The pirates were in chaos.

"Captain, help me!"

"Big brother, save me." The pirates were in a mess.

Shutian Chaofeng was also blown away by the flames of the explosion, and his body was burned over a large area.

But he did not panic. He turned over and picked up the meteor that fell beside him, ignoring the flames and jumped into the sea.

The living pirates gritted their teeth and jumped into the water under the flames. Those with injured legs could only wail in place, and no companions would help them until they were burned to death.

Xia Yan, who had entered the water in advance, had already touched the vicinity. With the help of the reflection of the flames, someone jumped down and stabbed continuously.

Because it was difficult to control the strength and accuracy in the water, Xia Yan could not kill with one blow.

A few minutes later, the wailing in the flames had disappeared, and the nearby seawater was dyed red.

Unable to hold his breath, Xia Yan floated his head out of the water. A cold light flashed by, and Xia Yan didn't have time to think about it and dived again. The sharp cold light took away a corner of the demon mask and almost split Xia Yan's head.

Xia Yan dived for a distance and then emerged again. He saw Shutian Chaofeng standing on a large floating ship wreckage, staring at him fiercely. There were seven or eight pirates holding floating objects around.

Xia Yan also found a piece of driftwood to stand on. The burning flames lengthened his back, and with his red-faced and fanged demon mask, he looked a little majestic.

"Who are you? We have no grudges against you. Why are you attacking us?" It has come to this point, and there is actually no reconciliation. Chaofeng asked this question not to find a reason to attack or reconcile himself, but to see the other party's identity from the conversation.

So as to fight back, I have to say that this pirate is good. The ship has been destroyed and the people have died. Years of planning have come to nothing, but he has not lost his mind.

"You can call me Fire Yama." After saying that, he chopped at the back of the neck of Chao Shui, who was half dead and holding a driftwood.

As the knife was approaching, Chao Shui showed an evil smile, holding the driftwood and spinning, and kicked Xia Yan's waist with his right leg with strong force.

Xia Yan spun in the air and hastily hit Chao Shui's right whip kick with his knee. He involuntarily used the shadow dance step to borrow force and disperse the force.

With both hands spread out, his legs flew backwards in a golden rooster stand.

Several other pirates jumped up and chopped at him with knives.

Xia Yan's pupils shrank. These pirates took off their clothes when they slept and only wore underwear, but they still carried knives with them?

Xia Yan stepped on the driftwood, jumped up, and kicked the two pirates on the left and right. He blocked the swords of the two pirates in front of him with his sword and raised it up, raised it to the neck and swept it 180 degrees, aiming the tip of the sword at the pirate behind him. The pirate behind him hit Xia Yan's sword with his neck as if he was hitting a porcelain.

"Oh, not bad, this move is very cool!" Daoyi and Meilin stepped on a big tree trunk and were some distance away from them, hiding in the dark.

"But he seems to be dying, should we take action?" It turned out that the two of them were worried about Xia Yan's safety, so they shook their feet twice, and with a few kicks, they broke away from the trunk next to the port, and used a hand knife to cut a thick branch into a paddle and followed.

"No hurry, let's take a look." The boss now doesn't look like a weak scholar, he is clearly a general pointing out the country.

Xia Yan broke the attacks of 5 pirates at once. Chaofeng was also very surprised, but his attack did not stop because of surprise.

Teeth piercing.

The huge force of the kick caused the debris under Chaofeng's feet to explode backwards, and the Meteor Sword enlarged in Xia Yan's pupils. Xia Yan only had one thought at this time, that the Meteor Sword was a double-edged sword.

There was no time to think about it, and he couldn't do any effective counterattack. In mid-air, Xia Yan just crossed the knife across his chest, holding the handle with one hand and pushing the blade with the other hand to block.

The tip of the Meteor Sword hit the knife in a blink of an eye, and the blade formed an exaggerated arc.

Bang! After only resisting for a moment, the knife broke, and the Meteor Sword pierced into Xia Yan's body, but the moment the knife resisted had weakened a certain amount of power, and the bending of the knife caused a certain amount of aftershock force, which shook Xia Yan back.

The retreating Xia Yan tapped the broken deck debris, like a dragonfly skimming the water. While retreating, he did not forget to throw the short knife in his hand to the pirate who had just been knocked into the water next to him. After a few unloading, he retreated to a large piece of debris.

Xia Yan, who was able to catch his breath, looked around for weapons. Although fists were good weapons, it was difficult to kill someone with fists with his current strength, but it was easy with a knife, and even easier with a gun. That was why the young marines all had guns.

These pirates could not jump as easily as Xia Yan, and could only swim in the water.

In fact, even other pirates and navy are the same. People in this world believe in strength first. Even the six styles that are praised as condensing physical skills to the limit of human beings are not worth mentioning in terms of skills compared to kung fu.

Rusha, that is to step on the ground dozens of times in a short period of time to generate the rebound force to move at high speed, which requires enough speed and strength.

The same is true for Ruyue step, which is to step on the air dozens of times at the same time within 0.36 seconds, and the rebound force of the air causes a short stay in the air.

Chaofeng directly drilled into the bottom of the water, and attacked Xia Yan from the water together with the wreckage where Xia Yan was standing, trying to knock Xia Yan into the water, and then several people rushed up and hacked him to death.

Xia Yan kept jumping, and the wreckage under his feet was constantly destroyed. This group of pirates is really good at swimming.

Xia Yan dodged and approached the knife.

Xia Yan was happy to get the knife again, and a sudden change occurred. Chao Shui suddenly appeared in the water and pounced on Xia Yan.

Xia Yan was startled. He had been paying attention to Chao Feng and had not noticed the others. Chao Shui caught him.

Xia Yan could only jump away quickly, but he was still unable to dodge. His left leg was held. He kicked Chao Shui twice with his right leg but failed to kick him away. They could only fall into the sea together.

"Haha, kid, let's see if you can survive. Guys, kill him for me." The pirates swam towards Xia Yan.

Xia Yan retracted his left leg, wrapped his right leg around Chao Shui's neck, and rode on him. He bent his waist and touched Chao Shui's neck directly.

Chao Feng, who had just given the order, saw Chao Shui's wide eyes as soon as he got into the water: "Chao Shui~~~"

But Chao Shui could no longer respond to him. While he was in a daze, Xia Yan attacked and slashed him horizontally.

The pain brought Chao Feng back to his senses. Because of the water, the wound was long, but not deep.

Chao Feng gritted his teeth: "I want you dead."

The two pirates who came over stabbed Xia Yan in the back twice, and the four of them wrestled in the sea.

After a few minutes of fighting, Xia Yan emerged from the water, found the nearest driftwood and climbed up, covered with knife wounds, gasping for breath, staring at the water vigilantly.

The knife in his hand was already full of gaps.

Chao Feng also surfaced, one of his eyes had been blinded by Xia Yan, and he chased Xia Yan frantically. He had nothing left, the ship was blown up, his men were all dead, and only his unreliable brother was missing.

Xia Yan could only keep dodging, but the large amount of blood loss had made his face pale.

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