The sky was full of smoke, and the sky was full of fire.


Instantly a hot flame burst out from Mu Yun's mouth and hit the dark clouds with a bang.

The dazzling red light resounded through the sky, and the dark clouds in the sky were instantly penetrated by Mu Yun's hot breath.

The powerful power of the hot breath instantly evaporated the dark clouds, revealing the blue sky.

Amy looked at Mu Yun in the sky, who was breathing hot air, and sighed: "No matter how many times I see it, the captain's attack is still so terrifying, which is really reassuring."

As the dark clouds dissipated, the harsh environment around calmed down.

Amy easily turned the rudder, looked at the record pointer on her wrist, and adjusted the ship to move in the direction indicated by the pointer.

Seeing that all the problems were solved, Mu Yun immediately turned around and rushed to the boat under his feet.

At the moment of falling, Mu Yun instantly transformed back from the dragon form and landed steadily on the deck.

He looked up at the sky that was evaporated by the heat, and clenched his hands excitedly.

The moment he launched the attack just now, his whole body was filled with endless strength, and he could feel that the fruit ability had been further improved.

The Fish-Fish Fruit·Mythical Beast·Black Dragon Form is really worthy of being the strongest devil fruit. The feeling of growing strength all the time is really great!

Mu Yun looked at his hands and sighed: "It's time to think about how to develop the ability of this fruit next."

At this moment, he carefully thought about how to develop this strongest level of fruit.

Although there is already a good example of Kaido in front of him, Mu Yun still doesn't want to follow Kaido's old path.

After all, even if it is Kaido, he has been training for so many years and finally lost to Luffy, and his years of hard work have been burned.

If Mu Yun trains like Kaido, he will at most become a second-generation Kaido, and he will still be defeated by others.

So he had to explore the limits of the Fish-Fish Fruit, Mythical Beast, Black Dragon Form.

He felt that this fruit should not be just like what Kaido showed, there should be a lot of room for improvement.

After all, the upper limit of the devil fruit depends on the upper limit of one's own thoughts. As long as he keeps using his imagination, he believes that he will definitely tap the potential of this fruit.

Just as Mu Yun began to think about how to dig, Reiju opened the door and walked to his side.

"Mu Yun, what are you thinking about here alone? Are you regretting letting those bounty hunters go?"

At the time at Whiskey Peak, Reiju originally wanted to get rid of all the people from Ikalem.

After all, this group of people had already attacked them, and leaving them behind might cause trouble.

Mu Yun stopped them from taking action, but just asked them to move some of the surrounding food away, and then they left Whiskey Peak.

"Oh, Reiju, you're out." Mu Yun saw Reiju standing in front of him and said with a smile, "I'm not thinking about those little things, I'm just thinking about how to improve the fruit ability."

"Improve the fruit ability?"

Reiju looked at Mu Yun in confusion.

Mu Yun nodded and said, "After all, we will encounter various strong opponents next. If we don't improve our strength quickly, I'm afraid I can't protect you well."

Hearing Mu Yun say this, Reiju looked at Mu Yun seriously and asked, "Do you need my help?"

"No, I haven't figured out how to improve the fruit ability yet." Mu Yun looked at Reiju with a smile, "When I really need your help, I will definitely tell you."

Seeing that Mu Yun really didn't need her help, Reiju shrugged and said, "Okay, then I won't bother you."

Reiju turned and walked back to her room, slowly closing the door.

"Since Mu Yun is working so hard, I can't fall behind too much."

Reiju slowly walked to the bookshelf in the room, looked at the medical books that Mu Yun took from Krocas on the entire bookshelf, and took one of them and read it carefully.

Since she decided to be the ship's doctor, she must protect everyone's health.

At this moment, Mu Yun sat cross-legged on the deck with his eyes closed, feeling the strength in his body.

Rogert did not disturb Mu Yun, and walked to the bow alone, using the armed color domineering to instantly wrap the long sword in his hand.

"Draw the sword and cut!"

Rogert stared at the calm sea with deep eyes, and instantly pulled the long sword in his hand out of the scabbard.

A blade light flew out from the long sword and attacked the calm sea.


The blade light instantly cut a hole in the sea surface, but soon the surrounding

The seawater filled the hole.

For a moment, waves rolled up around the hull, and the hull kept shaking with the waves.

"Roget! Can you please stop affecting me!"

Amy yelled at Roger.

The hull just shook, and she almost fell down without any preparation.

"Sorry, Amy."

Roget shouted at Amy apologetically.

Then Roger continued to swing his sword to practice. This time he no longer attacked around the hull, but went farther away.

There were constant flying slashes flying out of the long sword in Roger's hand. As Roger continued to swing his sword, the armed color domineering in his body was gradually consumed.

The black color wrapped around the long sword gradually became lighter, and slowly the long sword returned to its normal appearance.

"Damn it! This won't work at all!"

Roget looked at the long sword in his hand with annoyance, and continued to condense the armed color domineering in his body, condensing it towards the long sword.

But his Haki was completely used up at this moment, and he couldn't wrap Haki around the blade at all.

Sweat fell on Roger's forehead, and he thought to himself: 'I must make up for the training I've wasted in these years as soon as possible! I must improve my own strength as soon as possible, otherwise I won't be able to protect everyone well. '

He didn't want to be unable to do anything when he met a strong enemy like Vice Admiral Tsuru.


At this moment, in the Kingdom of Alabasta, Rainy Land.

"Boss, I received a report from Miss Monday that the Black Dragon Pirates have left Whiskey Peak. According to their route, they should be sailing towards the direction of the small garden now."

Robin truthfully relayed the information that Miss Monday had just reported to Crocodile at his desk.

"Oh..." Crocodile's eyes flickered, and he said in a low voice, "It seems that these guys will not pose any threat to our plan."

"That's right, boss." Robin said with a smile, "With the magnetic field of the small garden, it takes a year to record the magnetic field."

"In this year, our great plan should have been successfully completed, so they will not be an obstacle to us."

Crocodile glanced at Robin and chuckled, "Do you think they will be my opponents, Robin?"

"Oh, sorry, I said the wrong thing." Robin said quickly, "How can they be your opponents, boss."

"It seems that Robin, you still don't understand how powerful I am." Crocodile spit a puff of smoke at Robin and said, "The little brat Black Dragon is not in my eyes at all. In this land, I am invincible!"

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