The two of them were in a state of panic, but the truth was that they were in a state of panic.

Hearing the harsh words from Baron Dandan, Mu Yun and the others just smiled mysteriously at the two of them.

"Baron, what are they laughing at? Is there a trap waiting for us?"

Pokemus was a little confused.

He didn't understand why he would smile when he drove them back to the ship.

"How should I know? It's better to be careful..."

Baron Dandan stared at Mu Yun and the others vigilantly.

Suddenly, Baron Dandan found that clouds like flames rose from under the ship of Mu Yun and the others.

The cloud gradually lifted up their pirate ship, and the whole ship slowly rose into the air.

"What's going on!"

Seeing Mu Yun and others' ship rise in the air inexplicably, Dandan Baron and Pokumus widened their eyes in surprise.

"No! This is the power of the devil fruit! They want to escape!"

Dandan Baron reacted quickly and rushed towards the pirate ship floating in the air with a long sword in anger.

We must not let them run away so easily!

Pokumus also reacted instantly.

It turned out that they were beaten out to prepare for escape!

"Damn bastards, they actually want to escape! Awooo!"

Just when the two of them wanted to rush forward angrily, a sudden wind wall blocked them in front of them.


A sword light flashed, and Dandan Baron angrily swung a sword at the wind wall in front of him.

In an instant, a hole was cut in the wind wall, and a hurricane blew out from the gap instantly.

The hurricane instantly enveloped Baron Dandan and Pokumus, and smashed down to the deck under their feet.

Baron Dandan stood up from the deck in a panic, gritting his teeth as he looked at Mu Yun and others who were escaping in the air.

"Assholes! Wake them up quickly! Let's catch up!"

He was furious as he watched Mu Yun and others waving at them triumphantly on the pirate ship that was gradually going away!

When had Baron Dandan ever suffered such grievances when he was a powerful figure in the New World!

He vowed to teach these bastards a lesson!

In mid-air, Mu Yun controlled the flame cloud and strong wind, and quickly moved away from Baron Dandan.

"Captain! Your ability is so useful!"

Amy shouted excitedly.

Roger stood at the stern with a knife in his hand, looking at them with a serious expression as they distanced themselves from Baron Dandan and others.

Unexpectedly, the subordinates of the Four Emperors were so powerful.

Roger looked at the long knife in his hand and made up his mind.

In the following time, we must work hard to make up for the decadent time in these years!

"It's still too early to be happy." Mu Yun controlled the flame cloud and the surrounding airflow with a serious expression.

He couldn't relax now.

Otherwise, with their broken ship, Baron Dandan and his men would definitely catch up.

"Amy, quickly determine the direction of navigation!" Mu Yun turned his head and shouted to Amy, "Let's go directly to the entrance of the Grand Line!"

"Understood, Captain!"

Amy immediately climbed up the mast and looked around, looking for the direction they were in and the location of their destination.

"Captain, go left!"

"Got it!"

The pirate ship in the air immediately moved to the left front.

On the other side of the sea.

"Captain! Black Dragon and others escaped from the BIGMOM Pirates!"

On the mast of the Hawkins Pirates, a subordinate in a black robe had been observing the situation of Mu Yun and others with a telescope.

And reported these situations to Hawkins sitting below.

Hawkins frowned and turned over the tarot cards on the table.

"Success rate... 50%! Since we have escaped the pursuit of the BIGMOM Pirates, why is it still 50%!"

Looking at the tarot cards on the table, Hawkins fell into deep thought.

Obviously, Black Dragon and his gang have escaped the pursuit of the BIGMOM Pirates, why is the success rate still 50%.

"What is the factor that I didn't expect..."

Hawkins shuffled the cards again with a gloomy face.

"Boss! Something is happening!"

The younger brother standing on the mast observing the situation suddenly shouted loudly: "Boss! A navy ship appeared in front of Black Dragon's group!"

"That's right! That's it!"

Hearing the appearance of the navy ship, Hawkins suddenly figured out what he had missed.

But Hawkins soon realized that it was not good.

Since Black Dragon and his gang were able to escape safely when they encountered the BIGMOM Pirates.

What happened to the navy ship that prevented them from escaping?

Who is the one who will make their chance of escaping only 50%!

If even Black Dragon and the others have only 50% chance of escaping, then the Hawkins Pirates will definitely not be able to escape if they follow them!

Hawkins quickly flipped the tarot cards that had been arranged on the table.

Soon, his divination had a result.

"Turn quickly! Head south!"

"Captain, are we not continuing to chase the Black Dragon Pirates?"

The subordinates were a little confused when they heard Hawkins' order to turn.

Obviously, their boss had ordered them to follow the Black Dragon Pirates before.

Now they suddenly changed their course, and this decision made them very puzzled.

Hawkins said with a gloomy face: "This is the arrangement of fate! Act quickly!"

"Yes! Captain!"

The subordinates immediately took action and changed the original direction of travel.

Although they didn't know why they had to turn suddenly, they believed in Hawkins' decision.

Because they have been relying on Hawkins's ability to sail until now.

Hawkins's divination has never been wrong.

So they just need to listen to Hawkins.

Hawkins stood by the ship with a gloomy face, holding the tarot cards he had just divined tightly in his hand.

"100% chance of survival... 100% chance of defeat... 0% chance of escape success..."

"What kind of existence will Black Dragon and his gang encounter!"

Just now he divined the various possibilities of their ship approaching.

Fate guided him that as long as they approached, they would definitely be caught!

Hawkins could only change course quickly and escape from this place of trouble.

Looking at the Black Dragon group that was about to meet the navy warship in the distance.

Hawkins said in his heart: 'I hope you can escape smoothly, and we'll see you on the Grand Line. '

Soon, the ship of the Hawkins Pirates accelerated away to the south.


On the sea, on the deck of the navy warship.

Originally, it was a job that should have been done by men, but now it was all done by female soldiers.

Looking around, there were only female soldiers on the navy ship.

"Lieutenant General! The Black Dragon Pirates were spotted not far away!"

A female soldier on reconnaissance suddenly saw the pirate ship of Mu Yun and others sailing in the air.

She immediately reported to the highest commander of the ship standing on the deck.

After all, their goal of this trip was to capture the Black Dragon group sailing in the North Sea.

"Well, I have seen them, let everyone prepare for battle."

At this moment, an old female lieutenant general with gray hair standing on the deck patted her shoulder.

Let her notify everyone on the ship to prepare for battle.

"Yes! Lieutenant General He!"

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