mouth: "But, you are right about one thing..."

As Smoker said, he punched the other party in the stomach.

The huge force made the pirate fly into the air in an instant, and his whole body was bent like a shrimp, and he vomited blood.

Smoker took the Sandai Kitetsu, then broke his neck and threw him aside like throwing garbage.

Seeing Smoker's strength, the other pirate was immediately scared out of his wits and his body couldn't stop shaking.

He wanted to escape, but his legs were as if they were filled with lead and couldn't move...

Smoker looked up and down at the Sandai Kitetsu and continued, "... This sword is indeed strange, after all, it is a demon sword."

At this time, he saw the shocked and admiring eyes of the Ipponmatsu couple, and suddenly he had the urge to show off.

"Famous swords are conscious, and only those who are recognized by the sword can truly control them."

"If you want to get the Sandai Kitetsu, you must have the belief that you must die and a strong heart... Watch out!"

After that, Smoker threw the Sandai Kitetsu into the air, and then stretched out his arm like Zoro.

"The curse of this sword and my fate, in the end..."

With a puff, Smoker felt a sharp pain in his arm, and the Sandai Kitetsu pierced directly into his arm.

Smoker: "..."

Ipponmatsu and his wife: "..."

Pirate: "..."

Smoker drew his knife with a dark face and roared: "Damn pirate, it's you who did it!"

"Hey?! What are you talking about? Ah...!!!"

With a scream, the remaining pirates fell to the ground with convulsions.

Soon, the garrisoned navy took the two away.

By the way, a team was sent to find the great swordsman named Kurolang.

As for Smoker, he had already left with the Sandai Kitetsu...

Faced with his lifesaver and the ruthless man who didn't hesitate to stab him, Ipponmatsu refused to accept the money.

Smoker tried his best to persuade him and finally accepted 50,000 Baileys.

According to the original plot, the Sandai Kitetsu was too weird and could not be sold. In the end, it could only be treated as a cheap product with a price of 50,000 Baileys.

In this way, he was not taking advantage of others.

Walking to a deserted place, Smoker's right hand turned dark and absorbed the Sandai Kitetsu.

Having successfully found a loophole, Smoker was in a good mood and walked a lot more lightly.

[What should I do with this sword? ! ]

[I don't know if I will meet Tashigi in the future, I can leave it to her... No, the girl with glasses may not be able to control the Sandai Kitetsu, and she has her own sword. ]

[And if I take the Sandai Kitetsu away, what will happen to Zoro? Forget it, if he loses the sword, he can't become stronger, which only means that he is just so-so...]

[Forget it, keep it for now, at worst I can sell it later! ]

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