The sun is shining, and the sun is shining.

Another half a month has passed in a blink of an eye.

Today is a big day for the navy.

Although it is late at night.

But the navy headquarters is still brightly lit.

Whether it is the navy, family members, civilians or vendors,

they are all singing and dancing, laughing and talking,

The whole of Marinford is immersed in a sea of ​​joy.

Because the navy just appointed three admiral candidates during the day! !

It has been several years since I entered the world of pirates.

With the surge in the number of pirates, the navy's dominance on the sea has begun to fade.

The sea that once sparkled has now become turbulent and full of dangers.

The sound of cannons rumbled, pirate ships crisscrossed the seas, and pirate flags fluttered in the wind, as if telling their so-called freedom and dreams.

The navy fell into an unprecedented dilemma.

There was a serious shortage of ships and troops, and the combat power was also stretched to the limit.

Fortunately, they continued to strengthen training and recruit soldiers, constantly updated equipment, studied pirate tactics, and resisted the impact of pirates in the turbulent sea, winning again and again.

But the navy also understood that this was just the beginning.

The pirates would not give up easily. Greed and violence would erode their minds, tempting them to rush into the sea and look for opportunities to break through the navy's defenses.

Now the appearance of three admiral candidates is tantamount to a shot of adrenaline for all the navy.

The standard for admiral candidates is quite high.

At least they must have the ability to escape from the hands of the current admiral.

More importantly, the three admiral candidates all have natural abilities that can destroy the world.

Akainu, the strongest attacking magma fruit, can manipulate magma and release devastating attacks. Every time he attacks, it is like a volcanic eruption, with endless power and destructive power.

Kizaru, the fastest speed of the Flash Fruit, can manipulate light to attack and move at the speed of light, making it impossible for the enemy to dodge. In front of him, the enemy does not even have the qualification to escape.

Aokiji, the strongest control of the ice fruit, can instantly freeze the enemy and create the most suitable home field for himself, especially at sea, he can block the entire sea and make the pirate ship completely incapable of action.

These three people have output, speed, and control.

Facing powerful pirates such as Whitebeard, Kaido, and Big Mom, the threat of the three may not be as great as that of Garp and Sengoku.

But for pirates of a lower level, their threat is more than a hundred times greater.

If Garp encounters a pirate group of a thousand people.

The captain can point at Garp's nose and scold.

Old man, we are thousands of pirates and you may not be able to catch us all by yourself.

But if you meet these three...

If you are lucky, all of us will be captured,

If you are unlucky, all of us will be bombed,

If you are even more unlucky, you will be cremated directly.

Therefore, the World Government is also very satisfied with these three candidates.

The current situation on the sea is completely different from when Sengoku and his men were admirals.

With Rocks missing, Roger being tortured, Golden Lion being silent, and Red Bat being imprisoned, all the pirates have quieted down.

The strongest Whitebeard in the world only wants to find his family,

Although Kaido and Big Mom are ambitious, they are just trying to develop their power,

The restless Rocks remnants have been eliminated, leaving only Wang Zhi to survive...

Although there are still tricky pirates like Red Hair and Hawkeye, they are not the type to cause trouble everywhere.

As for pirates like the Fishman Pirates and the Nine Snakes Pirates, that is really not a problem.

On the other hand, the little pirates appeared like crazy, and the navy killed batch after batch, making the navy stretched.

Therefore, the navy set its sights on these guys.

As long as they can be wiped out, it can be regarded as a disguised root of the big pirates.

With the ability of the three admiral candidates, they can just deal with this situation.


Different from the joy of the headquarters district.

The marshal's office was dark.

A black shadow was talking on a Den Den Mushi.

A ball of fireworks exploded outside the window, illuminating the face of the black shadow.

It was the current navy marshal, Kong Kong.

"Master Five Elder Stars, decades have passed, isn't it good to maintain the status quo?"

"Although there is only one admiral, Sengoku, protecting the Celestial Dragons, if there is an accident, Garp, Zephyr, and Crane will not stand idly by..."

A low and cold voice came from the Den Den Mushi.

"Shut up, the Navy is not allowed to interfere with the World Government's decision. You are just a tool of the World Government!!"


The man was rude to Kong, as if he was scolding a slave.

There was no anger on Sora's face, as it should be.

"Yes, five adults, I made a mistake!"

The person on the other side of the phone is none other than the highest power in the world - the Five Old Stars.

"Because of your incompetence, the sea is now overrun with pirates, and many participating countries have already lodged protests with the World Government!"

"Although it is only a small number of countries, this is a signal! If left alone, it will even shake the status of the world government!"

Kong held the phone bug and said slowly: "Yes!"

Holy Land Marie Gioia.

between powers.

The five wise men had just finished their conversation with Sora and were sitting around chatting together.

"The Navy has entered a new turning point..."

"Most of the previous generations of senior naval officers were world government officials, so they were relatively deferential."

"It's a pity that Cyborg Kong's generation is too ineffective. He will either die early or be unable to be reused. He is the only one who can barely take on the important task."

"The next generation is full of talents..."

"Buddha's Warring States Period, Iron Fist Garp, Black Arm Zefa... Even Crane, who is known for his resourcefulness, would have been enough to serve as a general in the previous generation!!"

"It's a pity that they come from such mixed backgrounds and have unruly temperaments that they cannot be effectively controlled at all..."

"Moreover, in terms of merit, strength, and reputation, they are no worse than Kong, no, they are even better than Kong!"

"But they are still comrades-in-arms at the same time. They are monolithic and unable to drive a wedge between each other..."

"Yeah... Back then, only the two generals, Sengoku and Zefa, had left Sora helpless. In the end, it was the World Government that took action and forced Zefa to resign as general, which allowed him to strengthen his control over the navy!"

"At that time, we chose the Warring States Period, which was easier to control, but... was the Warring States Period really easier to control?!"

"Damn Roger... The era of great pirates he set off forced us to strengthen the navy, even though it will make them more difficult to control."

"But if the pirates are left alone, there is no guarantee that a Rocks will not be born again. A gaffe like the Valley of the Gods will never be allowed to happen again!! This is what the Lord meant... I propose that after the candidate general expires, Sora was promoted to marshal-in-chief of the world government's military forces, Sengoku was promoted to marshal-in-chief of the navy, and three candidates were promoted to navy admirals."

"Since that's what the Lord wants... second the proposal!"




"However, in this way, the navy's power will lack checks and balances!!"

"The military forces under the World Government, CP, Impel City, Navy...the strength of the Navy is already too prominent."

"The world government must acquire new power to check and balance the navy, even if this power is pirates!"

"Pirates are not easy to control either..."

"No need to control them, just need them to contain the navy. It doesn't matter if they kill or injure a few ants!"

"That's true..."

"Then, let's discuss the details of the Shichibukai system and the suitable candidates!!"






The town of Magic Valley in the first half of the Grand Line.

This is a town that is completely out of the control of the navy and is completely populated by free-spending pirates.

There was violence and noise everywhere.

In a luxurious room,

Zayn was sipping red wine and reading the newspaper. His beautiful eyes were curved and he seemed to be in a good mood.

"Saka driver brother has become a candidate for general, Akainu, the name really suits him!"

"Well...and Seniors Ponosalino and Kuzan~~"

Suddenly, a strong man walked in outside.

"Captain Zen, everything is ready!"

Zain put down the newspaper, stood up slowly, and stretched his body.

"I'm going to work hard too!"

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