Now that he had made up his mind, Su Ye couldn’t wait to leave and carry the unconscious Jade Mo to the Dong Tata family.

Since before this, Doflamingo was the emperor of Dressrosa, so he was the most familiar with the terrain of Dressrosa, and Su Ye brought him with him.

This time, Su Ye came and did not bring the wine swallowing boy and others, because he went this time to prepare, to treat Yuzao, not to fight in the past, if he brought too many people, it seemed very insincere.

Since Su Ye’s strength has improved rapidly, it only took a while to come to Dressrosa.

Although it took a lot of effort for Doflamingo to keep up with Su Ye, he still barely kept up with Su Ye in the end.

Following Doflamingo’s guidance, Su Ye came to a small house.

This is a village composed of many small houses, and from time to time you will see many dwarfs moving in this village, so that after seeing the arrival of Doflamingo and Su Ye, they ran away in a smoke.

It seems that they are very timid, and they want to inform their soldiers here to defend, because it is not only ordinary people who are coming, but also the famous Doflamingo and Suye, the sea king.

It was only after a short time that a large number of dwarfs came in front of the two of them.

The leader held the small gun in his hand and said to Su Ye: “What are you doing here?” It can’t be some kind of intention for us dwarves. ”

At the same time, they also stared at Doflamingo, after all, before Doflamingo met Su Ye, his reputation was very stinking.

In Su Ye’s dictionary, he never bowed his head, but in the face of this group of dwarves, Su Ye bowed deeply.

For Su Ye’s actions, everyone present was shocked, not only those dwarfs, but even Doflamingo, who had been following Su Ye.

You know, what a proud person Su Ye is, even in the face of so many navies, he has never bowed his head.

“You… You…… What are you doing! Seeing Su Ye’s action, the dwarf led by him was very shocked, and stammered at him.

“I heard that there is a person on your side who can heal other people’s injuries, so I want to ask him to treat my friend’s injuries.” Su Ye said lightly.

His tone was very sincere, because he hoped that Yuzaoqian could recover quickly, after all, Yuzaoqian was unconscious, and it had a lot to do with him.

Seeing Su Ye’s sincere tone, as well as his actions, the dwarfs were all silent.

What kind of person Su Ye is, they know best.

For some time, major newspapers have been reporting Su Ye’s feat.

Although these dwarfs saw Su Ye for the first time, they had seen Su Ye’s appearance from the newspaper, learned about Su Ye’s deeds, and knew that he was not such an easy compromiser.

But now he easily bowed to them, which meant that the woman in his arms was very important to him.

Hearing Su Ye’s words, the dwarfs all looked at the unconscious jade algae in Su Ye’s arms.

Tamamo’s appearance in front of her was already very good-looking, but now, she closed her eyes tightly, like a sleeping beauty. _

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