The weather was very hot, and the weather was very hot.

"Amy, don't think too much. Just treat this as a special training. A year will pass quickly."

Mu Yun helped Amy back to the bedroom and comforted her.

He had no choice, because the magnetic field of this island needed to be recorded for a year before it could be fully stored.

Since they were destined to stay here for a year, they might as well use this place as a training ground to improve their strength.

"Captain, I want to be alone and quiet."

Amy was helped to the bed by Mu Yun to rest. She just wanted to have a good rest and calm down her lost mood.

"Then I won't disturb you. Have a good rest."

Mu Yun got up and walked out of Amy's room, then gently closed the door.

"Ah, it seems that this blow to Amy seems to be very big. I have to wait for a year to go to the next island to compensate her."

Mu Yun sighed, walked to the deck of the ship, and found that Witt and the others had not returned yet: "Why haven't Witt and the others returned yet? Did they encounter any danger?"

After such a long time, with Witt and the others' speed, they should have returned long ago. Why haven't they been seen yet?

Suddenly, the volcano on the island began to erupt, and Mu Yun's attention was attracted to it.

"Volcanic eruption... signal... battle..."

Mu Yun looked at the volcano absent-mindedly, and pictures kept flashing in his mind.

Suddenly, Mu Yun recalled all the information about the small garden.

"That's right! There are two giants in this small garden who have been fighting each other for ninety-nine years with the volcanic eruption as a signal!"

"Not good! Witt and the others will not encounter those two giants! That would be troublesome, and those two giants are very dangerous!"

Mu Yun jumped off the ship with a serious expression and rushed to the center of the small garden.

'Everyone must not get into trouble! ’

At this moment, in the center of the small garden, Dongli held a huge sword in his right hand and a round shield on his left arm.

He looked excitedly at Broki who was coming not far away. At this moment, Broki was holding a huge axe and wearing the same shield and rushing towards him.

"Hehehe, Broki, you are late!"

"Gah ba ba ba, sorry Dongli, I encountered some good things today, so I am late."

Donli heard Broki's explanation and didn't pay much attention. He raised his sword and took a fighting stance.

"Don't say so much! Come on, Broki!"

"Watch it! Dongli!"

Broki looked at his old friend who was in a fighting stance in front of him, and immediately showed an excited smile. He instantly clenched the axe in his hand and chopped towards Dongli.

Donli stared at Broki's axe, swung the shield on his left arm to block, and then swung the sword in his right hand to chopped towards Broki.

Broki was of course prepared, and also used the shield on his arm to block the sword swung by Dongli.


Instantly, a strong impact force spread from the two people's attack to the surroundings, and the surrounding trees were bent down by this strong impact force.

Witt and the other two resisted this strong impact and rushed towards Broki.

"The fight has started! I wonder how Broki is doing?!"

Judging from this strong impact force, Broki's opponent must be very strong, and Witt is a little worried about Broki's safety.

"Don't talk about this, let's hurry over and see if there is anything we can do to help."

Roger frowned and said to Witt and the others, and then quickly began to speed up and rushed towards the center of the battle.

Witt and Maris also began to speed up to catch up with Rogert, and rushed towards the direction of Broki's battle.

On the other side, Reiju flew up from the ground with the ability of tactical boots.

Without the obstruction of trees, she could clearly see that Dongli was fighting an unknown giant.

The battle between the two was earth-shattering. Their huge bodies would cause the earth to shake even if they stepped on it.

As Reiju rushed towards the direction where Dongli was fighting, she noticed that Dongli and the unknown giant were equally strong.

Dongli and the giant fought back and forth, and neither could easily defeat the other for a while.

"Why is Dongli fighting with this giant? Should I help him?"

Reiju thought as she rushed towards Dongli.


"Not good! They are fighting!"

Muyun frowned solemnly as he looked at the two giants fighting in the distance. He quickly controlled several clouds of flames to surround him.

, and rushed to the direction where Dongli and Broki were fighting.

He felt that Witt and the others should be there at the moment, so he had to hurry over.

At this moment, Witt and the others arrived at the area where Dongli and Broki were fighting.

Suddenly, Witt saw Reiju floating in the air in another direction wearing a combat uniform.

"Roget, I saw Reiju, she's there."

Witt walked to Roger and pointed at Reiju in the air and said to him.

"Yeah, I saw it." Roger frowned and looked at Reiju floating in the air, "Why is Reiju there?"

Reiju in the air also found Witt and the other two on the ground at this moment, and she quickly controlled the combat boots on her feet and controlled her body to float down from the air.

Reiju landed on her feet and asked Roger and the other two, "Why are you three here? Didn't you go to find food?"

"You're talking about us, then why are you here? Aren't you on the boat with the captain?"

Roget walked up to Reiju and asked.

When they left, Reiju was still on the boat with Muyun, but now Reiju is here.

"Oh, I came to the island to look for herbs, and I accidentally met the giant Dongli who was fighting over there." Reiju pointed to Dongli who was fighting at the moment, and explained to Witt and the others, "I was chatting with him, and suddenly the volcano erupted, and he ran here to fight with another giant."

"Then you and we had similar experiences." Maris said.

Roger pointed to Broki not far away and explained, "When we were collecting ingredients, we met Broki. At that time, he was asking us for wine, and suddenly the volcano erupted, so he ran here to fight with that Dongli."

"Do you know why they fought?" Reiju asked.

Roger shook his head and said, "At that time, he only said that he was going to participate in a battle that lasted for 99 years, but why didn't he tell us about the battle."

"Me too..." Reiju frowned as she looked at Tonli and Broki who were constantly fighting, "At that time, Tonli said that he was going to participate in a promise that lasted for 99 years."

"By the way, how long will they fight?" Maris asked in a low voice as he looked at the surrounding environment that was constantly being destroyed.

Reiju, Roger, and Witt shook their heads and spoke in unison.

"It looks like they won't be able to stop for a while."

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