The white night and the light of the moon and the sun slowly fell to the ground.

The people of the country of peace surrounded them with great enthusiasm.

The people saw the light and the moon and the sun, and even though they fell to the ground, they also held hands with the white night.

I have already guessed it.

They all agree with that.

And Hikari Nichiwa just said hello to the people and walked into the City of Flowers.

Then, the people of the country of peace went back to their own business.

As soon as White Night and Hinata arrived at the parlor of the City of Flowers, they found that everyone in the White Night Pirates was waiting for the arrival of the two of them.

When they saw the two men walk in at night, they stood up and greeted them.

And Morgan and the people he brought with him followed to greet the white night.

Although Poyahan Cook saw White Night holding Riwa’s hand at a glance, somewhat sullen with jealousy, he stopped saying anything because his opponent and himself were also queens.

Morgan said, “Lord White Night, is it possible to interview now?” ”

Bai Ye smiled and said to him, “Let’s have a banquet first, and talk while eating.” ”

Then, after the White Night finished speaking, he gave the light moon and the day and made a look, and now the day and already knew the thoughts of the White Night.

Then Hikari Nichiwa went out and ordered his men to prepare the best food.

Morgan was really hungry after a long journey, and he didn’t say hello to White Night.

So he said, “Okay, that’s going to trouble Lord White Night.” ”

After a while, the room entered some handmaidens dressed in luxurious costumes.

Then Riwa was also dressed in costumes, and she instructed her men to serve the prepared dishes to the heroes.

Then the White Night Pirates were piled up in front of a variety of dishes.

The dishes of Wanokuni are very light, but there is no shortage of delicious dishes, and this light dish is very nutritious.

Drink three rounds.

Morgan said, “Lord White Night looks at your hospitable attitude and will surely lead these strong men.” ”

White Night said politely, “Haha, Morgans, you are too famous.” ”

Morgan interviewed, “I want to ask, Lord White Night, did you really annihilate the Hundred Beasts Kaido?” I can’t believe he’s the strongest creature in the world. ”

White Night laughed and said nothing.

Whitebeard whispered on the side, “Oh, as long as he is human, he will die.” I used to claim to be the strongest man in the world, but I also died, and Kaido was like that. ”

Moriah clapped his hands on the side, instantly unleashing the Demon Fruit Ability.

Summon his headless Kaido.

Bang bang bang.

The huge body heard a huge footstep.

Headless Kaido pushed the door in.

Moria pointed to his toy and said, “This is Kaido, who has been decapitated by Lord White Night.” ”

Then Evil laughed, “And his current body is my weapon, and he completely obeys my orders!” ”

Morgan looked at the little brother next to him and immediately asked them to record this information.

Morgan asked again, “Then you seem to have also eliminated the Black Carbon Great Snake Force in the Kingdom of Wano, and I heard that his esper beast, the Yaki Great Snake Fruit Form, is extremely powerful, so I guess you killed him and flew a lot of strength.” ”

Frost Moon Dragon Horse groaned on the side, “He was cut by me, clean and clean, and killed with a knife.” ”

Morgan apparently didn’t know him: “Are you?” ”

Ryoma said, “Frost Moon Dragon Horse, a samurai of the Kingdom of Wano hundreds of years ago, should have died, but now he has been saved by Lord White Night, and then the Kingdom of Tiwa destroyed the bastard of the Black Charcoal Serpent.” ”

Morgan looked surprised, and what shocked him was not the sword skills of the Frost Moon Dragon Horse.

It was because he couldn’t imagine that the white night would bring the dead back to life!

Morgan went on to ask, “It is said that you fought with the legendary pirate Locks, but he also claimed to be a dead man, so did he come back to life?” ”

“He is not resurrected, he is the Demon Fruit Ability of the Undead Fruit, who can create the Undead Golem to make his life perpetuate forever, and as long as there is a Golem, he will never die.”

Shipin took a sip of wine on the side and said that Locks’s ability had caused him to die once, but also because the White Night’s soul-shaping soul had been resurrected, so Locks’s strength made it appropriate for Shipin to speak.

“Fruit of the Dead? Undead Golems? ”

Morgan blinked, for the Demon Fruit ability, the Undead Fruit can simply become a magic skill, as long as the body ability is strong, the golem will also be strong with the body.

This ability is more like copying than doppelganger.

Morgan did not expect that even Locks had died at the hands of the White Night Pirates.

Morgan continued, “I heard that the Five Old Stars carry four cp0s…”

Hikari Moon Sun and revealing a smile that only a true king can have, seemed very proud.

“They have been killed by the White Night Lord in a second, and only one person will kill those five people.”

“Kill the five old stars?” Morgans’s eyes were straight, he didn’t expect to hear such a powerful news.

The existence of the Five Old Stars as god-like figures, the status and power of the five people even above the Draco.

I didn’t expect to be killed by the white night.

Even Morgans’ younger brother was stunned, and then after Morgans’ reminder, he asked him to continue writing the report.

And not only that, but White Night even survived the slaughter order launched by the world government.

No, to be precise, the navy ordered by the Slayer God to flee into the wilderness.

This is what Morgan saw with his own eyes on the spacecraft.

Morgan swallowed and asked, “Lord White Night, do you have any plans for the future?” ”

After he said it, he regretted it a little, because such a strong person as White Night had already exceeded the scope of his heart.

I thought that killing Kaido and the Black Charcoal Snake was already the culmination, but I didn’t expect to be able to go beyond so many things.

“It’s okay, I can tell you, Morgans.”

White Night finally spoke, an opportunity that White Night had been waiting for, much to Morgans’s constant shock and fear.

Although Morgan has always maintained a neutral camp, Morgan has been mixed up in black and white.

It was also the first time he felt fear.

But he still has the quality of a news tycoon, looking at the white night with a look of anticipation that he will say something.

“Morgans, don’t be nervous, I just want to talk to you about the underworld underground.”

The voice of the White Night was extremely ethereal, as if the sound had penetrated Morgans’s soul directly.

The current strength of the White Night had made Morgan extremely jealous, and listening to what his men said about the current strength of the White Night, no one could compete with him.

When Morgan heard that the purpose of the White Night was to have something to do with the dark world, he stretched out his neck and listened carefully.

Bai Ye smiled, “I hope you report everything you heard today, no problem.” ”

Morgan nodded.

Bai Ye’s eyes were cold, and he said coldly.

“I want to venture into the dark world, and I may need your help in the future.”

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