The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

"Run quickly! There's a fight going on over there!"

"Get out of here!"

"Pack up quickly! Otherwise, it will be too late for those two guys to get here!"

At this moment, the crowd at Rapeseed Port instantly fled in panic.

"Woo woo woo... Mom! Where are you!"

In the crowd, a little girl was pushed aside by the crowd. The little girl couldn't see her mother and cried anxiously.

At this moment, a tall man in a white suit suddenly walked out of the crowd.

"Don't worry, your mother will be here soon."

The man squatted down, gently reached out and touched the crying little girl's head to comfort her.

"My child!!"

Suddenly, a young woman gritted her teeth and squeezed out of the crowded crowd, and quickly hugged the crying little girl in her arms.

"Mom! Mom!"

The little girl cried loudly and hugged her mother tightly, and the mother also hugged the child tightly in her arms.

The tall man saw the mother and daughter recognize each other, and slowly stood up: "It's really great to find your mother."

"Thank you, sir! Thank you for always accompanying my daughter!"

The young mother kept thanking the strange man in front of her.

The tall man waved his hand and then disappeared in the crowd.


"Don't crowd so much! This is very dangerous!" Dashiqi looked at the crowded crowd and dissuaded.

Smoker frowned and looked at the fire column that suddenly rose in the distance.

"Dashiqi, I'll leave this to you. I'll go over there to see what happened!"

Smoker instantly left Dashiqi who was maintaining order, and his body turned into a ball of white smoke and quickly flew towards Muyun and the others.

"Colonel! Leave this to me!"

Tashigi looked at the flying Smoker and shouted at him.

At this moment, Reiju and Amy, who had just finished shopping in the perfume shop, suddenly found that everyone was running out of the town in panic.

"Reiju, what happened?" Amy asked, holding the perfume she bought in her hand and looking at the crowd in front of her.

"Just ask someone and you'll know."

Reiju suddenly reached out and grabbed a man who was running away in a hurry.

"Hello, I want to ask what happened, why everyone started running out of the town in panic."

The man who was stopped looked at Reiju in panic: "You don't know yet! I heard that there seems to be a fight in the town!"

This is a ball of fire that exploded in the sky in the distance, and the flames from the explosion continued to fly around.

"Look! Look! That's it!" The man looked at the falling flames in the sky in horror, "I advise you to run quickly, otherwise it will be too late to run!"

After saying that, the man immediately dragged his luggage and ran away.

Reiju looked at the flashing flames in the distance and murmured softly: "It can't be that Mu Yun is doing this again!"

"Reiju, let's go over and take a look." Amy said, "I guess the captain has caused something again."

"This guy is really worrying."

Reiju helplessly took Amy to the direction where the flames appeared.

On the other side of the town, Roger frowned and looked at the place where the flames rose.

"That can't be the noise made by Mu Yun, if so, it's bad, such a noise will definitely attract the monster over."

Roget hurried towards Mu Yun's direction worriedly.

He felt that he was not dazzled before, and General Aokiji must have come to this town.

If Kuzan finds Mu Yun's location at this time, it will be really bad! !

He instantly quickened his pace and rushed towards the place where the fire pillar appeared.

Halfway through the run, Roger suddenly found that Reiju and Amy were also rushing towards the direction of the rising flames, and he hurriedly approached the two.

"Reiju! Amy! I'm glad to see you. By the way, have you seen Mu Yun and the others?"

Roget ran to Reiju and the others and asked about the news of others.

Reiju shook her head: "No, we didn't see them."

"That's really bad!" Roger frowned and worried.

"What's wrong? Roger, what happened?"

Seeing Roger's worried look, Amy asked.

"If I guess correctly, this dispute must have been caused by Mu Yun. Such a fierce battle will definitely attract that monster!"

Roget's expression was grim.

The important place quickly rushed to the battlefield.

"What monster? Roger, you put it simply, why don't I understand it."

Amy followed Roger closely and asked puzzledly.

Reiju on the side didn't understand why Roger had such a solemn expression.

It was as if something big was about to happen.

"I saw the shadow of Admiral Kuzan on the street before! We must notify everyone to leave here!" Roger hurriedly told Reiju and the others about his encounter with Kuzan.

"Kuzan?! Admiral?! Why did he run here! Is he here to catch us?!"

After hearing the news that Admiral Kuzan was in this town at the moment, Amy panicked.

The biggest possibility that Kuzan, one of the three major forces of the navy, came here was because of their Black Dragon Pirates.

"I don't know why he came here, but no matter what, if we meet him, he will definitely not let us go." Roger said.

As a former navy, Roger also met Kuzan at that time.

That monster-like ability still impressed him.

"What are you waiting for! Hurry up and pull the captain back, and then everyone leave here quickly! I don't want to fight with that monster!"

Amy's pace quickened a bit, and Reiju and Roger on the side also rushed to the place where the flames broke out anxiously.


Boom! !

A ball of flames instantly rose in the sky, and then slammed hard on the ground.

The flames burned violently on the ground, and the hot flames burned the surrounding earth dry and cracked.

Ace came out of the flames and instantly swung his fist wrapped in flames towards Mu Yun.

Mu Yun quickly raised his hand and clenched Ace's fist tightly in his hand, and the flames on Ace's arm continued to burn in Mu Yun's palm.

Fortunately, Mu Yun had foresight and wrapped his hands with dragon scales in advance.

Otherwise, his hands would be burned out of shape by Ace's flames now.

Feeling the rising temperature in his palms, Mu Yun knew that the battle could not go on.

He just wanted to have fun, there was no need to fight Ace to the death.

"Okay! Let's end this battle here."

Mu Yun instantly spun and threw Ace out, and Ace quickly adjusted his body to land steadily.

"I didn't bully Luffy, I just wanted to fight you just now, so I made a little joke." Mu Yun explained to Ace, "Actually, I am Luffy's friend."

Hearing Mu Yun's words, Ace believed it a little. In the previous battle, he clearly felt that Mu Yun did not have the idea of ​​killing him.

Just as Ace was about to say something, the air around them suddenly became cold, and the air exhaled by the two gradually turned into a ball of frost.

The two immediately put on a fighting posture with a solemn expression and looked in the direction of the cold air.

The footsteps gradually approached the two, and as the footsteps approached, the air around them became colder and colder.

"It's really lively here. Can I join you? Black Dragon Muyun and Fire Fist Ace."

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