The two of them were in a state of panic.

"Oh no! Mr. 3, they don't seem to be fighting as you expected!"

Miss Valentine, who was observing the situation in mid-air, hurriedly reported to Mr. 3 below.

"How could this happen! My plan should be perfect, why didn't they fight!"

Mr. 3 didn't want to believe that his plan had failed.

Obviously, everything went very smoothly before. He asked Mr. 5 to use his explosive ability to put explosives in the Straw Hat Gang's drinks, and then let them kill each other after they drank the explosive wine.

After they were both injured, he could easily deal with these guys.

Unexpectedly, the plan failed halfway through! !

These guys didn't kill each other as he planned!

"Oh no! If they don't fight, our situation will be very dangerous! We have to leave here quickly!"

Mr.3 immediately realized that the current situation was very dangerous.

Since the Straw Hat Pirates didn't fight among themselves, they would definitely come to find him, the culprit of the explosion!

If they find me, I will be torn to pieces by them!

"Quick! Everyone, pack up! Get out of this small garden quickly!!"

Mr.3 hurriedly shouted to Mr.5 and Miss Golden Week beside him.

Mr.5 and Miss Golden Week looked at each other and said, "Don't panic, how could they find this place."

"Don't talk nonsense! Get ready to leave here quickly!!" Mr.3 shouted at the two of them.

It's no wonder he was so panicked. If it was just the Straw Hat Pirates, it wouldn't be worth his panic.

But now there are not only the Straw Hat Pirates on the island, but also Donli and Broki from the Giant Soldier Pirates.

What scares him the most is the Black Dragon Pirates! Especially their captain, the Black Dragon Muyun, who is worth 200 million Baileys.

Soon Mr.3 packed up everything in the house, and the candle-made hut began to melt instantly and was gradually taken back into Mr.3's body.

"Hurry up and notify the boss that the Black Dragon Pirates were found in the small garden, and the plan to arrest the Straw Hat Pirates failed!" Mr.3 shouted anxiously to Mr.5 beside him.

Suddenly, Mr.3 felt that Miss Golden Week beside him was constantly pulling his clothes.

"What's wrong?"

Mr.3 looked at Miss Golden Week in confusion, and Golden Week pointed to the front, and Mr.3 looked in the direction of her finger.

I saw two strange figures standing on the tree not far away, staring at them there.

"Are they enemies? When did they appear? Why didn't I notice them at all?!"

Miss Valentine fell from the sky and asked Mr.5 beside her in confusion.

Suddenly, two people on the tree jumped down from the tree.

"Witt, it seems that the boss didn't find it, but found a few little mice."

"Marius, these guys seem to be planning to arrest us."

"Tsk, how can these little mice do it?"

The two walked in front of Mr.3 and others one by one, and looked at the four people in front of them carefully.

Mr.5 asked Mr.3 in a low voice: "Mr.3, who are these guys? Why are they so arrogant? I seem to have seen them there."

Mr.3 looked at the two people who suddenly appeared with a serious expression: "They are crew members of the Black Dragon Pirates, Witt with a bounty of 75 million and Marius with a bounty of 50 million."

"Are they the members of the Black Dragon Pirates? They don't look very strong."

Mr.5 looked at Witt and Marius in front of him carefully.

Looking at Witt's thin body, and then at Maris's strong physique.

He felt that Maris was more dangerous than Witt, after all, Maris's physique looked difficult to deal with.

"It's just right to get rid of them, and we can also report to the boss."

Miss Valentine didn't care about that, she only knew that as long as she got rid of the two in front of her, the boss would not blame them too much.

Valentine opened the umbrella instantly, and Mr. 5 understood instantly, using the explosive wind to make Valentine fly instantly.

"Ten thousand kilograms of pressure!"

Suddenly, Valentine floated in the air and fell towards Maris and the others like a meteorite.

Witt and Maris looked at Valentine falling towards them, and Maris smiled and stretched out his hand to stop Witt who was about to take action.

"These little old

Let me take care of the rats, and you just watch from the side, Witt. "

Witt, who was about to attack, sighed: "Be gentle, I still have some questions to ask them."

"Got it, got it." Marius waved his hand impatiently.

"Damn it! How dare you underestimate me! Let you taste the weight of 10,000 kilograms! ! "

Valentine's Day gritted her teeth and fell towards Marius.


As Miss Valentine's attack fell, the ground instantly raised a burst of smoke and dust, and the ground was broken into pieces by the impact.

"What an idiot to take Miss Valentine's attack."

Mr.5 showed a confident smile, he didn't think that Witt and the others would be fine if they took this attack.

As the smoke gradually dissipated, the figures of several people gradually appeared.

"Ten thousand kilograms, it's okay for practicing, but it's not good enough for hitting people. "

The smoke cleared, and Witt and Marius were standing there unharmed. Marius was holding Miss Valentine, who had just launched the attack.

Ten thousand kilograms, Marius usually exercises with more than this weight.

"Let go of Miss Valentine! Air explosion! !"

Mr.5 instantly exhaled towards Marius and the others, and the gas instantly floated towards Marius and the others.

"What the hell is he doing?"

Marius held Miss Valentine in his hand and looked at Mr.5 in confusion.

He couldn't understand what Mr.5 was doing. He only saw Mr.5 exhaling towards them and then standing there motionless.

Witt's sense of crisis suddenly gave a warning, and he quickly reminded Marius: "Be careful! "

Boom! !

As soon as Witt finished speaking, a powerful explosion suddenly occurred in front of the two of them, and Maris threw the Valentine in his hand out instantly.

Then Maris lowered his body to block Witt in front of him and blocked the explosion for him.

Mr.5 hurried forward to pull back the Valentine that Maris had just thrown.

"Miss Valentine, are you okay?"

Valentine shook his head and said, "Damn it! They actually looked down on me! ! Mr.5, help me blow them up! ! "

"Don't worry, I just activated my ability, and no one should be able to survive the explosion."

Mr.5 is still very confident in his ability, and he doesn't think Maris and the others can survive it.

Suddenly, a big hand instantly grabbed his head tightly, and Miss Valentine looked behind Mr.5 in horror.

"Boy! Your ability is really strong, and you almost hurt me. "

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