White Night was “escorted” by Margaret to the capital of Hydra Island.

To reach the capital, you must pass through the busiest commercial street in Hydra Island.

Because they are all women, most of the women on Hydra Island are how comfortable they are to dress.

Occlusion is minimal.

They feel that wearing more clothes will affect their ability to move.

But when the white night appeared on the street.

Even these female warriors who had never seen a man began to blush.

Some shy hid and secretly looked at the white night.

After all, White Night is really too personable, and really very handsome.

There are hardly a few people in the open sea who can handle him.

“Sister, you see, it’s a man!”

“Wow, are all men on the sea so handsome?”

“Don’t be fooled, this is the most handsome man I’ve ever met.”

“Mom, have you ever seen a man?” Isn’t that all men like this? ”

“Silly boy, I haven’t seen a man how can he have you?”

“Every time I go to sea with the female emperor, I will secretly find one.”

“So there’s a right one?” Men and women together can create new female warriors! I understood Mom. ”

The female warriors on Hydra Island usually can’t see it, but when they meet the man, the inner character is completely reflected.

Some shy hid inside the building and secretly looked out.

Others walked out into the street to watch the white night, staring at him with their eyes tightly closed.

If it weren’t for the fact that Margaret was behind the White Night, the female warriors might have gone up and touched the body of the White Night.

Then they met Margaret and her direct guards.

They began to discuss.

“This man must have accidentally come to Hydra Island from the open sea.”

“Yeah, if it wasn’t for Margaret, she wouldn’t have caught him.”

“I think he was let go, I guess he didn’t come here on purpose.”

Then they saw it again

I saw Reilly and Luffy again.

Reilly was an old man for these female warriors, and although he was strong, he was too old to be attractive to them.

Luffy was young, but unfortunately an idiot who didn’t know anything but to eat.

Although these two were also men, from the perspective of the female warriors of Hydra Island, these people were not enough to enter their eyes.

Where is the white night like the jade tree wind?

Finally, there is the emperor of their Hydra Island, Poyahan Cook.

The female warriors who had just been discussing men.

At this moment, they were all stunned, and they all fell on one knee to show their respect for the emperor.

Then with Hancock’s wave of the hand, they straightened up.

Then she was surrounded, but still kept a certain distance.

This is the good attitude that these female warriors have maintained all year round.

“Lord Han Cook, you are finally back!”

“Lord Han Cook, you are so beautiful ~ I am so envious!”

“Lord Han Cook, what story are you bringing to us this time!?”

Han Cook just waved his hand, and at the moment she was like a king.


There was a loud noise ahead.

The earth is shaken.

Two snake-bodied women running from afar!

They held spears and three-pointed forks, respectively.

They watched the white night humming a little song, and walked in front of the line with special freedom.

Only to feel the blood veins spurting, he grabbed the weapon in his hand and attacked towards the white night, and the tip of the weapon was wrapped around the Overlord color domineering.

White Night dodged slightly sideways.

Evaded the attack positions of the two weapons.

The two were stunned at first, and then immediately adjusted their combat status.

Attack the White Night with a domineering wrapped weapon again.

After all, White Night is a person who has a heart network and perceives color domineering.

Easy dodging for such small attacks.

“Second sister, third sister, please don’t take a shot at Lord White Night.”

Poyahan Cook came from behind the line.

“Sister! You’re back! ”

“Sister! These days how you don’t say hello, all of us are dying. ”

“I’m sorry, my sisters.” Hancock said, and then she pointed to the White Night beside her.

“Don’t attack Lord White Night, who is my guest in the open sea.”

“Guests? This is a man, a sister. ”

The third sister who was stunned on the side said.

“Yes, sister, you have always been disgusted with men, why do you treat this man with affection this time?”

“Because, because.” Although Han Cook is a generation queen, he does not know what to do when he encounters her difficult problems.

I also don’t want to generously admit that White Night is now his husband.

If she decided on her own, then her entire Nine Snake Island would belong to White Night, but some people did not recognize White Night.

And his two sisters have never had a good feeling for men.

After all, she was also the female emperor who killed and decided.

Han Cook had to ask for help from the white night around him.

See what he will say.

White Night smiled at Han Cook, causing Han Cook to blush with shame, and his breath was extremely unstable, only to exhale, not to be able to afford it.

She didn’t resist, and some of it catered to the white night.


Han Cook’s two sisters were dumbfounded.

Where had the two of them seen such a thing, their sister had always been a so-called cold female emperor before.

Now she has become the appearance of a little woman who is pampered by a man.

Which line is this?

And they do things in front of such people.

Han Cook’s two sisters had also never seen a man treat a woman like that.

Although they had heard that the crew of their Hydra Island had reached the age of childbearing when they went to sea, they immediately borrowed it.

If it does, it will be done once.

If it doesn’t work, no matter when it’s not appropriate, continue to make up, eat some supplements and continue to fight!

But shouldn’t this be a secret thing?

It was actually broadcast live here.

The two men looked at the white night suspiciously, not knowing what magic he had.

Take a closer look, though.

White Night is indeed handsome.

Not only is it personable, but it also sets off the identity of the master between the hands and feet.

At this time, White Night was also staring at Han Cook’s two sisters.

Although their appearance is not as good as Han Cook, and even Margaret, the female captain, is good-looking.

But it’s also Han Cook’s sisters.

Han Cook’s personality should also have these two sisters, maybe I became normal and these two people are normal.

Just when the eyes of both sides were deadlocked.

Han Cook said suddenly.

“I’m getting married.”

As soon as these words came out, the entire crowd of onlookers, as well as her sister, were stupid at that time.

But before they could absorb the meaning of these words.

The next words are even more shocking.

“I want to have a contest to recruit relatives!” Choose who will be my husband! ”

“At the same time, it is also the king who decides who will be the king of the kingdom of peace!”

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