The old man licked his tongue and said, "It's been a long time since I, Nagli, have tasted such a top-notch loli."

Slurp! Swallowed his saliva.

The little girl was a little scared and hid behind her father, holding her father's trouser leg with one hand.

The old father stretched out his hand to protect the girl, just like a hen protecting her chicks, and protected the girl as she walked into the house.

And he said sternly, "What do you want to do? There is a naval base here."

"Yes, boss, don't mess around." The younger brother was also a little panicked.

Pirates have existed in this world for a long time, and the same is true for the navy. All the two sides have reached a certain consensus that if they encounter life and death at sea, life and death will be left to fate. Killing the navy will only re-evaluate the danger value and increase the bounty.

But the pirates stationed in the navy must not be attacked. If they are attacked, no matter who they are, it is a provocation to the navy and will be hunted down by the navy. As strong as the Golden Lion, he was imprisoned in the navy prison for attacking the navy headquarters base.

The male devil Barrett, the young man, did not attack the navy base when he challenged the Demon Slayer Order. (Don't ask for evidence, I made it up)

Nagli just looked at me with contempt, and I didn't dare to say it. I rubbed my hands and said, "Little girl, uncle is not a bad person."

Not a ghost, can you wipe your saliva when you say this, and what uncle is there? This white-haired and white-browed man is obviously an old man, okay? Although the little girl didn't dare to say it, it didn't prevent her from complaining in her heart.

The old father who had retreated into the house quickly took down the shotgun on the wall and pointed the muzzle outside the house: "Don't come over."

"If you come over again, I will shoot." Although the old father's hands were shaking, he still acted tough.

Nagli walked forward step by step, as if to say I bet there is no bullet in your gun.

In fact, Nagli was not afraid of the inferior gun in his hand. He could deal with it by hiding or pinching the bullet with his bare hands, or dealing with the person holding the gun. He acted very calmly.

He moved forward step by step, and he stepped back step by step.

"You guys hold him down, I'm going to play games with the little girl."

How dare the little brother refuse, more than a dozen people surrounded him.

"Don't be afraid, little girl, uncle just wants to play a game with you, a very good and fun game." The old man showed a lewd smile.

"I don't want it." The nervous little girl ran into the house.

The old father wanted to go over but was stopped by the pirates. The furious old father excitedly pulled the trigger.


A pirate fell to the ground, but he did not die. He covered his wound and wailed. The other pirates were not afraid when they saw the blood, but aroused their ferocity.

"Shame on you!" They all drew their knives from their waists.

Rogue Town is not big, but it is not small either. Gunshots rang throughout Rogue Town.

Sharp sirens sounded, residents fled in all directions, and the streets were deserted in an instant.

Xia Yan, who was face to face with Smoker, changed his expression: "Oh no, it's the west coast entrance, the direction of my home."

Without caring about quarreling with Smoker, Xia Yan picked up the sword and rushed west.

It was evening, the sunset was all over the sky, and the clouds were red like blood.

Xia Yan silently prayed in his heart, don't let anything happen.

Smoker also followed, thinking, who is making trouble in my territory.

The 21 branches of Rogue Town quickly moved, and teams of navy soldiers took their weapons and ran towards the direction of the gunshots.

The old father was instantly subdued by the pirates who took out the knife, pressed to the ground, and two knives were placed on his neck.

The girl's screams rang out in the room. The old father's gums were bleeding. He didn't know where he got the strength from. He overturned the two pirates who were pressing on him, picked up the shotgun and shot again. This time, the pirate didn't have such a good range and was shot in the head. Red and white splashed all over the floor.

The other pirates' eyes turned red. He dared to kill my brother. More than a dozen knives slashed at him.

The old father was chopped into a bloody mess and fell in a pool of blood, but his eyes were wide open, as if he wanted to see the faces of these pirates clearly.

Three minutes later, the screams in the house stopped, and the old man came out shaking his clothes.

He took a look at the red and white objects and corpses on the ground, and a wounded person: "Kill the wounded one, take the property and food in the house and evacuate quickly, the navy is coming."

Although Nagli was not afraid of the scum of the branch, he didn't want to be targeted so early. If he attracted the old man Sengoku or Garp, it would be troublesome.

The remaining pirates had ugly faces. Although pirates were constantly abandoned and betrayed, and stepped on the corpses of others to rise to the top and make their lives better, it was still...

The two tall pirates looked at each other, holding a knife and walking towards their injured companions: "Don't blame us if you die, we were forced to do it."

The injured pirate kept kicking his feet and moving his body back: "Don't come over, let me go, I'll tell you where I hid my money."

The two were unmoved. What money can a little pirate like them have? Live one day at a time, live one day at a time, maybe one day it will be their turn.

With a scream, the white knife went in and the red knife came out, and they simply received a box lunch.

Others hurried to find supplies.

When they were about to withdraw with big and small bags, Smoker and Xia Yan had already arrived at the door, looking at the red and white things on the ground, and the uncle who fell to the ground with his eyes wide open.

The head was like a thunderbolt, anger surged in his heart, and his eyes were full of bloodshot.

"Little devil, don't block the way, we are leaving." They didn't have time to waste on this little devil. If they were caught by the navy, they would lose a layer of skin if they didn't die.

"All of you stay here to be buried with uncle." A hoarse voice came out of the mouth of the kid in front of them.

"Hahaha!" The pirates seemed to have heard some joke.

Although he was a child, the pirates did not intend to let him go. Who told him to block their way and their freedom?

The two pirates in front raised their knives and slashed at Xia Yan. Xia Yan ducked, pulled out the sword in his hand and stabbed it upwards. The sword went straight into his mouth from the throat, and cut off his tongue.

The pirate fell to the ground, covering his neck with both hands, trying to make some sound to ask for help, but he couldn't do it anymore, and showed an incredible expression.

Another pirate was stopped by Smoker, who was not carrying a weapon and was forced to be in a hurry. .

Seeing that Xia Yan could almost kill a pirate instantly, his pupils shrank.

So strong, Smoker muttered to himself, and then his head was instantly filled with blood, and he shouted: "Don't look down on me?"

He raised his left hand to block the knife, clenched his right fist tightly, jumped up and hit the pirate in the face. The pirate was hit two meters away by a huge force, rolled over, and fainted on the spot.

Smoker also raised his chin to Xia Yan, as if to say that I am no worse than you.

However, Xia Yan didn't even look at him, his eyes were fixed on the pirate in front of him.

These pirates were also a little confused. Are all the children nowadays so confused?

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