The two sides of the battle were in chaos, and the two sides were in chaos.

"Since it was a misunderstanding, and the boss of Jiekou also sincerely admitted his mistake and was willing to fine himself 2 million Baileys, then we will pack up and go back to get 30,000 Baileys for the night snack. Pack up!"

"Yes, turn around, change the front pair to the back pair, and run forward."

The navy came and went in a mighty manner, and met Smoker again on the way.

Smoker was confused. Why did he come back? Was it solved so quickly? The sergeant who pulled the leader away asked, "Why did you come back?"

"Oh, don't be nervous, it's just a misunderstanding, and the rich businessman was bored and set off fireworks for fun." The sergeant patted Smoker's shoulder and was about to leave.

"No, that sound must be the sound of gunfire."

The sergeant stopped and said, "Sergeant Smoker, are you questioning my judgment? And you are still on vacation, right? It's better to let us handle these things."

Then, following the large army to leave, Smoker gritted his teeth and waited for me to be the first to open this hammer when I became the base commander.

Then he went to the scene alone, only to see a group of servants cleaning up the fireworks debris. He pulled a few people to ask about the explosion, and they all looked confused.

In fact, the servants were very nervous and their backs were full of sweat, but the psychological quality of these servants was good (because the poor ones had been solved by the hungry wolf long ago), and they did not reveal any flaws. After a while, Smoker also left.

After tossing so late, the pirates couldn't stand it anymore. They dealt with the corpses and bandaged the ones who were not dead. The worst was the crossbowman who was hit by Xia Yan's needle. The wound rotted directly and asked Yougu to detoxify. Yougu said, I am studying poisoning, not detoxification.

The pirates were dumbfounded. You brag every day that you are a master of poison, but you can't cure other people's poisons. Your poison can be cured in one day. Pah, rubbish. If I can't beat you, I will give you a few words. Although I cursed in my heart, I didn't dare to say it out loud. I went to find the ship's doctor in shame.

Fortunately, the ship's doctor is good, but only good enough. He can't die or be cured.

Those who were hit by arteries are fine. They have returned to the fountain now. The rest are half dead, wailing, festering all over their bodies, and being kept alive by the ship's doctor, but they can't die.

The other pirates went back to sleep, because Xia Yan's shots were fast, accurate, and ruthless. It was either life or death, and very few were injured.

Xia Yan returned home, took off his coat with difficulty, cleaned the wound silently, and picked out the bullet with his bare hands.

It must hurt, but if it hurts, don't pick it out? If you don't pick it out, it will grow inside.

He licked his wound silently, but could not make too much noise, for fear of waking up the boss and the others.

He sighed deeply, and finally treated the wound. He ate something and fell into a deep sleep.

Mai Lin and Dao Yi walked into the room gently. Mai Lin sat at the head of the bed and stroked Xia Yan's cheek, "This kid is too hardworking."

"With us by his side, he won't die."

Mai Lin glared at him, "Do you really want him to go to the Navy Headquarters? It will take a long time for him to come back once he goes there."

"We are so big, didn't we crawl out of a pile of corpses?"

"What about the Falcon Pirates?"

"They massacred a village, the headquarters will not ignore it, and they should send people to wipe them out."

The targets of the Navy Headquarters' missions are all extremely vicious people. Ordinary pirates are arrested by the locals. If he does bad things at sea or defeats the navy, his bounty will only increase. At that time, if he attacks a member country, or massacres a village, or attacks the Navy branch station, or outperforms the local navy by several levels, it will be reported to the superiors and handled by the Navy Headquarters.

The two returned to the room, picked up the phone, and connected to General Zhan Guo. It was still the familiar voice and the childish code.

"Daoyi, you brag about your adopted son every day. This time, the boy I brought back from the North Sea is very much to my taste. I decided to adopt him as my adopted son. He must be better than yours." Zhan Guo said proudly, as if he had picked up a treasure and envied his best friend.

"General Zhan Guo, you treated me a lot in the past. I will ask my son to take good care of your son." Daoyi rubbed his hands. He used to be a soldier under Zhan Guo, and he was not a little angry and beaten by this calf. I should have no chance of revenge, but as for my son, you don't know how fierce my adopted son is, and you think I am bragging to you.

However, who wouldn't be annoyed if everyone said every time when reporting intelligence that my adopted son had solved so many pirates during this period, how obedient he was, and how he could brew good wine.

"I'm not bragging to you. My child is of extraordinary status, and

And full of sense of justice, he will definitely play a leading role in the navy in the future. "Zhan Guo was naturally still unconvinced.

"What identity, so scary, could it be a Celestial Dragon?"

Mai Lin nudged Dao Yi with her elbow, the two of you combined age can be buried in the ground, why are you still like this.

Zhan Guo paused for a long time, Dao Yi and Mai Lin looked at each other, with horrified expressions.

"Zhan Guo, you won't tell me that you are really a Celestial Dragon." Dao Yi said seriously.


"You are crazy!" Dao Yi, who has always been calm, jumped up.

"His situation is a bit special, I will tell you in detail later?"

"A pirate called the Falcon Pirates appeared in the East China Sea. They recently massacred a village, which had a very bad impact. I plan to send a navy to wipe them out. By the way, I will bring your baby son to the navy headquarters to adapt to the navy life in advance."


"I don't know where that guy Garp has gone again. I am working hard here, and he is actually on vacation. "Zhan Guo was very angry.

"Well, I know what Garp said. In the East China Sea, I heard a pirate say yesterday that a dog-head warship was seen near the windmill town of the Goya Kingdom. I don't think anyone else would use dog heads to decorate warships."

"Damn it, he actually ran so far, from the South China Sea to the East China Sea." Zhan Guo was so angry that he gasped.

"No, I'm busy and can't let him be idle. Let him take this task." Zhan Guo praised his wit.

"Daoyi, it's decided. I will give the task to Garp at that time, and you can let your godson follow Garp back. "

Daoyi showed his disgust, "Is this guy reliable?"

"Should be, probably, maybe reliable." Zhan Guo was a little weak. "Oh, just take a boat, can you lose it? The grown man is dawdling. That's it. "

Daoyi and the other man looked at each other and saw each other's worry, but it seemed that there was no other way, so they had to do this.

Zhan Guo hung up Daoyi's phone and called Garp. Garp and Ace were sleeping soundly in the hall. His snot bubbles grew and shrank regularly with his breathing, and the rhythm was very synchronized. If you didn't know, you would think this was his grandson.

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