The old man was very happy.

"Captain, are you kidding us? How can it take a year for an island to record magnetic fields?"

Amy couldn't believe the facts that Mu Yun said, and asked Mu Yun quickly.

She hoped that what Mu Yun said was false.

If it was true, wouldn't it mean that they would need to stay in this primeval forest for a full year? !

It means that they can only stay in this empty primeval forest for a whole year! !

"I also hope this is false..." Mu Yun said helplessly, "but unfortunately, this is true."

"No way..." Amy sat down on the ground with lifeless eyes.

She raised her right hand and looked at the recording pointer hanging on her arm.

The pointer was motionless pointing at the small garden. Amy hoped that it would suddenly turn in another direction in the next second.

Unfortunately, no matter how Amy looked at it, the pointer remained motionless.

"Since we have to stay here for a year, there is indeed not enough food on the ship."

Witt accepted the reality of staying on this island for a year, frowned and thought about the problem of everyone's meals next.

"Fortunately, the species on this island are relatively rich, which should be enough for us to stay here for a year."

"Do you need me to do anything?" Roger stood beside Witt with a knife and asked.

Witt smiled and said to Mu Yun: "Captain, Maris and Roger need to go to the island to collect ingredients."

Mu Yun nodded and said: "Then you be careful, there may be dangers on this island."

"Don't worry, Captain." Witt pointed to his head, "My danger prediction will help us stay away from those dangers."

With that, Witt stood with Rogert and Maris, and then several people got off the boat and headed deep into the forest.

"In that case, I have to take action too." Reiju said to Muyun, "The herbs on the boat may not be enough. I need to go to the island to see if there are any useful herbs."

"Do you need me to accompany you, Reiju?" Muyun asked hurriedly.

Reiju smiled slightly and waved to Muyun: "Muyun, you should stay on the boat with Amy and protect our boat. After all, with Amy's condition, no one can rest assured that she will stay here alone."

Muyun glanced at Amy, who kept muttering with dull eyes: "One year, another year, another year..."

Indeed, it was not reassuring.

Muyun sighed and said: "Then you should be careful by yourself."

"I know, it's a waste of time."

Reiju waved her hand and walked into the forest without looking back.

Seeing that everyone had walked into the primeval forest, Muyun turned around and looked at Amy helplessly.

Amy still sat there with lifeless eyes, whispering: "One year can't go shopping... One year can't go to the town... One year can't see the crowd..."

Mu Yun shook his head helplessly: "No hope."

He walked to the bow, sat cross-legged on the deck, and meditated.

While everyone was out looking for supplies, he should seize the time to develop his fruit ability.

He has already had some ideas about the development of fruit abilities during this period.

I believe that one year in this small garden should realize the idea in his mind.

'Hmm? I seem to have something I haven't told everyone? What is it? '

Mu Yun suddenly thought that there seemed to be something important that he hadn't told Reiju and the others.

But he couldn't remember what it was.

Then Mu Yun stopped thinking about it, and said to himself: 'It shouldn't be something important, otherwise why can't I remember it. '


At this moment, Witt took Maris and Roger to shuttle through the jungle.

The grass was very high, reaching their waists, and they could only walk in it with great effort.


Suddenly, there were roars of dinosaurs in front of the three people.

"Witt, we should be able to eat dinosaur meat."

Roget drew out the long knife from his waist and asked Witt.

Witt thought for a moment and said, "Logically, there should be no problem."

He had never seen a dinosaur, after all, the species of dinosaurs had long been extinct in his country.

"Let's eat them first!"

Maris clenched his fists and said excitedly.

He could no longer suppress his excitement. He had never fought a dinosaur in his life. This time he wanted to compete with the dinosaur.

Who has greater power?

In an instant, the three rushed out of the bushes and moved quickly in the direction of the roaring dinosaurs.

Soon, the three rushed out of the dense bushes and saw two carnivorous dinosaurs not far away constantly biting each other.

"Draw the sword and cut!"

Roget made a move instantly, and the long sword was quickly pulled out of the scabbard at his waist. A flying slash flew out from the long sword and slashed towards the dinosaur's neck.

Before the dinosaur could react, its head was chopped off by the flying slash.

The attack came too suddenly, and the expression of the dinosaur still maintained the moment before death, opening its mouth wide and biting towards the other dinosaur.

"Roget, you are so cunning!"

Seeing that one of the dinosaurs had been easily solved by Roger, Maris immediately accelerated his speed and rushed to the other dinosaur in an instant.

The dinosaur was very confused when it saw that the opponent who had just fought with it died in front of it for some reason.

Suddenly a little creature ran in front of him, and it instantly roared at the little creature in front of it, venting its anger.

"Come on! Let's see what you can do!"

Maris was not panicked at all, and shouted excitedly.

The dinosaur opened its bloody mouth and bit towards Maris. The sharp fangs in the dinosaur's mouth seemed to tear Maris into two pieces as long as it bit him.

Looking at the big mouth biting towards him, the fishy smell continued to emanate from the dinosaur's mouth, and Maris was not panicked at all.

The dinosaur saw that Maris was motionless, thinking that he was scared silly by himself, and was about to close his mouth and tear him apart.

Suddenly, a huge force came, and it couldn't close its mouth no matter how hard it tried.

"How could I let you eat me so easily!"

Maris held the dinosaur's upper and lower jaws tightly with both hands like pliers, and saw his muscles swelled up, and he kept fighting with the dinosaur.

Suddenly, Marius began to exert force, and in the astonished eyes of the dinosaurs, the dinosaurs' big mouths were constantly opened by Marius.


Marius roared and exerted force instantly.

The dinosaur's head was instantly split in half by Marius, and blood instantly splashed out, soaking Marius all over.

Marius held the dinosaur-like head in his hand and shouted to Witt with a smile: "Witt, it's solved. It seems that these dinosaurs are not very powerful."

Witt looked at the dinosaur blood on Marius with disdain and said: "Marius, let Roger do it next time."

Rogert nodded in agreement.

The three of them hurriedly began to deal with the two dinosaurs. They did not find that the open space under their feet was very strange.

If you look down from a high place, you will obviously find that the open space under their feet at this moment is a huge human figure, as if a giant was lying on the ground and pressing out.

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