The new world.

Aighede Island.

"Come on, some people, take these failed products aboard!"

"Yes! Sir!"

"Hurry up! Hurry up! These failed products of Begabank have to be submitted to the higher-ups for review, so be quick!"

Begabank? Failed products?

Listening to the noisy noise in his ears, Mu Yun shook his confused head and slowly opened his eyes.

A huge warship stood in front of him, surrounded by busy figures in naval uniforms.

"Where am I...?!"

Looking at the unfamiliar scene in front of him, Mu Yun was a little at a loss.

Clearly, he was in his room just a second ago, but in the blink of an eye, he came to this strange place.

Suddenly, Mu Yun felt a sharp pain in his head, and frame after frame of strange pictures emerged from his mind.

Those pictures were like needles piercing Mu Yun's mind!


Mu Yun held his head tightly with both hands, and rolled on the ground in pain.

"Hey, hey! What the hell is going on?"

The navy standing next to Mu Yun looked at Mu Yun rolling on the ground and hurried forward to check.

Soon, the pain in Mu Yun's head began to slowly disappear.

Mu Yun panted weakly, and his body seemed to be wet by rain, and his sweat had soaked his clothes.

What the hell? !

I actually traveled to One Piece?

And became Vegabank's "failed" experiment?

Mu Yun sorted out the memories that suddenly appeared in his mind and found that he had inexplicably traveled to the world of One Piece.

Let it be a travel, others have traveled to the side of the protagonist or something.

Even if he didn't travel to the protagonist, he could just travel to the four seas. Even traveling to the Grand Line would be acceptable.

But teleporting to a new world full of dangers would be too much!

He also became someone else's experimental subject.

Fortunately, this body was created by Vegabank using the Lunaria tribe as a template.

The Lunaria tribe is a famously strong race in One Piece.

The reason why Vegabank considered it a "failed" work is also quite strange.

When Mu Yun was created, he didn't have the black wings unique to the Lunaria tribe, but only the unique flame ability of this race.

Fortunately, there were no black wings behind him, and Mu Yun breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't want to be mistaken for a birdman.

Except for this insignificant shortcoming, Mu Yun now inherited all the powerful characteristics of this race.

"Hey, you're not okay."

A navy officer asked Mu Yun carefully with a musket in his hand.

Mu Yun waved his hand and slowly stood up with his hands.

"I'm fine, thank you for your concern."

It's not the time to attract attention, Mu Yun said in his heart.

Through memory, Mu Yun realized that his current situation is very dangerous!

It turns out that the Five Elders will take away the failed experiments of Vegabank regularly, under the pretext of inspection, but in fact they are secretly handed over to others for research.

If there is no value, they will destroy these products.

And Mu Yun is what the Five Elders specifically asked for.

If you go to the Five Elders, it would be wishful thinking to want to escape.

After all, those five old guys are not vegetarians.

Mu Yun frowned. He whispered in a low voice: "How can we get rid of the predicament here?"

Now the port is surrounded by the navy, and it is impossible to leave.

Even if it can escape from the port, no ship can escape from Edhead Island.

Because this island is under the control of the World Government, other ships will not be allowed to approach here.

In order to protect the safety of this island, the World Government has also specially arranged a general to guard it.

Now they could only follow this group of navy and leave, and find an island to escape halfway.

After thinking of the escape strategy, Mu Yun slowly relaxed and began to observe around.

The navy guarding Mu Yun breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that Mu Yun was fine.

After all, even if these experimental products were marked as failed products, each one was worth a lot of money.

If Mu Yun broke down in their hands, they would be seriously derelict in their duty.

"Let's go, time is very tight."

A navy urged behind Mu Yun.

"Sorry, are we going directly to Mary Geoise? Or will we rest on the way?"

Mu Yun smiled embarrassedly, and then chatted with the navy around him to find out the news.

After all, this determined where he would start the action.

"It should be going directly to Mary Geoise, after all

The mission is required to be completed as soon as possible. "

The navy around him also let down his guard and replied.

"Yeah, I don't know why this mission is so urgent. I heard that there are things that the Celestial Dragons are interested in in this batch of failed experiments, so they put pressure on the higher-ups."

"I heard that Marshal Zhan Guo was furious about this matter."


The relaxed atmosphere made the navy around him start chatting.

Mu Yun also heard a lot of information he needed in these chats.

The Celestial Dragons actually failed in this transportation mission.

Is there something in the failed products that attracts the Celestial Dragons?

No! The Celestial Dragons have money and people. They only want rare things. Why would they want these failed products?

Could it be...

Mu Yun stretched out his hand and looked at his brown skin.

Could it be that they are attracted to me!!

He is not an ordinary human now!

Mu Yun is now a member of the Lunaria tribe' Failed product', in terms of scarcity, it is even more scarce than mermaids.

The more Mu Yun thought about it, the closer he felt to the answer.


No! I must find a way to escape! I must not go to Marijoa!

If I become a plaything of the Celestial Dragons, I will be worse off than dead!

I must not become a plaything of the Celestial Dragons. I finally came to the world of One Piece, but I lost my freedom without experiencing anything. Isn't that a pity!

Mu Yun's mood suddenly became nervous, and a wisp of flame began to emerge behind him, and the flame burned out of thin air.

As Mu Yun's expression became more nervous, the flame behind him became more and more fierce.


The navy looked at the fierce flames rising behind Mu Yun and immediately dodged to the side.

"What happened!"

"There is an emergency here!"

The navy around immediately picked up their weapons and surrounded Mu Yun.

Mu Yun glanced at the huge flames burning behind him and sighed: "It seems that this is troublesome. "

I tried not to attract attention, but I still became the focus.

Mu Yun didn't do it on purpose. After all, he hadn't adapted to this body yet, and he couldn't control the flames behind him.

"Test subject No. 002, raise your hands and surrender! Don't let us use force to hurt you."

At this time, a general wearing a white cloak with justice printed on the back walked up to Mu Yun and persuaded him to give up resistance.

"If you have to lose your freedom in exchange for a chance to live..."

Mu Yun said as he took an attacking stance and shouted, "I refuse! !"

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