The price of a pot is 200,000 yuan, but the price of a pot is 200,000 yuan.

According to the average wage of 3,000 yuan per person, it is about 70,000 yuan. The security guard in a luxury hotel is a little higher, 100,000 yuan, and 200,000 yuan is two months' salary.

The security guard must be reluctant and in a dilemma.

At this time, the housekeeper came out, "Brother, business is not calculated like this. It is divided into retail and wholesale. You charge 10,000 yuan for a pot. Although 20 pots are 200,000 yuan, people will not buy your things again if there is no discount. So, I will pay 150,000 yuan for all of them. How about it?"

Xia Yan showed an embarrassed expression, and stretched out a finger with both hands and poked each other. "This is too little." Although he wanted to agree, he couldn't agree directly, otherwise he would be suspected.

"If you don't sell it, I'll ask him to pay you for a bottle of wine, and then I'll drive you away. After all, this is the door of someone else's store."

"Okay!" Xia Yan was very reluctant.

The housekeeper took the wine and gave the money to Xia Yan.

Xia Yan looked at the large number of spectators, "Don't worry, there will be good wine. This wine will be sold at the Mai Lin Tavern next week, first come first served." After shouting, he ran away quickly.

The hotel executives were not calm. This kid was stealing business.

In the corner of a house outside, Yougu poked his head out and frowned. How could there be the smell of my poison. But when he came out, he found nothing. He went back to the corner and continued to think about how to strengthen the poison. That Huo Yanluo could still walk briskly after being poisoned by himself. They searched for a long time but couldn't find his rotten body. He must have run away, and his intuition told him that he was not dead.

The housekeeper talked to the hotel executives for a few words and went upstairs with the wine.

"What's going on down there?" Jiekou half-closed his eyes and hadn't woken up yet.

"Master, I have collected a few pots of good wine. It will definitely be worthwhile to send them to the nobles."

"Why are you so noisy?"

The butler recounted the story, "It seems that the kid knows that the master is here and wants the master to promote his wine to him."

"Is the kid okay?"

"Master, I have confirmed with the people in this store that there is indeed such a person."

"Bring the wine to me."

The butler opened the wine, and the aroma of the wine filled the air. After all, it was white wine, and the alcohol concentration was much stronger than fruit wine.

Jiekou's eyes lit up and she was no longer sleepy. "Not bad."

At this time, Poker came in, "Master, the leader of the Falcon Pirates is here to discuss the details of the cooperation." Poker looked at the wine and couldn't take his eyes off it. People who like martial arts like wine, and Poker is no exception. The aroma of this wine is more fragrant than the good wine he smelled in the palace.

At this time, Shuxin walked in, sat down on the chair opposite Jiekou with a big horse and a golden sword, and sniffed. "Boss Jiekou is a straightforward person, and he has prepared good wine to entertain us."

Jiekou is in a bad mood now. These two borers came when she opened the wine pot instead of earlier or later. She said calmly, "Captain Falcon really came at the right time. This is the good wine I got with great luck. It is specially for the nobles to enjoy. It is worth 50,000 per pot."

Shu Xin sneered. What nobles use bamboo cups to drink wine? And 50,000 per pot.

Xia Yan returned home and prepared things for the evening. Then he adjusted his breathing to put himself in the best condition. He was not worried about bringing the Mai Lin Tavern in, because the wine used in that wine was soft muscle powder, and it was colorless and tasteless. After drinking it, you will be weak and incompetent for a day, which is similar to being drunk, but a little stronger.

On this side, Shu Xin also finished talking to Jiekou, took 5 pots of wine and left, and Poker also took 5 pots of wine and left.

At the same time, Cap went from the South China Sea to the East China Sea, and was now at Dadan. "You will raise this child, right?"

Dadan opened his mouth and his eyeballs bulged.

According to Xia Yan's idea, they would definitely want to drink the good wine. As teammates on the same ship, they would definitely share some with each other. He did not expect Shuxin's arrival, and the Wolf Pirates only had more than 20 people.

And Shuxin and Poker both made a choice, of course they would keep the good wine for themselves.

Shuxin went back to the room and started drinking. After drinking a pot, he collapsed in the room, snoring loudly.

And Wolf put the wine in the secret cabinet in the room and prepared to drink it before going to bed.

Jiekou felt dizzy and weak after taking a sip, "This wine is so strong!" Rubbing his temples, the dizziness was slightly relieved.

"What a powerful wine." Jiekou couldn't help but sigh, and didn't dare to drink more.

Time passed quickly, night fell, Xia Yan put on his suit, went out of the window, and went straight to Jiekou.

Jiekou relaxed his muscles under the massage of several beauties, and finally recovered after an afternoon.

The proprietress was looking for the boss everywhere. After a long search, she found Daoyi in the corner, who was drunk and sleeping against the wall. There were two empty plates on the ground.

No way, Mai Lin knew Daoyi's alcohol tolerance. He was actually drunk. Last time he drank for a whole day and a night and didn't get drunk.

A few slaps were thrown on the face, "Let's go, husband, let's go to the theater."

Seeing Xia Yan change clothes and go out again, I know that another pirate is unlucky today. I have to go to the theater quickly, otherwise the daylily will be cold.

Daoyi was a little dizzy after being beaten. Seeing Mai Lin, "Wife, drink."

Mai Lin was a little speechless, picked up Daoyi and jumped onto the roof. If we don't hurry up, there will be no show to watch.

The wind blew across Daoyi's cheek, and he couldn't help but sober up a little.

Xia Yan touched the hotel and found that most people were asleep, and quickly looked for his target.

A large group of people have surrounded the hotel. "Are you sure that Huo Yanluo has entered?"

Jiekou came out from the back, "Yes, the gadgets I set up have been triggered."

Xia Yan never thought that the hotel was a deception. In fact, Jiekou has never slept in the hotel, but lived in the house next door.

Xia Yan, who was running around, finally felt something was wrong and ran out suddenly. As soon as he walked out of the door of the hotel, he saw a group of pirates surrounding him.

"Huo Yanluo, you can't run away."

Xia Yan's eyes were half-closed. The Falcon Pirates were really haunting.

It seems that they have to run away with all their strength.


Smoker returned home today. Because of his natural department, everyone took good care of him. After completing a month of military training, he could rest for two days. And he was directly given the position of sergeant, so Smoker went home to see his lonely old mother.

With a cigar in his mouth, he walked towards home with a step that did not recognize his relatives.

"Mom, I'm back. I'm an official now! I'm a sergeant."

Smoker's mother came out of the kitchen, "Really? I knew my son would have a bright future." She hugged Smoker and kissed him.

Smoker was helpless, "Mom, I'm hungry." In order to get rid of his mother, he used the method of starvation to escape. No matter who the mother was, she was very concerned about the child's eating problem, fearing that her son could not afford it.

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