The first batch of elite navy expansion classes will soon graduate.

Soon, the first batch of elite navy expansion classes will graduate.

Looking at the graduation test arrangement, Smoker was confused.

In addition to himself, there are Tina, Gaspati, Esther...

There are seven people in total who can graduate directly without taking the test.

Smoker found Zefa with the test arrangement.

"Teacher Zefa, what's going on?! How come we got the results directly?!"

Still waiting for the time traveler to show off and slap me in the face,

Why deprive me of the right to show off... no, bully? ! !

Zefa was lying on the office chair, reading the newspaper, and said unhappily: "What's the point of the test for you guys?!"

"If you can't even pass, then we will be wiped out? Isn't the first expansion class a joke?!!"

Smoker slammed the ranking of grades on the table.

"It's fine if you don't take the test, but why is Tina ranked higher than me?"

According to the instructors' comments, Tina is first and Smoker is second.

Then he looked around and lowered his voice three degrees.

"I can beat them both..."

Zefar's eyes moved from the newspaper to Smoker, his expression half-smiled.

"How about you two compete in the graduation test?"

"Combat, strategy, communication, intelligence, culture, gun maintenance, ship driving, administrative law..."

"I can arrange it."

Smoker: "Uh... forget it, she'll get a higher score..."

"Hmph, you don't know what's good for you!"

Zeffa snorted coldly and continued to read the newspaper.

"Don't worry, the chief position is still yours, after all, your development directions are different..."

Smoker: "?!!"

Zeffa seemed to remember something and took out a pile of information from his desk.

"By the way, the test will take two months."

"You're free during this time anyway, so get rid of these guys."

Smoker took it and saw that it was a pile of bounties and information, and he immediately looked through it carefully.

"The Light Pirates..."

"Captain Light's Funeral Lamp, bounty 200 million Baileys, parahuman-type Light-Light Fruit, Big Officer's Tracking Koudi, bounty 50 million Baileys, animal-type Dog-Dog Fruit·Coyote Form."

"The Folding Pirates..."

"Captain Untouchable Titan, bounty 130 million Baileys, parahuman-type distance fruit ability user, what kind of ability is this?!"

Smoker looked through Titan's information and introduced his fruit ability in detail.

"The distance fruit can freely lengthen or shorten the distance between the ability user and the target, up to 10 times, and the ability range is suspected to be ten nautical miles... It's quite interesting."

"This is also interesting, the Gliding Pirates..."

"Captain Fly Skull, bounty 74 million Baileys, animal-type Rat-Rat Fruit·Flying Squirrel Form."

"All the crew members are good at using gliders and hot air balloons... Hiss, air force?!"

"But their crew's non-combat mortality rate is really ridiculous..."


There are more than 20 bounties in this pile, involving more than a dozen pirate groups.

Their bounties are high and low, and their strengths are also different.

The common point is that they all have ability users, although most of them are ordinary animal-type and useless superhuman-type.

Not only that, the information also shows their current location, all in the first half of the Grand Line, and some even have subsequent sailing plans...

Smoker showed sympathy.

This group of idiots, obviously being targeted by intelligence personnel...

"Have you finished reading?!"

Zeff took out a document with something written on it, and then took out a Den Den Mushi with a special mark and pushed it in front of Smoker.

"Take this document, whether you need a ship or a person, the logistics department will cooperate with you."

"If you need intelligence, use this Den Den Mushi to contact the intelligence unit! Don't lose it, otherwise you will have to stay in Impel Down for the rest of your life!!"

"Also, remember to recycle their fruits as much as possible, but remember to keep it secret!!"

Smoker took the document and Den Den Mushi.

"Teacher Zeeff, this is not a task assigned to you by General Sengoku, are you passing the buck to me?!"

Zeff slammed the table and shouted in a somewhat cowardly manner: "This... How is this possible! How can you slander someone's innocence out of thin air?! How can you be blamed for catching pirates? This is a training for you! It's your blessing!!"

"That... OK, I've said everything I need to say, get out of here

Come on, don't delay my work..."

Seeing that Zefa had ordered him to leave, Smoker curled his lips and left in a huff.

More than a dozen pirate groups... this is going to be a busy time.

Two months passed quickly.

All the students' tests were over.

Smoker also hurried back to the headquarters.

Although it was tiring to go out this time, it was also very rewarding.

Several ships of pirates were defeated, with a total bounty of more than 10 billion.

Not to mention the treasure chest he had secretly hidden, and 20 devil fruits.

The graduation ceremony was held on the training ground.

In addition to the students who successfully graduated, members.

There are also students who were transferred to civilian positions in advance due to disability,

and a row of black and white photos.

Zefa announced that

the first elite navy expansion class enrolled a total of 237 students.

Except for a few who were transferred to civilian positions due to serious injuries and disabilities,

no one dropped out or rebelled, and a total of 173 people finally persisted to the graduation test.

Despite the extremely high difficulty, they all passed the test and graduated successfully!

Then came the medal ceremony.

Although it was not as grand as the three general candidates, it was also extremely solemn.

Zefa awarded medals to each student, all of whom were majors and above. .

Among them, 10 people with the rank of colonel,

They can have their own ships in the future,

If they go to the naval base of Sihai, they can directly serve as the base commander.

32 people with the rank of lieutenant colonel,

They can also serve as important senior officials in the base of Sihai.

The remaining 129 people are all majors, and those with lower ranks cannot pass the test at all.

In addition, there are two people who are particularly eye-catching.

They are Smoker and Tina.

With the accumulated merits before and the brilliant performance of the past two months, Smoker was directly promoted from colonel to major general.

At this time, he Understand, Zefa is not just shirking responsibility for the sake of shirking responsibility.

Tina has accompanied Smoker on missions over the years and has made great achievements. In addition, she has the natural fruit and proficient domineering, as well as super comprehensive qualities, and was promoted to brigadier general.

It is extremely rare in the navy to enter the general officer sequence directly after graduation.

Next, it is the appointment situation that everyone is most concerned about.

173 trainees, including 130 people including Tina, were all assigned to various branches and bases.

The remaining 43 people, headed by Smoker, were agreed to be incorporated into the newly established Navy G12 branch...

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