Luffy now had no ability to resist White Night.

And the white night is constantly provoking Luffy.

This made Luffy feel a little tearful.

After all, he had already used all his strengths and still did not touch his opponent.

And so far it is not known what the White Night is capable of.

Now that Luffy is getting smaller and constantly retreating, it’s when Luffy is at his weakest.

In this way, he can be easily killed by opponents at any time.

What exactly is his ability.

How can it be so strong?

Luffy thought to himself, but didn’t say anything.

White Night had already discovered his thoughts with the Heart Net.

Seeing Bai Ye smile, “Do you want to know my ability?” ”

Luffy swallowed, suddenly thinking that his thoughts would be discovered by his opponent.

Then he decisively rejected this speculation, how can a person’s idea be guessed word for word!

Bai Ye smiled and said, “I can just read your thoughts.” ”

Luffy looked at the white night in disbelief.

Then White Night raised his hand and raised a ring finger in mid-air, and then a bolt of lightning suddenly fell straight down from the sky!

“I am the one who has the power to ring the fruit of thunder.”

Bai Ye smiled and then said, “But your fruit is completely restrained from mine, because you are rubber and non-conductive, but you forgot one thing, that is the purpose of your coming to Hydra Island.” ”

“You are here to learn domineering, and only domineering can hit the Department of Nature.”

“So you can’t beat me without learning to be domineering, Straw Hat Luffy!”

White Night said confidently, “Let me tell you one more thing. ”

White Night walked step by step towards Luffy, looking at his body that was now like a balloon of air.

Crouched down and put his hand on his little arm.

“Twenty thousand volts of electricity, lightning charged!”

This simple demon fruit trick White Night has not been used for a long time.

With a thunderclap.

Soda’s electricity passed through Luffy’s whole body, filling his body with electricity.

But his body was made of rubber, and the electricity was not retained too much, that is, without any harm.

The current in Luffy’s body also dissipated.

“That’s my ability to ring the Fruit of Thunder.”

“You don’t see it works on your rubber, huh.”

Then Luffy’s eyes were cold, and he charged Luffy’s whole body with lightning again!

“Twenty thousand volts of electricity, lightning charged!”


At this moment, Reilly, who was still on the sidelines, suddenly struck!

He blocked behind Luffy with his body, and then pulled out his sword and slashed at the palm of White Night’s hand.

The collision between domineering and domineering wants to break the sky.

Let the birds and beasts in the whole jungle scatter and flee.

If you look up at the sky at this time, you can find that the clouds in the sky are still hit by the domineering spirit of both sides.

Both sides closed at the same time.

The clouds in the sky gradually returned to their original appearance.

“You’re also overlord.”

Reilly said coldly.

The hand of the White Night and Reilly’s sword in the confrontation just now were all wrapped around the Overlord color domineering.

“Did you just want to kill him?”

Reilly sensed the danger of Luffy just now, and if the natural system ability was entangled with domineering, the factors of the natural system could contain the overlord color domineering component, even if it was Luffy with the opposite attribute.

It will also directly destroy the inside of his body because of the opponent’s launch of the Overlord color domineering.

“Oh, you’re wrong, Reilly, I knew you’d save him.”

White Night snapped, and the voice was extremely confident, as if he had seen through Reilly’s thoughts.

Reilly stared into the eyes of the white night and stopped talking.

After a while, he began.

“Do you know who I am?”

Bai Ye smiled, “Of course I know. ”

“And I also know that you are going to wrap your sword and left foot with domineering, but your sword is just a false move, and your real move is really to attack my ribs with your left foot and make me lose my ability to resist.”

The corners of White Night’s mouth rose and he saw through Reilly’s tricks: “Am I right, Pluto Reilly.” ”

Reilly was suddenly confused, and he wondered who this white night really was.

Why would he see through himself, and this was just a method he came up with instantly!

“Do you want to know, Reilly?”

“Because you’re like the straw hat over there, but you’re just like that, you can’t compete with me.”

Reilly was furious, he had not been so humiliated in a long time.

Even if it is seen through, as long as the attack speed increases, it can break him just by relying on the on-the-spot reaction ability!

Reilly rushed over, wrapping his sword and left foot around the domineering.

Then make the sword strike towards the white night!

The domineeringly wrapped sword will drive the fierce wind in the air directly towards the white night.

White Night just sneered and decided not to pull out his sword and decide to subdue Reilly with only his hands.

White Night’s hands turned into tiger claws, and then one arm slammed into the direction of Reilly’s sword!

Both sides produced a fierce domineering fireworks!

Another rift appeared in the sky!

The scattered domineering spirit can even see some fragments.

White Night also knows Reilly’s strength, but his aim is to destroy his psychological defenses.

He had long wanted to consider whether to make Reilly his subordinate.

It’s just that this Reilly is the former Roger of One Piece’s co-captain and has already been with Roger to the site of Onepiece.

So now he didn’t want Reilly to join, wait until he found it, and then attract him, a strong man, to join his pirate group.

And he didn’t want Reilly to get hurt for the time being, after all, he was Poyahan Cook’s benefactor.

And the purpose of this trip to Han Cook may also need to find Reilly.

White Night doesn’t want Han Cook to beat him up, so he decides to defeat him without getting hurt on both sides!

At this time, Reilly’s domineering strength reached its peak, and it seemed to be mixed with the ability of the wind.

Immediately after, Reilly’s left leg had already attacked.

One hit to fly!

Reilly’s left leg slammed into the White Night!

White Night hurriedly caught it with his right hand.

Reilly then attacked White Night alternately with his left and right legs.

And the White Night relies only on this hand to defend.

Because of Reilly’s sword, he believed to be stronger.

“Good leg method!”

White Night saw that Reilly’s leg skills had become magical.

There may not be a single person in the world who can have the speed and strength of such an attack.

And then Reilly said the same thing.

“Your tiger claws are also very good, and they can even defend against my attacks!”

Reilly admired the White Night from the bottom of his heart.

After all, few people have been able to fight Reilly for so long.

Both sides laughed loudly, as if it were a pity between the strong and the strong.

But they maximize their strength and then attack each other’s weaknesses.

At this time, Luffy was already stunned.

It was not even clear where their killing tactics were.

After one move, the second move is no longer clear, and you can only see what the fifth move is?

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