For a long time, Su Ye slowly opened his eyes, and now his eyes are brighter than before, and there are a little more vicissitudes in his deep pupils.

If there were girls staring at him at the moment, I am afraid that nine out of ten would fall here.


Su Ye let out his last breath of turbid breath, he felt that his state was very good at this time, and his whole body was very relaxed, and he couldn’t use it.

Looking at his body transformed by the pure energy of heaven and earth, Su Ye was extremely happy in his heart.

After all, both men and women will have a heart for beauty, and Su Ye is also very happy to see that his body is more handsome.

Navy, Sengoku Office.

“Report Marshal!”

An old woman with white hair with a wrinkled face rushed in with a panicked expression, an expression that did not match her age.

“Tsuru, you are a little older, you shouldn’t be as flustered as a young man.” Warring States saw the old woman who rushed in in a panic, and said helplessly.

“Marshal of the Warring States, outside… Outside the heaven and earth change, the sun and the moon appear, this vision is really terrifying! Lieutenant General Tsuru said in shock.

This kind of vision appears, and no one can calm down.

“What?” Hearing Lieutenant General Tsuru’s words, Sengoku asked with a frown.

Even small children know that the sun comes out during the day and the moon comes out at night.

And now suddenly someone says that the sun and the moon are appearing, which may not be believed by anyone.

Hearing that the Marshal of the Warring States was questioning her words, Lieutenant General Tsuru had to repeat what she said again, and then stretched out his finger and pointed outside, indicating that if the Warring States did not believe it, he could go and take a look.

Seeing that Lieutenant General Tsuru’s expression did not look like a joke, Sengoku stood up and glanced out suspiciously.

It didn’t matter at this look, his heart stopped for half a beat.

Because the truth is even more exaggerated than what Lieutenant General Tsuru said, just a few words from Lieutenant General Tsuru are to describe a vision that does not appear in the sky.

“It’s too exaggerated, am I dreaming!”

The Warring States obviously couldn’t accept such a fact, and then rubbed his eyes and looked at it again.

However, the vision in the sky will not change because the Warring States rubbed their eyes, and the sky is still hung with the sun and moon.

Seeing this dreamlike scene, Sengoku frowned.

He had a hunch that this vision was not caused by nature, but must have been caused by some reason.

“Pass on my order to go down, let the Navy’s intelligence organization, go all out to investigate, and be sure to find out what caused the sky vision!” The Warring States carried his hands behind his back and said imposingly.

“Yes!” Hearing the order of the Warring States, Lieutenant General Tsuru nodded and agreed crisply.

Since this was personally given by the Marshal of the Warring States, a hundred thousand people were in a hurry, and the members of the naval intelligence organization were also very eager to know what was going on with the vision that appeared in the sky. So, it only took half a day’s work for the Naval Intelligence Organization to bring the results back.

All kinds of intelligence are showing that all this is pointed at Neptune Island, and the terrifying vision is likely to be caused by Neptune Island.

Hearing the intelligence from the intelligence organization, Sengoku smashed his solid wooden desk with a punch.

“How is this Su Ye again! Why is everything tied to him! And the things that are linked to him may not be good! ”

At this moment, the hair of the Warring States all over his body stood up, and he could see that he was very angry.

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