The three warships, led by Smoker, were sailing slowly on the sea.

Escorting Tenshang Jin to the holy land of Marijoa,

Smoker stood on the deck, smoking and enjoying the sea breeze, looking at the direction of the cabin from time to time.

After a long time, he threw the cigar butt into the sea and took a long breath.

[Forget it, it's not time to rob openly yet, let's use pirate slaves to slowly dig the wall...]

[This time when we go to Marijoa, the most important thing is to find Guernica...]

CP has been brainwashed by the World Government since childhood,

There are only orders from the World Government and the Celestial Dragons in his mind, and he doesn't consider right and wrong and the cost at all.

But Guernica is different,

This guy is obviously not cleaned up.

Compared with other CP members who seemed to be possessed by evil spirits, his mind was much more active...

In the past few years, he and Guernica have cooperated very well.

At first, their cooperation was just the slave trade.

Smoker certainly made a lot of money.

Guernica also made a strong presence in front of the Celestial Dragons.

As the two became more familiar with each other, their cooperation became more and more in-depth.

As a CP, Guernica holds many unknown secrets.

After careful selection, he would reveal them to Smoker in various ways, which helped Smoker a lot.

And Smoker also reciprocated,

telling him the intelligence of the underground world that Zane had, which helped him to achieve a lot of results.

After a few years, Smoker gained both fame and fortune, and Guernica was no less inferior. Not only did he become a "loyal dog" in the eyes of the Celestial Dragons, he was also appointed as the captain of CP3.

Don't underestimate the captain of the CP, this is a position second only to the chief.

For example, CP9,

Although Spandam is the superior, it is the captain Lucci who commands the action during the operation.

Just then, Vip suddenly trotted over, with a big black bird with a red belly standing on his shoulder.

Smoker: "What's wrong, Vip..."

Vip saluted.

"Major Smoker, the frigate bird has brought new information!"

The Whispering Fruit can talk to any animal, so Vip's recruits are not just seagulls.

Albatrosses, puffins, sea eagles... are all his recruits.

But the most elite among them are several frigate birds.

Frigate birds are the fastest and longest-flying birds on the sea.

With their superb flying skills, they often intercept and rob other seabirds of their prey, and are also called robber birds.

Because of this, frigate birds have a very bad relationship with other birds. They usually wander outside.

They will only return to the ship when important information appears.

Vip came to Smoker and whispered a few words.

Smoker showed a surprised expression, first looked up at the sky, then looked back.

"I know, thank you for your hard work, Vip, this information is very important!"

"Take the frigate bird 04 to rest first. By the way, let all the seabird reconnaissance teams go out these days, don't expose our cards!"


Vip saluted and left with the frigate bird.

After a while, the seabird reconnaissance team left the ship in batches and mixed into the surrounding seagulls. Soon they were indistinguishable from each other.

Smoker looked at the sky again.

The sky was clear and the white clouds were like cotton. It was really hard to see anything.

Then he snorted coldly and returned to the command room.

The next day, Smoker bought a newspaper.

The headline on the front page was Doflamingo becoming Shichibukai, followed by Smoker VS Doflamingo, and then the escort of Tenjo Jin,

They were all accompanied by high-definition photos...

Soon, the commanders of several other ships arrived aggressively and were taken to the conference room.

Major General Gumier of the G2 branch slammed the table hard.

"Our operation this time is top secret, how did it leak?!"

"Not only that, the other party also has photos of us escorting Tenjo Jin!"

Colonel Yulan of the G11 branch also nodded.

"Major General Smoker, when you were fighting Doflamingo, didn't you find anything unusual?!"

Smoker smoked and didn't speak, just shook his head slightly.

Ester explained: "Our battle site is an island, and no third party was found around. Could it be Doflamingo's trick?"

It's not uncommon for pirates to buy intelligence.

Major General Einar of the G11 branch shook his head.

"If this guy hadn't become a Shichibukai, then this is indeed possible..."

"But his goal has been achieved, and doing so is the same as provoking the world.

What is the difference between the World Government and the World Government?"

Major General Gumier said bitterly: "Fortunately, the report did not reveal that this guy became a Shichibukai by robbing Tenjo Gold, otherwise it would be really troublesome!"

The other people all agreed.

They did not understand why the World Government would agree to such an unreasonable request.

Don't you think about it, what if other pirates follow suit?!

Smoker was not worried at all.

Doflamingo's biggest reliance is his identity as a former Celestial Dragon, and he knows the secrets of the World Government, so his behavior is not replicable at all.

If other pirates dare to do this, their ashes will be scattered for you.

At most, they can collect Tenjo Gold again. As for whether those ants can afford it, it is not something that God should worry about...

Major General Einar snorted coldly.

"Anyway, being photographed without anyone noticing is undoubtedly our fault! ! "

Major General Einar is an old man in the navy, and he is a senior of the same period as Kong Gang.

Because of his ability, he has worked diligently for most of his life, but he is only a major general.

It stands to reason that he should have retired long ago, but he is clinging on just to retire with the treatment of a vice admiral.

I didn't expect that he would encounter such a bad thing in the last mission of his career.

Smoker exhaled a puff of smoke.

"Calm down, Senior Einar, the news has been released, but the headquarters has not held anyone accountable, which means that the situation is not that serious..."

Major General Einar thought about it and his expression eased.

"Smoker, no matter what, this operation was led by you. If you really want to investigate, you will bear the main responsibility! ! "

Smoker glanced at him, unable to hide his contempt.

The only old senior left in the navy is actually this kind of stuff.

Kong Gang's navy is really a talent dwindling.

"If you think it's not worth it, you can withdraw from the mission at any time. "

"Don't worry, I will take the initiative to propose a reduction in manpower in the report, so we can just part ways amicably..."

To be honest, the money has already come from the sky,

It doesn't really matter whether these major generals and colonels follow or not.

Major General Einar's eyes flashed with a hint of joy, but he still said with a gesture: "Let's talk about it later..."

As for the others, they refused outright.

A few days later, just when they were about to arrive at the Red Earth Continent.

Einar used the excuse of recalling the base, talked to Smoker, and left in a hurry.

And Smoker didn't stop him at all.

When others found out, his ship had disappeared...

After another On that day, the group successfully arrived at the Red Earth Continent.

Smoker made a handover with the World Government and handed over the Heavenly Gold, and the mission was successfully completed.

As for the reports and photos, they were not even mentioned.

Seeing that the government did not intend to pursue the matter, Gumier and Yulan secretly breathed a sigh of relief and hurried back to the ship.

Smoker returned to the ship and found an extra note on the table,

It had the time and place written on it.

One day later, XX Street in the living area of ​​the Navy Headquarters, followed by a string of codes.

Smoker destroyed it after reading it, and then ordered to go to the Navy Headquarters.

[I didn't expect this guy to have such a side...]

[Will this information scare him to death...]

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