White Nights certainly won’t settle in place.

He’s also a bit.

Nor can it be broadcast live in front of so many strangers.

So after only a moment, he took his hand.

But Hancock sat on the ground, gasping for air.

Margaret immediately ran over to see if her queen was safe.

Although there were no wounds on his body, it seemed that for some reason, Han Cook seemed to have been attacked by a special kind of attack, and he was breathless.

Margaret secretly guessed, and the brain made up.

Maybe this is the special attack power of the legendary Overlord color domineering.

You can knock your opponent into internal injuries just by being domineering!

It seems that you must be careful with this man!

He’s too dangerous!

“Soldiers! Listen to my orders and round me up this man! ”

The warriors of Hydra Island immediately obeyed the order, drew their bows and arrows and aimed them at the white night, and surrounded them.

“Don’t move!”


At this time, Hancock slowly straightened up, raised his hand, and said to the female warriors.

“I’m fine, I was just a little dizzy, just when Lord White Night caught me so as not to make me fall.”

Margaret knew that Hancook was telling a lie, but asked her soldiers to put down their bows and arrows.

It’s just that she doesn’t understand why their queen would do this, so protective of this man.

“Queen Hancock, what’s wrong with you?”

Margaret thought in her heart.

“Wait a while and you’ll understand.” White Night said a word.

White Night held his arms in both hands as he understood the woman’s thoughts.

Margaret didn’t understand, but Hancock understood it at once.

He gave him a blank look and straightened up again.

“Okay, I’m all right, don’t worry about me.” Hancock said, “Let’s go.” ”

She turned to Reilly and Luffy, who were hiding far away.

“Come here, Reilly, and I’d like to tell you something.”

After saying that, he ran away with a blushing face.

White Night was amused to think about it, because in his situation with Han Cook, she knew that White Night knew what she was thinking.

Still talking with a red face.

White Night walked ahead of the procession and walked towards the exit of the forest.

Margaret stood with the female warriors, who stood between Hancock and White Night.

It still looked like White Nights were like their captives.

Escort him towards Hydra City.

It’s just that the white night didn’t carry any shackles.

At this point, Hancock was whispering something to Reilly at the back of the line.

Luffy wasn’t interested, so he walked while gasping for breath.

Pluto’s Reilly, on the other hand, was shocked, as if he couldn’t believe that Han Cook could say such a thing.

Reilly’s eyes widened and he said, “Han Cook, are you serious?” ”

Han Cook raised his head and said, “I never tell a lie, that’s what I really think.” ”

Reilly looked at Han Cook, and finally couldn’t hold back, laughing.

“Hahaha, this person of the white night, it is really full of charm, and it actually makes the female emperor Han Cook, who has always been cold to men, moved.”

Reilly continued to laugh, “This man is really not simple, hahaha, it seems that I have to let him be my teacher.” ”

Han Cook snorted coldly, but he couldn’t say anything more, after all, he had asked for him.

“Reilly, you can help me.”

Reilly smiled, “Of course I have to help with this!” ”


The crowd came to the streets of Hydra Island, where people sang and laughed, and there was a scene of peace.

There were no fights or calculations, and although they were sparsely populated, they had also bred generations of female warriors on the Hydra Island.

The women on the street saw such a strange procession coming out of the jungle and looked sideways.

A female warrior of Daughter Island saw the white night and said.

“Look, it’s a man!”

“It’s true, I didn’t expect that the man looked quite handsome.”

“Yeah, you look at the muscles in his body, and the wrist strength is very strong.”

“Oh, you’re still a little girl, look at what wrist strength, you can see his nose and you know that he is also very strong in some ways.”

“Nose? What do you mean? I don’t understand. ”

“Oh, sister, the next time Queen Hancock goes to sea, I’ll take you to open the meat.”

“Sister, don’t make a fuss, the topic of men is something you can’t say on Hydra Island!”

“It’s all right, sister, as long as we don’t say it, who knows?”

“That’s not good, sister, though, I’d love to get to know a man.”

“Yes, then you will wait until the time comes to come with me.”

“Hey, there’s your sister.”

White Night had seen through the heart net the inner thoughts of these inhabitants of the island who were staring at their daughters.

He marveled at how these women felt the same as the developed Han Cook.

Although they all hate men on the outside, their inner personalities are all particularly desired.

One by one, like jackals, tigers and leopards, they stared at the white night and looked up and down.

Even three in a group, five in a bunch around each other and whispering about it.

White Night just smiled and revealed his long charming smile.

This smile is enough to impress everyone.

Of course, these unfactual female warriors on Hydra Island are even more easy to solve.

One by one, like a white night cast admiring eyes.

But when they saw the Margaret Guard guarding the coastal jungle appear behind him.

I felt sorry for the white night.

It may have been White Night who went to the island without permission and was then captured by the guards led by Margaret.

Then he will be beaten to the execution ground of the palace and put on trial.

At this time, they all felt sorry for the appearance of the white night.

“Eh, what a good man, what a pity.”

Because they knew that Margaret was the leader of the fighters of the Nine Serpents Pirates, and often went to sea with Queen Hancock.

Both combat experience and force points are very powerful.

Her greatest strength was the snake bow formation she had studied.

Once the enemy is trapped in the formation, there is basically no way to live.

Whether to kill or to take away is up to Margaret’s words.

Some time ago, Margaret and her guards repelled the pirate group that wanted to land.

The main sail of the enemy ship was destroyed, and the enemy ship fled into the wilderness, desperately escaping.

Because Hydra Island is dominated by domineering weapons, there are no artillery on the island and on the ships of the Hydra Pirates.

So this makes her unable to deal with long-range enemies, beyond the attack range of the entangled and domineering bow and arrow is useless.

So when Queen Hancook left, the security of Hydra Island was entirely in the hands of Margaret.

And Margaret doesn’t easily leave the coastline.

Unless there is a very important prisoner, she can personally escort him.

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