The old man was in a hurry to get a job.

At this time, Cruz the Destroyer was in a very melancholy mood.

He lit a cigarette and looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle.

My life... is really full of twists and turns.

When I was young, I joined the legendary Rocks Pirates.

With my identity, I really had a comfortable life walking sideways on the sea.

I finally made it to the age of 35 and was about to be promoted, but the old captain went crazy.

I cried and made a fuss to attack the Valley of the Gods, but was defeated by Garp and Roger, and the Rocks Pirates also fell apart.

Fortunately, the big cadre Shiki the Golden Lion inherited most of Rocks's legacy and

established the famous Flying Pirates.

I took the opportunity to join and became a department manager with the help of my previous friendship.

After many years, I finally became a senior cadre and could enjoy myself.

Unexpectedly, after Roger was arrested, the captain went crazy.

He rushed to the Navy Headquarters alone, but was defeated by Garp and Sengoku, and the Hiten Pirates also fell apart.

After two rounds of washing, Cruz realized it.

If you rely on the mountain, the mountain will fall, and if you rely on people, they will run away. It is better to be a boss than to work for others! !

So, while the Hiten Pirates were leaderless, he took the opportunity to gather people and formed his own pirate group.

He even recruited Flame Flower, who was stronger and more experienced than himself, to be his captain.

In the past few years, he has been smooth sailing in the New World.

Although he is not as good as his former bosses, he is also a famous pirate.

A few days ago, my good brother Wang Zhi sent me an invitation.

Brothers, it is not easy to make a living alone.

We are all from Rocks, so why not unite and become bigger and stronger to create more glory!

I was tempted at that time. The five major pirates formed an alliance, recruited some people, and seized some territory. Maybe we can really reproduce the glory of Rocks! !

But I never expected that

before the alliance was established, the news was leaked by Big Mom, who is also a member of Rocks!

What I didn’t expect was that

the navy didn’t even send out the admiral, but sent out the vice admiral to beat me up.

If it weren’t for the living father Flame Flower, who was powerful enough to hold back the natural vice admiral by himself,

If I hadn’t just obtained the devil fruit, I’m afraid I would have been screwing in the city.

After a series of blows, Cruz finally understood.

The New World copy is not suitable for him.

Instead of fighting to death here, wouldn’t it be better to go to Paradise and be a local emperor?

So he set sail and asked the King of Shipping to send him to paradise at a great cost!

Here, pirates with a billion-level are gods! !

But tragedy happened again!

As soon as he arrived, a warship targeted him.

He wanted to move the ship directly over,

but found that the guy standing on the bow of the opposite ship was Zephyr!

Cruz was so nervous that he turned around and ran away without saying a word.

As for resistance... just kidding, it's better to go back and fight that natural system than to fight him! !

In this way, the navy and the pirates chased and fled, and ran far away...

"Captain, Captain..."

A pirate ran up to him.

"The warship is too fast, we can't get rid of it!!"

Cruz came back to his senses and his mood became three times worse.

"Damn it! Is there an island nearby?!"

"There is an uninhabited island group at eleven o'clock, and we will arrive in about three hours!"

"That's it... Turn around!! Go to the island to meet the enemy!!"

It's bad enough to meet the admiral.

But the other party is not a capable person, and I am!

So it's better not to hand over at sea.

Otherwise, if the other party punches the ship, I will have to feed the fish.

Those senior navy officers seem to like this tune.

First smash the ship, then rescue the people.

Enough of it! !

Soon, the Shattering Pirates arrived at the uninhabited island.

Although Cruz was very depressed, he still fooled his subordinates to meet the enemy with great momentum.

Just as he was ready, Zefa's warship arrived.

Zefa came down with a group of marines, looked at the pirates on the opposite side, and grinned.

"Although I know it's redundant, I still have to ask one more question. Is anyone surrendering?!"

He was answered by a cannonball.

The cannonball whizzed towards Zefa's face.

Zefar raised his eyebrows and did nothing.

But a navy swordsman behind him suddenly blocked in front of him, and the sword flashed, and the cannonball turned into countless fragments.

"Not a bad answer."

Zefar looked very happy.

"For me, arresting is easier than asking for surrender!"

Krus felt cold in his heart.

Which bastard fired the cannon?


At this point, there is no way back!

On the navy side, Notis was quickly reporting the intelligence of the pirates on the other side.

"Ghost Hand Crow, bounty 484 million."

"Stalker Belhan, bounty 220 million."

"Butcher Fang, bounty 181 million."

"Mad Bull Osendnos, bounty 70 million!"


As expected of the main ship of the Shattering Pirates, although there are not many people on board, the proportion of bounty criminals is really not low.


Krus roared, and the pirates rushed towards the navy frantically.

Zefa raised his hand, and the navy also rushed up, as for himself, he stared at Cruz.

Cruz's hands emitted white light and pressed on the ground.

"Crushing field!"

The ground collapsed instantly, and the originally flat land turned into fine pieces of soil. Many navy officers stumbled and almost fell to the ground.

Smoker had been hiding behind, a typical person who worked but did not put in any effort. Seeing this, his eyes lit up.

"This ability... is quite good!"

Since he learned to use the Dark Dark Fruit to deprive abilities, he has developed a disease that makes him unable to walk when he sees a good fruit...

Zeffa said "interesting" and rushed forward, and in the blink of an eye he arrived in front of Cruz.

Cruz was startled, and white energy condensed in his hand to grab Zefa's wrist.

The white energy exploded, and the surrounding soil, rocks, and plants were instantly turned into powder.

But Zefa's wrist was unharmed under the protection of the armed color domineering.

"Not bad ability! It's a pity that you are too weak!"

Zeffa punched Cruz in the abdomen.

Cruz vomited blood and half of the fish he ate yesterday.

However, Zefa's fist seemed to have aroused Cruz's ferocity, and he began to attack Zefa desperately.

Zefa blocked left and right, and when he saw the opportunity, he added a few more punches, completely knocking him to his knees.

Zefa looked at the chaotic battlefield around him and had no intention of continuing to attack.

This is a rare actual combat, so let the little guys hone more. Nothing is more important than cultivating the next generation.

Suddenly, a figure jumped high, turned into a crane in the air, and flew away.


Not only the navy, but also the pirates were shocked.

"He is... the coward Gulun?!"

"Gulun is a capable person?!"

Cruz was lying on the ground, also confused.

Zefa saw something was wrong and stepped on Cruz's face.

"Tell me! What's wrong with this guy?!"

"I... I don't know either! Guren just joined the pirate group not long ago. He is usually a waste. I have never heard of him being a power user..."

"I'll chase him!"

While everyone was still not reacting, Smoker jumped high and chased him out with the Moon Step.


Zeff hurried to stop him.

I can't catch up... How can the Moon Step catch up with the flying ability!

But then he thought that he would come back if he couldn't catch up, so he ignored him!

Smoker used the Moon Step to chase Guren.

At first he could barely keep up, but soon the distance began to widen.

Seeing that he was about to escape from the islands, Smoker hurriedly raised his hand.

"Dark Water!"

Guren felt a strong force pulling him, and his body was heavy, as if dragging a boulder.

Looking back, he found that it was Smoker who was causing trouble, and he was angry and anxious for a while.

This bastard is really messing around.

If we continue to fly, we will probably fall into the sea together...

So he made a quick decision and landed heavily on the ground, staring coldly at Smoker.

Smoker also landed on the ground and looked at him with a half-smile.

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