Hearing the words of the Warring States, the five old stars were already about to be angry to death, and they thought that after thinking about it for three days, they would send troops to the Holy Land of Mary Joya.

But he didn’t expect that the final answer to them was that even if he withdrew half of the Navy’s military budget, he couldn’t solve it, which made the five old stars angry and smoke straight on their heads.

But there was no way, the five of them could only huddle not far from the Holy Land of Mary Joa, and could only watch the Holy Land Mary Joa being cocooned little by little every day.

Several times, the five of them wanted to rush in, but they were stopped by those necromancers, who were comparable to the strength of the admiral.

Those necromancers will not have any pain, they will only know that they fight until death, so the five old stars are definitely not the opponents of those necromancers, so they have to retreat helplessly.

And this news soon spread throughout the world, and the world newspaper also filmed the scene of the Holy Land of Mary Joa, this ghostly scene, and added oil and vinegar, and hyped it in the newspaper.

Originally, there were many people who were fake because this event was fake, and when they saw that it was clearly written in black and white, and with pictures and pictures, they really believed that there was an incident of the revival of the dead in the Holy Land of Mary Joa.

For a while, the whole world fell into panic.

The world has developed for hundreds of years, more people die than there are living people, and if these dead people are revived, then the living people will die, and the whole world is a dead city.

In various shops such as shops and supermarkets, food has been completely out of stock, and everyone is hiding in the house and afraid to go out, for fear that the dead in their own city will be revived and attack them.

So the safest way is to stock up on food and hide in the house and not go out.

Originally, the five old stars wanted to prevent the newspaper from sending out this incident, but the world newspaper still tried to report this incident in order to make money, which led to the whole world now falling into extreme panic.

People are panicking, the whole world is shrouded in a strange atmosphere, and everyone feels that the end of the world is coming.

On the other side, the Whitebeard Pirates, Whitebeard also received the news.

After getting this news, Whitebeard also frowned.

The matter of the deceased’s revival has completely shattered his values, after all, this ability is too bizarre and terrifying.

Although Whitebeard is known as the strongest man in the world, he is not sure that he can withstand the many dead spirits who have come back from the dead.

Not to mention that there are many necromancers, with the strength of admirals.

Although his earthquake fruit can easily cause earthquakes and tsunamis, he can use large-scale natural disasters as his own weapon.

But the dead are not only the same, there are so many Mary Joa in the Holy Land, there will be many dead in each city, if it is allowed to develop, then this world will really become a world of dead souls.

Thinking of this, Whitebeard sighed heavily.

He knew that the incident developed like this, it must be Su Ye making trouble behind his back, every time a big incident occurred, it was Su Ye who was secretly doing it, if it weren’t for him as the behind-the-scenes promoter, then a lot of things would not have developed into what it is now.

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