In order to make Smoker firmly establish a sense of justice, Cole didn't know where he got the energy from, but took Smoker around for a day. From the establishment and development of the 161 base to the eating, drinking, defecating, urinating and sleeping inside, he went through all the procedures. Smoker was completely obedient. At night, Smoker could finally rest. "Smoker-kun... do you really want to live in such a place?!" Cole looked at the shabby house in front of him and frowned to confirm again. Although the navy emphasizes hard work, the dormitory with a large bunk bed can still be solved. If you become an officer or start a family, you can even apply to live in a single room. But Smoker actually applied not to live in the dormitory, but to live in a cabin next to the training ground.

The reason is that it is convenient to train at any time.

Although there is a bed in this cabin, it is actually a storage room for old equipment...

It is covered with thick dust and a lot of garbage, and it is impossible to live in it.

Smoker smiled: "It's okay, I used to live in the mountains, and this is already very good."


Smoker waved his hand: "Base leader, don't worry about my interpersonal relationships, I am actually very easy to get along with!!"


Seeing Smoker's firm attitude, Cole did not insist.

"Then you should rest early, make do with it tonight, I will find someone to throw away the garbage and clean the house tomorrow..."

"Then trouble you..."

After Cole left, Smoker breathed a sigh of relief, walked into the house, and lit an oil lamp.

Under the dim light, the cabin was particularly dirty and crowded.

Smoker sat on the bed in the corner, touched his chest, and pulled out a pendant.

As soon as he took off the pendant, Smoker let out a long breath, and the whole person seemed to relax.

[Kuzan's method is really torturous! ]

[I wonder if the three admirals have all been trained in this way...]

The pendant is the seastone given by Cole.

When he met Kuzan before, Smoker also asked about the seastone.

According to Kuzan, 100% pure seastone is very rare.

Only the World Government's subordinate institutions and the country of origin, Wano, have it.

Most of the seastones scattered outside are raw ores with low purity.

Of course, this raw ore can also block abilities and weaken physical strength, which is enough to make hundreds of millions of pirates with abilities instantly paralyzed.

But facing the emperor-level strongmen with full domineering and physical strength, the effect is greatly reduced.

Even if they don't use their abilities, they are monsters that massacre cities and destroy countries.

As for Smoker's pendant, it can only be regarded as seastone slag, with a purity of about 10%.

When Kuzan held this piece of seastone, there was almost no effect.

But Smoker was weak all over, as if he had turned back into the thin dog in his previous life.

Not only can he not use his abilities, but his physical strength will also be suppressed to the level of ordinary people.

Smoker has studied the navy's policies.

It is absolutely impossible to enter the navy headquarters if you are under 16 years old.

In other words, he will stay at Base 161 for two years.

Now his development of the Dark Dark Fruit has reached a bottleneck.

Without a strong body support, it is difficult to make another breakthrough.

Therefore, Smoker decided to continue to exercise his body.

So, Smoker followed Kuzan's advice and made the seastone into a pendant.

Carrying "weights" every day, he trained from the beginning with everyone.

Smoker believes that if he persists for two years, his physique will definitely improve significantly.

More importantly, his resistance to seastone will also be greatly increased!

In the future, when I reach the Grand Line, I might encounter enemies who use seastone weapons.

I still have to prepare for the rainy day and train in advance.

If I am bound by seastone one day, even if I can't use the power of the fruit, at least I will not be powerless to fight back!

However, if I want to use the power of the fruit, I must take off this necklace.

This is the iron rule of the pirate world. Even the Four Emperors and Admirals cannot use the power of the fruit with seastone, even if it is just slag.

Smoker put the necklace on the bed and looked at the messy room.

[Let's clean it up first! Anyway, it's all garbage that can't be used! ]

Ink-like darkness emerged from Smoker's body, filling the entire room.

Except for the bed under his butt and the table with the lamp, everything in the room sank into darkness.

A few seconds later, the whole room was empty and spotless.

Even the originally mottled walls and ceilings were scraped off a layer.

Smoker looked around and nodded with satisfaction.


This is what makes it look good...]

[Thanks for the good habit of minimalism in my previous life...]

Then I lay down on the bed and put on the necklace again.

With a strange feeling of weakness, I soon fell asleep.

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