The sun is shining, and the sun is shining.

Alabasta, rapeseed flowers.

Vette stood in front of a fish stall, carefully looking at the fresh ingredients on the stall.

"Brother, you have a good eye. All the fish on my stall were just caught today. They are all fresh. How about buying one to try."

The boss saw Vitte standing in front of the stall and hurriedly sold him his fresh catch.

Vette pointed to a big fish on the stall and said, "Boss, I want this fish."

"No problem! I'll pack it for you right away!"

Seeing the big fish that Vitte pointed to, the boss happily packed the fish.

After buying the fish, Witt walked towards another vegetable stall on the street with the packed big fish.

"Hello, have you seen this man..."

Suddenly, Witt saw a young man wearing an orange cowboy hat holding a bounty order and asking the vendor something.

The vendor looked at the bounty order in the young man's hand and waved his hand: "I haven't seen it."

"Really? Thank you for your help."

The young man saw that the boss said he didn't know him, so he could only take the bounty order back and turned to walk into the crowd.

"The tattoo on that man is..."

Witt frowned and stared at the young man who left with a serious expression.

For Witt who had lived in the New World before, he knew that tattoo too well!

That was the symbol of the Whitebeard Pirates, one of the Four Emperors of the New World!

Could that young man be a member of the Whitebeard Pirates? ! How could a member of the Whitebeard Pirates appear in the Grand Line!

"No! We must inform everyone quickly."

Witt hurriedly picked up the things he had just bought, turned on his sight and ran towards his companions.

On the other side, Marius was also in some trouble at the moment.

"Big guy! Hurry up and hand over all the money on you!"

"That's right! Hurry up and hand over the money!"

Marius looked helplessly at the pirates who surrounded him.

He didn't expect that he was just out alone and turned into a small alley for no reason, and there would be blind guys robbing here.

Seeing that Marius was hesitant to move, thinking that Marius was scared, the little pirate pointed the knife at Marius viciously.

"Do you hear me, big guy! If you don't hand over the money quickly, you will see it!!"

Marius didn't plan to waste time with these guys anymore. He clenched his fists and walked towards the guy in front of him.

Suddenly, the alley was instantly surrounded by a puff of white smoke for some unknown reason.

"There are pirates everywhere."

A man in a white coat came out of the alley at some point. Looking closely, the white smoke in the alley was all coming from him.

"Who are you, you bastard? How dare you come out and meddle in other people's business!"

"Get out of here! Otherwise, I'll take you away too!"

The pirates who surrounded Marius shouted at the newcomers arrogantly, not realizing that danger was approaching them.

Marius was keenly aware that there was something wrong with the white smoke around him, and he slowly walked towards a place where the white smoke was scarce.

"Hey! Big guy! Who told you to move? Do you want to run?"

The pirates immediately attacked Marius with their knives after finding Marius moving.

"White smoke bomb!"

The white smoke in the alley spread out instantly, instantly enveloping the pirates who were attacking Marius.

"What?! What happened?!"

"Why can't I see?! What on earth happened?!"

"Ah! Who bumped into me!"

"Who stabbed me! Watch out!!"

For a moment, the pirates in the white smoke screamed in agony. They were trapped by the white smoke and couldn't see the things in front of them at all.

Suddenly, the white smoke wrapped around them shrank instantly and tied them all up.

"Damn it! Who did this?"

"Help, help! I can't breathe!"

In the whole alley, only Marius and the man in white clothes were still standing there.

Marius looked at the people at the entrance of the alley with a serious expression. He knew that the miserable plight of these pirates was all because of the people in front of him.

"Colonel Smoker! Why did you run here alone?"

Suddenly, a girl wearing glasses ran to the man panting.

"Tashigi, arrest these guys."

Smoker, holding a cigar in his mouth, pointed at the pirates on the ground who were tied up by white smoke.


These are..."

Tashigi pushed her glasses and asked in confusion.

"They are just some small pirates. They just wanted to rob me arrogantly, so I took care of them." Smoker explained slowly.

"Colonel, even if you come to such a far country, you still hate pirates." Tashigi said with a smile.

"Don't talk nonsense, act quickly." Smoker glared at Tashigi and urged her to do it quickly.

"Yes, yes, yes." Tashigi walked over with a smile, she looked at Maris standing aside, "Colonel, who is this?"

"He is the target of these pirates' robbery." Smoker glanced at Maris and explained.

"It turned out to be an innocent citizen." Tashigi smiled at Maris, "These pirates have been dealt with by our colonel. I'm sorry to scare you."

Maris nodded and asked Tashigi: "Um...can I leave?"

"Anytime. "Tashigi turned aside and made way for Marius to leave.

Marius slowly walked past Tashigi and headed towards Smoker at the entrance of the alley.

The closer Marius got, the more Smoker felt that the big man in front of him looked familiar, as if he had seen him somewhere before.

Soon, Marius walked to Smoker's side.

"I seem to have seen you there..." Smoker frowned and stared at Marius.

"Maybe it's your illusion." Marius replied lightly, and then left the alley without looking back.

Looking at Marius's hurried departure, Smoker frowned.

"Tashigi, do you think that man just now looked familiar?"

Tashigi tied up all the pirates on the ground, looked up at Smoker: "Do you think so too, Colonel, I also thought that man just now seemed familiar."

"Where did you see him before? "

Smoker didn't know where he had seen him for a moment.

Suddenly a breeze blew over, and a bounty floated to Smoker's feet.

Smoker looked at the bounty at his feet, bent down and picked it up.

"I actually saw the bounty of 'Black Dragon' Mu Yun here..."

Looking at the silver-haired boy on the bounty, Smoker's expression became ugly.

He didn't understand what the higher-ups were doing, why would they let such a high bounty guy sail freely on the sea.

These bastard pirates should be arrested and put in jail!!

"Black Dragon... Black Dragon Pirates..."

Looking at the bounty, Smoker suddenly thought of something.

"Damn! Where did the guy just now go? ! ! "

Smoker immediately ran out of the alley, anxiously looking around for Maris's location.

"Colonel, what's wrong with you? "Tashigi looked at Smoker in confusion.

She didn't understand why Smoker suddenly seemed like a different person.

"Damn it! How could I be so careless! I actually let that guy escape from under my nose!" Smoker clenched his fists angrily.

"Colonel, are you talking about that guy just now? Who is that person that makes you so concerned?"

"That guy is Marius from the Black Dragon Pirates! If he is here, it means that all the Black Dragon Pirates are in Alabasta! !" Smoker punched the wall beside him angrily, and a big hole was instantly punched in the wall.

"I actually let this guy escape from under my nose! Tashigi! Let's chase him now! !"

"Yes! Colonel! !"

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