After saying that, Rogert swung his sword to push Yongzhi away, and then quickly chased after him with his sword.

"Damn it!"

Yongzhi, who was pushed away, quickly adjusted his body shape and rushed towards Rogert.

"Windbreaker hit!"

He swung his heavy fist and collided violently with Rogert's long sword.

With his exoskeleton comparable to steel and his sturdy combat suit, Yongzhi could fight with the long sword with his flesh.

Suddenly, Rogert pulled away and swung the long sword in his hand at Yongzhi, and several crescent-shaped flying slashes flew towards Yongzhi.

Yongzhi frowned and immediately waved his fists. Several fist shadows flashed and smashed all of Roger's slashes.

"I didn't expect that a swordsman like you would go out to sea with an unknown person."

Yongzhi glanced at Mu Yun and said to Roger in front of him.

Roger held the knife in one hand and confronted Yongzhi, saying: "I believe in my intuition, and I am sure that Mu Yun can bring a different view to this sea."

"I bet this decadent body on his future."

"His will will be the direction I move forward!"

Hearing Roger's words, Yongzhi suddenly grinned and said: "I didn't expect that a strong man like you would be so naive. Feelings are really the most useless thing."

Yongzhi's expression suddenly became ferocious, and he tapped his feet. Suddenly, a gas spurted out from his combat boots. He instantly raised his fist and rushed towards Roger.

Roger quickly swung the sword in his hand, and several flying slashes flew out from the long sword and flew towards Yongzhi.

Facing the flying slashes, Yongzhi's figure kept flashing in the air, dodging all the sword beams.

Soon, Yongzhi rushed in front of Roger.

Roger held the sword in one hand and rushed towards Yongzhi's fist.

Suddenly, Yongzhi's fist separated from his arm and suddenly attacked Roger.


Roger was instantly hit by Yongzhi's iron fist like a cannonball, smashing the wall behind him and flying into the castle.

Looking at the direction where Roger was hit, Yongzhi smiled and retracted the flying iron fist.

"You can't imagine it, my body is the result of high-tech transformation."

"Next, it's time to deal with the remaining group of people."

As he said, Yongzhi moved his newly installed fist and looked at Muyun and the others.

Suddenly, he felt a dangerous breath coming from the side.

Rogert slowly walked out of the broken wall, holding the sword in one hand, exuding an inexplicable aura.

Looking carefully, Yongzhi suddenly found that the long sword in Rogert's hand had turned black.

Rogert raised the sword in his hand and said to Yongzhi seriously: "I said, if you want to fight our captain, you must get through me first."

"Now the second round begins."

Yongzhi's eyes flashed with a fierce light, and he grinned: "Since you are so anxious to die, I will fulfill your wish."

On the other side, Muyun was still confronting Jiazhi.

Jiazhi saw that Yongzhi was entangled by Rogert, looked at the soldiers around him, and ordered: "Get rid of them."


The soldiers in black combat uniforms all raised their weapons and rushed towards Muyun and others.


Suddenly, an iron chain was thrown towards the soldiers, instantly knocking the soldiers who rushed forward away.

The iron chain continued to move forward and hit the ground hard. A big hole was instantly smashed by the iron chain on the ground, and the bricks on the ground flew around.

Marius, who was beside Mu Yun, took action. He kept waving the iron chain wrapped around his arm and knocked away all the soldiers who attacked from all around.

Although his attack was very powerful, the soldiers who were knocked away seemed to have no sense of pain.

After being knocked away by the iron chain, they spit out blood, slowly stood up from the ground, and then rushed towards Mu Yun and the others.

Bang bang bang!

Amy raised the musket in her hand and quickly helped Marius deal with the remaining soldiers he missed.

Witt, who was wearing a chef's uniform, also attacked with the kitchen knife in his hand.

The group of soldiers saw that someone could fight with a kitchen knife, and they all rushed towards Witt with a grin.

Witt stared at the group of soldiers seriously, and waved the kitchen knife in his hand a few times at the soldiers rushing over.

Instantly, the soldiers around him froze beside him as if petrified.


Several lines of blood spurted out from the group of soldiers, and the group of soldiers instantly fell to the ground powerlessly.

The white kitchen knife on Witt's body

The teacher's uniform was also stained red by the blood spurting out.

"I didn't expect Witt to be so strong."

Amy was very surprised to see Witt easily deal with the soldiers around him.

She always thought that Witt only knew how to cook, and she was going to help Witt.

Unexpectedly, Witt hid so deeply and didn't need her help at all.

"Witt, you guy! Why didn't you tell us that you are so strong? I was worried about whether you could solve it."

Witt stared at the soldier who rushed up beside him stepping on the corpse of his teammates, and said without turning his head: "Sorry, I don't think I am so strong."

The soldiers around him kept attacking him, and he kept twisting his body to dodge as if he had predicted it in advance.

"It's just that I have been different from others since I was a child. I have felt that I have one more sense than others since I was a child. This feeling has helped me avoid many dangers."

Observation Haki!

Hearing Witt's narration, Amy was shocked.

Traveling to the new world, Amy certainly knows about this high-end skill.

Unexpectedly, Witt was born with this power.

Then Amy said to Witt with a jealous look: "Witt! You lucky guy!"

Witt smiled and didn't care about Amy's jealousy.

He had seen too many people who were jealous of him since he was a child.

Whether it was friends who had been with him for many years, colleagues, or even the chef who taught him cooking, they were all jealous of him.

Because Witt had been called a genius by adults since he was a child.

While dodging the attacks, he casually waved the knife in his hand to fight the soldiers around him.

With this natural talent, he could easily learn cooking, easily find the right angle to use the knife to handle the ingredients, easily find the gap between objects, and easily cut iron.

Because of this, he was betrayed, framed, and sent to the auction.

Just when he was discouraged, Mu Yun shone on him like a warm sunshine.

So this time Mu Yun needed his help, and he had to desperately respond to Mu Yun and help him clear the obstacles.

Witt repelled the soldiers around him and shouted to Mu Yun: "Captain! Go forward! Let us solve all the obstacles on the road ahead!"

"Go and bring Reiju back, stupid captain!"

Amy changed bullets and shouted to Mu Yun with a smile.

Suddenly, a soldier rushed over while she was changing bullets.


A sound of breaking through the air sounded from Amy's ears, and a chain instantly passed by her ears, piercing the soldier who attacked.

Then, the chain danced with the soldier's body and danced wildly around.

"Boss, leave this to us!"

Maris shouted to Mu Yun without dancing the chain.

Mu Yun glanced at the people fighting hard and smiled: "Then I'll trouble you."

It's great to travel with you! !

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