The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two sides were in a state of panic.

Hearing Vice Admiral Tsuru say this, Amy immediately raised her hand and pointed the gun at Vice Admiral Tsuru.

"You want us to surrender? Dream on!"

Bang, bang, bang!

A series of gunshots rang out.

Several bullets instantly shot out from the gun barrel and hit Vice Admiral Tsuru!

Reiju stretched her hand behind her waist with a serious expression.

Just as her hand was about to touch the transformation device, Vice Admiral Tsuru, who was standing in the crowd, disappeared instantly.

Suddenly, a hand grabbed Reiju's arm tightly.

"You can't use this thing."

Vice Admiral Tsuru's voice came from behind Reiju.


Reiju turned her head in astonishment.

Suddenly, a force came from Vice Admiral Tsuru's hand.

Reiju's heart trembled, and she instantly lost her strength and collapsed on the deck.

Looking closely, her body was like washed clothes, wet all over.

Her face was filled with a bright smile, and her whole body exuded a sparkling feeling.


Seeing that Reiju was attacked by Vice Admiral Tsuru inexplicably, Amy and others immediately rushed towards Vice Admiral Tsuru.

Witt waved the kitchen knife in his hand with a solemn expression, and Marius also waved his heavy fist angrily.

Seeing this, Vice Admiral Tsuru let go of Reiju's hands and let Reiju slide to the deck.

She was very moved by the attacks of Witt and Marius.

"Be careful! Don't let her hands touch you!"

Rogett reminded everyone anxiously.


Witt and Marius were confused when they heard Roger's reminder.

But they couldn't stop, they could only raise their vigilance and continue to attack Vice Admiral Crane.

Vice Admiral Crane looked at Roger and said with a smile: "I didn't expect that you still remember my ability after not seeing each other for so many years."

"But unfortunately, you reminded me too late!"

While speaking, Witt's blade chopped over.

I saw Vice Admiral Crane gently move his body and avoid the kitchen knife.

Then she reached out to touch the blade of the kitchen knife, and grabbed Witt with the other hand.

A sense of crisis instantly came to Witt's heart.

Not good! Need to dodge quickly!

Witt looked at the hand that Vice Admiral Crane stretched out to him in horror.

His desire to survive was desperately warning him.

He now knew what Rogert meant by "Don't let Vice Admiral Crane touch you"!

Witt quickly dodged backwards, but unfortunately, Vice Admiral Crane's hand that stretched out suddenly accelerated and caught Witt.

"It's over!"

Witt could only watch the hand touch him.

He looked desperately at Mu Yun who was running towards them from behind.

'Captain, it seems that my journey can only accompany you so far...'

He suddenly let go and smiled at Mu Yun.

'It's great to sail with you all! It's great to meet you! '


"Asshole cook!"

Witt suddenly exerted force, loosened the kitchen knife in his hand, and threw himself on Vice Admiral He.

He used all his strength to hug Vice Admiral He tightly.

"Captain, knock us out!"

He hugged Vice Admiral He tightly and shouted loudly to Mu Yun.

As long as everyone can escape!

I don't care even if I get caught!

"Witt! Don't be stupid!"

Seeing Witt's actions, Mu Yun and the others immediately understood what Witt meant.

He was going to sacrifice himself to buy time for them to escape!

Mu Yun immediately spoke up to stop Witt's behavior.

"Very courageous young man." Vice Admiral Tsuru, who was hugged by Witt, smiled with relief, "What a pity, your sacrifice is useless."

Instantly, Vice Admiral Tsuru turned Witt into a paper man like Reiju.

With a bright smile on his face, Witt slowly slid down from her body.

"Damn it!"

Marius angrily swung his fist and hit Vice Admiral Tsuru's head hard.

Vice Admiral Tsuru easily dodged Marius's fist and touched Marius's arm with his hand.


Marius instantly turned into a big paper man, and fell down with Witt, all wet.

Rogert instantly flashed behind Vice Admiral Tsuru, and swung his sword at Vice Admiral Tsuru with a solemn expression.

The long sword was wrapped in the armed color domineering, and a black and bright luster appeared.

"Roget, you seem to have made up your mind to attack."

Lieutenant General Crane quickly bent down to avoid the sword swung by Roger.

"Sorry, Lieutenant General Crane." Roger firmly

Swinging several swords, "I can't watch my companions being attacked by you!"

Amy took advantage of the moment when Rogert restrained Vice Admiral Crane and quickly picked up Reiju and others lying on the ground.

"Reiju! Witt! Maris! Wake up!"

She looked at the wet paper figures in her hands anxiously, not knowing how to get rid of their special state.

"Amy, take care of Reiju and others!"

Mu Yun told Amy with a gloomy face.

"Yes, Captain! Just fight with confidence, I will take care of them."

Amy reluctantly put Reiju and others away.

She knew that if she went up to fight, she would only hinder Rogert and Mu Yun.

She could only take care of the wounded here so that Mu Yun and others could fight with confidence.

"Well, please!"

In an instant, Mu Yun put on black scales on both hands, and the black scales flashed with metallic luster.

A ball of fire suddenly rose behind Mu Yun, and the whole person disappeared from Amy's sight in an instant.

"Dragon Claw!"

Vice Admiral Tsuru, who was fighting with Roger, dodged Mu Yun's sneak attack instantly.

Vice Admiral Tsuru looked at the flames burning behind Mu Yun and thought to himself: 'Have you used the ability of the Lunaria tribe? It seems that we need to test it again. '

On the deck, the figures of three people kept flashing.

Roger and Mu Yun desperately attacked Vice Admiral Tsuru, but most of the attacks did not work on her.

Even if the attack hit Vice Admiral Tsuru, she used her Armament Haki to withstand it.

After this protracted battle, Roger and Mu Yun were obviously much more embarrassed.

While they attacked Vice Admiral Tsuru, they also had to guard against Vice Admiral Tsuru's ability to wash the fruit.

And with frequent use of Armament Haki attacks, their Haki reserves are about to run out.

Mu Yun cooperated with Roger's attack and looked at Vice Admiral Tsuru who dodged flexibly.

What a monster! It is worthy of being a veteran navy of the same period as Sengoku Garp!

He is so old, but still has such good physical strength!

Suddenly, the domineering aura that Roger had wrapped around his long sword suddenly disappeared, and the blade returned to its normal appearance.

"Not good! Captain!"

Rogert realized that something was wrong, and he quickly retreated, trying to get out of the battle range.

He didn't expect that he would be the first to use up his domineering aura.

Mu Yun immediately understood and launched a fierce attack on Vice Admiral He.

Vice Admiral He certainly noticed Roger's state and quickly dodged Mu Yun's attack.

He instantly accelerated and rushed after Roger.

"Rogert boy, it seems that you have neglected training over the years."

Vice Admiral He instantly flashed to Roger's side and stretched out his hand to Roger.

"Next, you should have a good rest."

"Soon, your captain will be here to accompany you."

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