The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

"Who is it? Ace, is he someone you know?"

Mu Yun glanced at Kuzan who suddenly appeared, and turned to Ace beside him and asked.

Although he didn't know Kuzan, he could still feel the powerful aura emanating from Kuzan.

"What a joke! How come you are here?!"

Ace's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe his eyes.

How could the admiral of the navy appear here! !

Ace murmured in his heart: 'Is this guy here to arrest me? ! My identity is exposed? ! '

He felt that Kuzan must have come here to arrest him, and his identity that he had been hiding must have been exposed, otherwise why would the navy let the admiral of the navy come here?

"Ace, it seems you know him. Who is this guy? Introduce him to me."

Mu Yun saw that Ace knew Kuzan, so he walked up to him and asked.

"This guy is the admiral of the navy - 'Aokiji' Kuzan!" Ace said with a serious expression, "This guy may be here to arrest me. Sorry, you are also implicated."

A admiral of the navy? ! This listless uncle? !

Mu Yun couldn't believe that the guy in front of him was actually the admiral of the navy.

Are all admirals of the navy like this? They are all listless.

Originally, Mu Yun thought that Borsalino was a special case of the navy. The Kuzan in front of him was even lazier than Borsalino.

At least Borsalino didn't wear a sleeping mask on his head.

"Ace, you seem to be wrong." Mu Yun's expression became serious, "This guy may not be here to arrest you. His target seems to be me."

Mu Yun saw the purpose of Kuzan's visit from the way he kept staring at him.

Isn't it so easy for me to attract the attention of the navy now!

I just left the North Sea and I met a strong man like Vice Admiral Tsuru. Now that I have come to the Grand Line, they don't even send a vice admiral? !

Just let the admiral of the navy come to chase me! !

"Is he here to catch you?!" Ace turned his head and looked at Mu Yun.

Soon Ace found that Kuzan's eyes were always on Mu Yun, and he didn't pay too much attention to himself.

Ace was relieved all of a sudden, he thought his identity was exposed.

"It's really troublesome. Originally, the goal this time was just the Black Dragon Pirates, but I didn't expect to encounter unexpected gains here."

Kuzan walked slowly towards Mu Yun and the others with a lazy expression.

The surrounding air began to become colder with Kuzan's actions, and many ice crystals began to surround Kuzan's body.

As Kuzan moved, the ground he stepped on was instantly wrapped in ice.

Mu Yun and Ace quickly took a fighting stance the moment Kuzan moved.

Ace immediately burst into flames, and the high temperature of the flames continued to compete with the cold air emitted by Kuzan.

"It seems that we need to join forces this time, Ace."

A fierce flame instantly burned behind Mu Yun, and his arms were instantly wrapped in dark dragon scales.

Ace clenched his fists, and the temperature of the flames on his body became even stronger: "For Luffy's sake, I will join forces with you this time!"

Kuzan looked at the flames rising behind Mu Yun, and thought to himself: "The talents of the Lunaria tribe seem to be a little difficult to deal with."

As a navy admiral, Mu Yun's information had been delivered to him a long time ago.

Originally, he didn't intend to take care of Mu Yun's affairs. Who would have thought that Mu Yun would appear in Alabasta.

Seeing Ku Zan's loss of consciousness, Mu Yun and Ace quickly attacked Ku Zan.

After all, how could they let go of such a good opportunity!

"Fire Fist!!"

"Fire Dragon Fist!!"

Instantly, two flames flew towards the unconscious Ku Zan.

The flames continued to entwine in the air, and soon turned into a flaming dragon with a big mouth and swallowed Kuzan.

Sizzle! !

A large amount of steam instantly came out of the mouth of the flaming dragon, and a large amount of water vapor instantly wrapped the entire dragon.

Although they saw Kuzan being swallowed by the dragon, Mu Yun and Ace did not relax at all.

They knew very well that the admiral of the navy could not be defeated so easily.

Suddenly, the air around them became extremely cold, and the water vapor surrounding the dragon instantly condensed into frost and fell down.

The dragon that was just surrounded by water vapor revealed its figure, and the whole dragon was frozen into an ice sculpture at some point.

"It's really terrifying, even flames can be frozen by him!"

Mu Yun sighed as he looked at the dragon that was frozen into ice in front of him.

It should be said that he is worthy of being the admiral of the navy. He is indeed a monster like Borsalino.

Absolutely not

This guy must be frozen, otherwise he will definitely lose his ability to fight!

Suddenly, Mu Yun's heart was shocked, and he instantly activated his observation Haki.

"Get out of the way! Ace!"

Mu Yun quickly pushed Ace away and dodged to the side.

Suddenly, the ground under their feet suddenly cracked, and a sharp blade formed by ice instantly emerged from the ground.

Ace quickly used elementalization and turned into a ball of fire to avoid the ice blade.

Mu Yun looked at the ice blade that continued to attack him, and his armament Haki instantly wrapped around his arm.

"Dragon Fist!"

Ka! !

The fist wrapped in armament Haki instantly collided with the ice blade, and the ice blade was shattered by Mu Yun.

Mu Yun frowned and looked at the ice in front of him, and quickly threw several punches at the shattered ice.

The shattered ice quickly split apart to avoid Mu Yun's attacking fist.

Then the ice floated into the air and instantly condensed into the shape of Kuzan.

"It's really dangerous. I was almost hit by you just now."

Kuzan gradually changed back from an ice block, and sighed at Mu Yun, whose arm was wrapped with Armament Haki.

Just now, he used the ability of natural elementalization to hide in the ice blade that attacked Mu Yun.

Originally, Kuzan planned to attack Mu Yun by surprise, but he didn't expect Mu Yun to be so vigilant and wrapped with Armament Haki to attack the ice block.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly just now, otherwise he would have been hit by Armament Haki.

"Mu Yun, get out of the way! Great Flame Ring·Flame Emperor!!"

Mu Yun looked at the fireball that suddenly rose like the sun behind Kuzan, and instantly dodged to the side.

At this moment, the cold air in the air dissipated, and the scorching temperature came again.

The original broken ice around melted instantly, and the water vapor evaporated instantly.

Ace instantly threw the fireball in his hand, which was like a small sun, towards Kuzan in the air.

The scorching fireball flew out of Ace's hand and quickly flew towards Kuzan.

Kuzan looked at the fireball flying towards him, and his expression became serious.

Kuzan opened his hands and threw the fireball thrown by Ace in the air, muttering softly: "Ice Age!"

Mu Yun looked back while running.

Looking at the huge fireball in the air, he couldn't help but sigh: "It seems that Ace didn't use his full strength just now, and he actually hid this trick."

Suddenly, the air around him became extremely cold, and Mu Yun couldn't help but shudder.

"Not good!"

Mu Yun stared at Kuzan who stretched out his hands in the air with his eyes wide open.

In the blink of an eye, a strong cold air suddenly broke out with Kuzan as the center, and the strong cold air instantly spread to the surroundings.

The huge fireball that was about to hit Kuzan was instantly frozen into an ice cube.

The ice cube fell to the ground very quickly, hit the ground hard, and smashed a deep pit on the ground.

The surrounding environment was instantly frozen into an ice sculpture by the cold air emanating from Kuzan's body.

If you hadn't seen the flying sand in the distance, you wouldn't have imagined that this was in the desert.

Looking at the surrounding environment that was changed by Kuzan, Mu Yun couldn't help but sigh.

"Sure enough, the guys who can become admirals of the navy are all monsters! They can actually change the surrounding environment with just a flick of their hands!"

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