The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

Yongzhi frowned and shook off the arm that Reiju was holding.

"You'd better know what you're doing."

After saying that, Yongzhi turned around and walked out of the castle, leaving Reiju alone there.

Reiju looked at the pirate ship on the sea below reluctantly.

Goodbye, Muyun.

Don't come to find me...

The huge snail slowly crawled past the pirate ship and crawled away into the distance.


The first ray of sunlight in the morning shone on Muyun's face through the window.

The dazzling sunlight woke up Muyun from his sleep.

"What time is it now?"

Muyun walked out of the bedroom in a daze.

He slept so well that he was still a little confused.

"Good morning, Captain."

Amy held a dessert in her hand and waved to greet Mu Yun enthusiastically.

"Good morning!" Mu Yun yawned, "Amy, why are you up so early? Where are the others?"

"Witt is preparing breakfast in the restaurant, and Maris and Roger are also eating in the restaurant."

Amy pointed to the direction of the restaurant and said, "I just had a full meal and wanted to see what the weather is like today. Witt made me a delicious dessert and asked me to bring it out to eat."

"Where is Reiju?"

Mu Yun asked in confusion.

"Reiju? I don't know. I haven't seen her all morning. Is she still awake?"

Amy was also confused. She didn't see Reiju when she got up early in the morning.

She didn't think much about it, thinking that Reiju was still sleeping in.

"I'll go call her."

As he said that, Mu Yun walked towards Reiju's room.

He walked to the door of the room and raised his hand to knock.

"Reiju, it's morning, are you awake?"

But no sound came from the room.


Mu Yun had a bad feeling in his heart.

He quickly pushed open Reiju's door.

The room was neatly tidied, and a white envelope was placed on the bedside table.

Mu Yun quickly walked to the table and opened the envelope.

He carefully read the letter left by Reiju, and his expression gradually became complicated.

When he finished reading the letter in his hand, a ball of fire instantly emerged from his hand and burned the letter to ashes.


On the deck, Amy watched Mu Yun walk out of Reiju's room with a complicated expression, and hurriedly asked: "Captain, where is Reiju? Is she still awake?"

Mu Yun didn't speak with an ugly expression.

At this time, Rogert walked out of the restaurant and said: "When everyone was asleep last night, that guy was picked up by someone."

As he spoke, he walked to Mu Yun.

"Reiju, full name Vinsmoke Reiju, the notorious Germa 66 'Toxic Powder' in the North Sea, a famous mercenary corps in the underground world, countless people must have died at her hands."

"Captain, such a cold-blooded person, do you still want to invite her to join?"

He looked at Mu Yun with a serious expression, waiting for Mu Yun's answer.

He revealed Reiju's identity because he was worried that Mu Yun would be deceived by her appearance and make the wrong decision.

"Amy, get ready to sail!"

Mu Yun did not answer Roger's question, he just ordered Amy to sail.

"Yes! Captain!"

Amy hurriedly walked towards the rudder, and by the way, patted Maris who had just walked onto the deck, signaling him to start working.

Soon, the pirate ship under his feet began to sail.

Roger looked at Mu Yun's determined face, sighed, and reached out to take out a piece of white paper from his pocket.

He handed the piece of paper to Mu Yun and said, "This is the girl's life paper, which can guide you to find her."

When Reiju left last night, Roger cut off a nail from her finger and made it into a life card.

"Thank you! Roger!" Mu Yun happily took the life card, "It really helped a lot!"

Roger said helplessly, "Who told you to be the captain."

"Since you think that little girl from the Vinsmoke family is worth it, I can only risk my life to accompany you."

Hearing him say this, Mu Yun patted his shoulder happily and said, "Don't worry, Roger."

"The Vinsmoke family is not a dangerous place. With my skills, I will definitely bring Reiju back."

"I hope so."

Roger didn't have much confidence.

After all, Germa 66 can be notorious in the North Sea, and it can't do without some strength.

"Captain, give the order, which direction should we go."

The preparations for sailing are all done, and Amy stands

He asked loudly to Mu Yun who was standing on the deck before the rudder.

Mu Yun stood at the bow, opened his hand, and stared at the small piece of Reiju's life card placed in his palm.

The piece of paper kept jumping in Mu Yun's palm. Looking carefully, you can see that it is jumping to the right front.

"Amy, move forward to the right front!"

After discovering the instructions of the life card, Mu Yun immediately shouted to Amy.


Amy immediately turned the rudder.

The whole pirate ship slowly shifted to the right and moved in the direction indicated.

Mu Yun frowned and felt the speed of the ship.

This is too slow!

At this speed, how can I catch up with Reiju!

Suddenly, Mu Yun thought of a good idea.

That's right! I can speed up the ship!

Do it if you want to!

Mu Yun raised his hands, and saw that a group of red clouds suddenly rose from the side of the ship, wrapping the hull.

The fiery red cloud gradually lifted the entire ship, and the hull was gradually lifted out of the water by the cloud.

"Flame cloud!"

Soon, the entire ship was lifted up by the flaming cloud and floated into the air.

"Ah! The ship is floating!"

Amy shouted excitedly at the sudden situation.

"Everyone hold on tight!" Mu Yun told the people behind him, "I'm going to speed up!"

He took a deep breath and spit out at the sail.

"Strong wind!"

Instantly, Mu Yun spit out a strong hurricane from his mouth.

The pirate ship floating in the air rushed out like a cannonball!

"Ah ah ah ah! Ship-Captain! Slow down!"

"Damn it! Bastard Mu Yun! Slow down!!"

In the sky, Amy's screams resounded through the sky.

Mu Yun glanced at Amy, and seeing that she was holding the rudder tightly, he ignored her.

At this time, he just wanted to hurry up and bring Reiju back.

Staring at the life card clenched in his hand, Mu Yun kept adjusting the direction of the ship.

Looking at the endless sea below, Mu Yun said in his heart: "Reiju, don't worry, we will find you soon."

On the other side, in the Germa 66 mobile base.

Reiju knelt respectfully in front of a throne, waiting for someone.

Suddenly, a tall and serious strong man wearing a metal helmet, with long golden hair, walked out from the side and sat on the throne.

"Reiju, have you completed the task assigned to you?"

He asked.

"Father, I brought you back what you need."

Reiju lowered her head and took out a small box from her arms and handed it to the person in front of her.

"Very good, Reiju, you did a good job."

This person is none other than Reiju's biological father, the leader of the Vinsmoke family - Vinsmoke Judge.

Judge took the item from Reiju and looked at her with a serious expression

"I heard from Yongzhi that you let a group of pirates go on your way back?"

"Tell me why you let them go!"

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