Bartholomew Bear breaks up the Straw Hat Pirates in order to help Luffy.

Just to save Luffy.

And Luffy heard from White Night that Bartholomew Bear was now a member of the White Night Pirates.

This time, Luffy’s hatred for the White Night had weakened a lot.

But he really didn’t quite understand why White Night saw the first side of his crew.

Wanting to take your own crew is the last thing every captain wants.

Luffy said tentatively, “Why do you say you want my crew?” ”

Bai Ye smiled and said, “Luffy, it seems that you have misunderstood what I mean.” ”

“I mean borrowing, because now you are not together, each of you is in the cultivation stage, and I just need a few of them now.”

Luffy tilted his head and asked puzzledly, “How many of them?” ”

“Yes, I just need a few of them to cooperate.”

White Night said, “Nicole Robin, Nami, and French, these three people.” ”

Luffy thought about it, took out the life card inside his straw hat, tore off half of it and handed it to White Night.

“White Night, you take this life card of mine, go to them, and they will cooperate with you.”

White Night was also not polite, and as a result, the life card was put in his pocket, and then he said thank you to Luffy.

Just turn around and leave.

At this moment, Poyahan Cook suddenly said, “Lord White Night, aren’t you resting on the Nine Snakes Island for a while?” ”

Poyahan Cook had not intended to say this, but what she said in her heart had already been guessed by White Night.

So her face was now rosy like a ripe apple.

“Going to rest? Do? Do you think I still need to rest in my current strength? I’m energetic anytime and anywhere. ”

White Night pretended to stretch out, and he deliberately turned his back on Han Cook.

But he had already felt the murderous gaze of Poyahan Cook.

“I said, Lord White Night, are you really not going to rest?”

Poyahan Cook asked again, and the words contained the murderous spirit of infinite fragments.

White Night turned around and looked at the woman in front of her with a face full of extreme anger.

He said, “Okay, then I’ll accompany you to rest in Hydra Island for a while.” ”

Han Cook jumped up with a smile, and everything on his body jumped with it, very obviously.

White Night smiled and walked ahead, and without turning his head, he said, “Han Cook, Reilly and Luffy can go to the capital city and sit for a while.” They are always poorly trained in this environment. ”

“But, Lord White Night, this is Daughter Island, the people inside have never seen a man, they went, I’m afraid.”

“It’s all right, I’m here, can you ask them if they can touch your subjects?”

Han Cook looked at the two men with suspicious eyes.

One found was an old man who was already twilight, and the other was a stupid boy.

Neither of them has the charm of the White Night Lord.

So she nodded, relieved.

But she made up her mind that she could only get them in and out of the capital at White Night and when she was at Hydra Island.

The rest of the time, you have to stay outside, no matter what the situation.

Because Hydra Island is like heaven for men.

Anyone wants to get a handful.

So as the king of Daughter Island, she still wants her subjects to remain as they are and don’t need to accept other men.

So, the four men left the coastline, crossed the jungle, and walked towards the capital of Hydra Island.

Along the way, the guards guarding Daughter Island found that the island had invaded men.

In an instant, the guards guarding the island were connected to the network.

Launch a red flag at the guard next door!

“There is an enemy attack!”

Each of the women of Hydra Island had a longbow made of a small living snake.

The guard involuntarily drew a long arrow from the basket behind him, pulled up the snake’s bow, and raised it against the leading man.

“Don’t move forward! Man! Otherwise I’ll take your life!” ”

This person is Margaret, the leader of the Hydra Island Guard, and a combatant of the Hydra Pirates.

She has blonde hair, a graceful figure, a small body, although her arms are as slender as a weak woman, but she is indeed a skilled and domineering woman, and from her eyes she always reveals a capable look.

She had never bowed her head to any man or recognized anyone but the Queen of Hydra Island.

This confidence comes from the strength of the female warriors of Daughter Island.

By this time, the guards, led by Margaret, had already gathered.

They pulled out their snake bows one after another, drew their long arrows, and the sharp arrows were placed on the snake bow.

These guards are now slowly encircling in a formation of encirclement.

White Night had already discovered these people, but he didn’t care at all.

Hancock walked at the end of the line, which White Night had requested.

At this moment, she shouted at the White Night in front of her, “Lord White Night, your front is our guard force on Nine Snake Island, it is very dangerous, do you want me to tell them first?” ”

White Night shook his head at Han Cook and said, “No need, Han Cook. Don’t you want me to build my authority on Hydra Island? ”

“If you build your prestige, now must be the best time.”

Han Cook knew what White Night was thinking.

Because the female warriors on Daughter Island are all fighting people, the female warriors of their ancestors are flowing in their bodies.

These women possessed more glory and the veneration of the mighty than the warriors of the Kingdom of Harmony.

If you want to conquer this place, you must first fight with the female warriors here before you can get their absolute approval.

White Night has already transmitted this information through psychology to White Night’s heart network.

Han Cook knew this skill of White Night, so even if she didn’t speak, she could tell Lord White Night through her inner thoughts, and this way of unilaterally telling White Night Lord information made Han Cook’s face blush again.

“Lord White Night, please take a shot lightly.”

Han Cook whispered a reminder of the white night.

White Night raised his arm, shook it twice, and said, “Okay, rest assured, Han Cook, I won’t hurt your warriors on Hydra Island.” ”

Then White Night revealed an imperceptible smile and whispered.

“I prefer the feeling of conquest.”

“That man walking in the woods!” Once again, I advise you not to move! If you move again, you will be attacked by us! ”

Margaret roared.

White Night said in a deep voice, and at the same time, the corners of his mouth rose, ready to fight at any time.

He taunted Margaret: “If you think you can kill me, you can try.” ”

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