The two of them were so angry that they had to fight.

"Smoker, what's wrong? Did you lose the fight again?"

"I didn't lose. How could I lose?" Smoker shouted angrily, but his voice became smaller and smaller.

"I'm too weak."

Smoker's mother was surprised. This was the first time she saw Smoker being so strong: "Can you tell me what happened?"

"Did you know that the pirates attacked the town today?"

"I heard about it."

"I was actually at the scene. They were miserable, but I couldn't do anything. I could only be forced to flee by the pirates. But Xia Yan killed them without leaving a single piece of armor. I'm really weak." Smoker punched the table again.

The mother walked up to Smoker and hugged him: "You are very brave. Instead of arguing with others in the tavern, you fought with real swords and guns to save people. I am proud of you."

"Did the wound on your body come from that time?"

"Yeah," Smoker cried.

The mother touched Smoker's head: "Actually, I am very worried about you. Your father died when you were very young. No one cared about you, which led to you being naughty every day in the town. I am worried that you will become a pirate one day, because your eyes light up when others talk about Roger. I am very worried."

"Our town is protected by the 21 branches. No matter how much trouble you make in the town, the most you will suffer is a loss of money and a beating. I am worried that you will go out to sea and become a pirate. If you become a pirate, we may not be able to see you. And every day in There are countless pirates who died at sea. "

"Mom, the navy protects this town. Are they strong? I feel that the few navy soldiers who usually come out are very weak."

"Pirates are not all the same, and neither are the navy. Do you know that? The strongest pirate in our East China Sea has 30 million Baileys. The one you met today is just the Hound Pirates, whose captain has only 2 million Baileys, and the captain seems to be away. The navy is the same, and there are also strong ones. "

"Navy? Strong?" Smoker whispered a few words.

"Do you want power?" The mother's words were like the whisper of a devil.

Smoker nodded heavily.

"Hey" Come with me, Smoker followed his mother to the basement and opened the safe.

Opening the safe, there was a white fruit inside. The fruit was very strange, with circles of lines on it.

"What is this?" Smoker had a big question mark on his head.

"I don't know either. This is what your father got when he went into business. According to your father, he was also hunted down because of this fruit. This is why he never told you about your father."

"At that time, your father ran home covered in blood, gave me a large sum of money and this thing, and told me that he was being hunted down. This thing seems to be called a devil fruit, a fruit cursed by the devil. If you eat it, you will have the power of the devil, but it will be abandoned by the sea and you can't swim in the sea. He asked me to hide it well, otherwise it would lead to killing if people knew about it."

"What kind of power will you get after eating it?"

"I don't know either. Your father hurried out without telling me and never came back. This is also the first time I took out this thing."


Patrila Island in the South China Sea.

"It's really troublesome. Why do I have to do this? But I should be promoted after doing all this." Spandine yawned.

"Have the children under 1 year old on this island gathered with their mothers?"

"Yes, they gathered at the entrance of the village. During the interrogation, they all avoided Roger, as if they had nothing to do with Roger."

"What should I do?" Spandine was about to drink some coffee before thinking, snap, "The coffee is so hot." Spandine was so burned by the spilled coffee that he jumped around.

"Sir, this is what happened."

The other side of the phone was a bald man, dressed like a warrior, wearing a pair of glasses, holding a sword that exuded a demonic aura: "Cut the grass and eradicate the roots, do you know how to do it?"

Spandyne's forehead was covered with cold sweat: "Yes!"

Every time I talk to this adult, I am terrified.

He exhaled, "Execute all the women and children at the entrance of the village."

The messenger at the door was full of questions: "What did you say just now?"

"I said to execute all the women and children at the entrance of the village. You idiot." Spandain yelled while hitting the desk with both hands, and the coffee on the table was spilled again, "It's so hot, the coffee is so hot."

The messenger ran out in a hurry, and soon heard a burst of gunfire and screams of women and children. The gunfire alarmed the villagers on the island, and they came to the entrance of the village together.

Seeing the entrance of the village

There were a lot of bodies lying down, and the flames were burning fiercely, devouring everything.

"Ah, Yingzi, Daxiong." A man saw his relatives and shouted, but they could no longer respond to them.

Others whose families were among them also shouted and wanted to rush over. In the crowd, a woman with blonde hair and a big red flower quietly walked into the dark.

The crowd was blocked by the navy, and the angry crowd attacked the navy.

Bang! Gunshots rang out, and people were suppressed by force. Others who were not dead could only squat on the ground and tremble.

Spandine walked out of the temporary office: "Do you want to rebel? Go home and be inspected tomorrow."

People dared to be angry but did not dare to speak, and returned home in disgrace. Those whose family members had died could only cry silently in the corner, and could not even collect the bodies.


Kapu stood at the bow: "Drive faster for me"



"He hasn't been out for two days, and he didn't eat the food sent to him." Meilin was very worried.

Daoyi, who had closed his eyes, opened his eyes and felt a strong momentum coming at him in an instant. He kicked Xia Yan's door, and the door was kicked away and stuck on the wall behind, making a loud noise.

At this time, Xia Yan was squatting in the corner, hugging his knees with his hands, and there were big dark circles under his eyes.

The boss picked up Xia Yan and threw him out of the room and fell in the backyard: "Just look at what you look like now. If I had known you were so fragile, I shouldn't have taken you in. I should have let you freeze to death on the street."

Meilin pulled him, indicating that he was exaggerating.

He hugged Xia Yan in his arms: "She wouldn't want to see you like this, right?"

Xia Yan buried his head in the ravine, twitching slightly: "I know, but I can't forget what she looked like before she died. As long as I close my eyes, she will appear in front of me, smile at me, and ask me when I will marry her."

"She is still so young, how can she understand what it means to marry." The proprietress patted Xia Yan's head.

"But I never thought about marrying her. I just treat her as a sister."

"You shouldn't be stuck on the issue of marrying her. You should think about what you can do for her."

What to do? Yes, I want to cheer up, I also want to help her revenge, and what else?

Recalling the bits and pieces of this with the little girl, she likes to listen to my stories, likes to eat the food I cook, and wants me to marry her. Xia Yan's eyes darkened.

"What was her last message to you?"

If there were no pirates in the world, Xia Yan's eyes lit up, sogah, everything is the pirates' fault, if there were no pirates in the world, it would be great.

Then I will put an end to all the pirates in this world. Xia Yan's eyes showed determination, and invisible energy burst out from him, causing the neighbors who were not sleeping to fall to the ground one after another.

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