The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

Reiju did not reply to Judge.

She slowly raised her hand, and a cloud of purple mist surrounded his arm.

"Hahahaha, Reiju, do it!" Judge laughed with a look of relief in his eyes, "Execute me like you did with your enemies before!"

"Don't worry, father." Reiju looked at Judge lying on the ground with a cold face.

"I will personally end the sinful life of Germa 66!"

Judge glanced at Reiju, closed his eyes unwillingly, gritted his teeth and said, "Whatever you want, do it!"

He was very unwilling to end here like this!

The dream of dominating the North Sea has not yet been realized, and he is going to die here!

Reiju's face was cold, and she raised her hand and clenched her fist to hit Jiazhi's head.

"Reiju, stop!"

Just when Reiju's fist was about to hit Jiazhi, Muyun flashed to her side and grabbed her arm.

"Why do you want to stop me, Muyun."

Reiju looked at Muyun beside her and asked tremblingly.

Muyun said to Reiju seriously: "I just don't want you to do stupid things."

"No matter how wrong he is, he is still your father."

"So don't do these things you don't want to do anymore, we have already won."

After listening to Muyun's words, Reiju took a deep breath to calm down her complicated feelings at the moment.

"Captain, are we really going to let them go?" Rogert walked over slowly at this moment and said weakly, "If we don't get rid of them, they will definitely cause us trouble in the future."

"It's okay, Rogert."

Mu Yun saw that Reiju no longer had the heart to kill Judge, so he let go of her hand and turned to Rogert and said, "Since we can defeat them once, they will no longer be an obstacle to our progress."

Rogert saw that Mu Yun said so, and could only sigh helplessly.

"I hope you won't regret your decision today, Captain."

Jade, who was lying on the ground, heard that Mu Yun actually decided to let him go, and his heart was stirred.

"Boy! Don't think that I will be grateful to you if you let me go!"

Jade gritted his teeth and yelled at Mu Yun: "We were careless this time! We will never fail again next time!"


Mu Yun glanced at Judge and said easily.

Next time, I will definitely become stronger!

"Everyone! Get on the pirate ship!" Mu Yun smiled and looked at Amy and the others, and shouted excitedly, "Let's go to the free sea!"

"Yes, Captain!"

Everyone shouted happily, and then jumped towards the pirate ship docked next to the Germa 66 base.

Mu Yun jumped to the bow, stood on the fence, and saw that Amy and the others had all boarded the ship.

He waved his hands, and a group of flames quickly surrounded the hull, dragging the entire ship into the air.

"Everyone hold on tight, let's go!"

Mu Yun shouted excitedly to everyone.

"Wait! Captain, I'm not ready yet!"

Amy's face was pale and she hugged the railing beside her in a hurry.

Mu Yun exhaled towards the sail, and a strong wind instantly blew up the sail, and the whole ship instantly rushed out in the air like a cannonball.

"Ahhh! Stupid Mu Yun!"

Amy's screams resounded in the blue sky.

In the Germa base.

The Germa soldiers who were stunned by Mu Yun gradually woke up.

They were panicked to find that their leader and young master fell to the ground miserably, and hurriedly took them to the medical warehouse.

Soon, Jiazhi and Yongzhi were sent to the medical warehouse for treatment.

The atmosphere of the entire Germa 66 became very solemn.

The soldier immediately took out the Den Den Mushi and contacted the other two young masters who were on a mission outside.

The day after the battle with Mu Yun, Jiazhi woke up in the medical warehouse.

Jiazhi walked out of the medical warehouse with a solemn expression and reached out to take the clothes handed over by the soldier next to him.

"What is the situation now? Have the casualties been counted?"

He asked the soldier next to him.

"Report! Chief! According to statistics, we have sacrificed many soldiers this time, and Master Yongzhi was also seriously injured."

"While you were unconscious, we reported the situation of the base to Master Iji and Master Niji who were out on a mission."

"The two masters said they would finish the work at hand as soon as possible and rush back."

Jaj frowned at the casualty report handed over by the soldier and ordered: "Dispose of the bodies of these dead soldiers as soon as possible, and notify the World Government to report.

" "Yes, leader!" The soldier immediately saluted Judge and replied.

Then he asked weakly: "Leader, is Miss Reiju also wanted?"

"Don't you understand!" Judge stared at the soldier angrily and roared, "I mean all of them! Of course, Reiju, the traitor, must also be wanted!"

"Yes, leader!"

The soldier ran out in fear.

He was worried that if he stayed here any longer, Judge would vent his anger on him.


Judge immediately stopped the soldier and said: "Reiju's bounty... Tell them to only capture her alive."

"After all, Reiju still has some use for us."

"Yes! Leader!"

Soon, the World Government received the report from Germa.

"What! The infamous Germa 66 was defeated by a newcomer? ! "

"I heard that someone in their group betrayed them, causing them to be defenseless and being taken advantage of."

"Even so, I still can't believe it! Who did it!"

"They will send the photos soon, and we will know in a moment."

Soon, Germa 66 sent many photos of Mu Yun and others to the World Government.

"Are these the people who defeated Germa 66? They look so young!"

An office worker looked at the uploaded file curiously.

From the photos of the people above, they are not very old.

I didn't expect that it was this group of young people who defeated the famous Germa family in the North Sea.

Suddenly, a clerk found a photo with a serious expression that looked very familiar, and he quickly snatched the photo of Mu Yun and others.

"There are some problems with these photos, I will take them to report to the boss first."

He rushed out of the office anxiously with a dozen photos and rushed to the boss's office.

"Boss! The person who was asked to pay attention to appeared! "

He pushed open the door of his superior's office excitedly and handed the photos in his hand to the chief.

"What's going on?" Seeing his anxious appearance, the chief was a little confused. He took the photos in confusion.

He saw a white-haired and brown-skinned teenager.

The chief immediately grabbed the clerk's arm anxiously and asked anxiously: "Where was this found!"

"Sir! This group of people just fought with Germa 66 in the North Sea. Germa 66 just sent the photos to arrest them."

"I accidentally saw the person in one of the photos. It seems that you mentioned it to us, sir."

"So I brought the photos of these people here, and let you see if it's this person, sir."

The chief patted his shoulder happily and laughed: "Hahahaha, well done!"

"I need to report to the higher-ups now. Tell everyone to ignore these things for the time being and work normally."

"Yes! "

The clerk immediately and respectfully left the chief's office.

The chief watched his men leave and immediately picked up the Den Den Mushi at hand.

"Chief, the person the Five Elders are looking for has appeared!"

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