The captains of the two pirate regiments almost dropped their jaws in shock.

Then he looked at Han Cook, swallowed, and looked straight at the untouchable woman.

The only woman in the Seven Seas under King Poyahan Cook is said to be the most beautiful woman in the world.

The queen of Hydra Island, Daughter Island, is the captain of the Hydra Pirates.

Those who have the ability of superhuman demon fruit, sweet fruit, and are absolutely strong.

Heaven would drop such a big piece of pie for himself.

As long as they can win the championship, then they will become the peak of their lives overnight!

The two pirate captains have now begun to fantasize,

But the two of them are now secretly thinking about how to become champions.

Who else is participating?

They waited quietly.

The second sister of Han Cook shouted at them: “Okay, you men can go with me, I will group you and explain the rules of the competition.” ”

Pluto Reilly and Luffy walked together, the sailboat and the captain of the Globe Pirates walked together, leaving only the White Night to act alone.

At this time, the sailing ship and the globe whispered two words, and then patted the shoulder of the white night in the back.

“Hey, brother, what’s your name?” You were also caught? ”

Bai Ye had already known the other party’s thoughts with his heart, and then he looked at these two guys with a smile.

“Well, yes, it was Poyahan Cook who forced me to come.”

“I’ll go, yes, brother, it’s a blessing that you can catch that big beautiful woman.”

White Night looked at the giant-like pirate in front of him and smiled.

“Fortunately, I didn’t think I would be caught by the female emperor.” And then that’s it. ”

The captain of the sailing pirate regiment suddenly looked at the white night alertly and said.

“So you had a fight with Qiwu Hai?” How much combat power do you have? ”

White Night thought that he had indeed been entangled with Han Cook, but that kind of thing was a very good feeling.

“Yes, but after more than one fight, it was useless for me to escape, but she still caught me.”

The captain of the Schooner Pirates still squinted his eyes, looking at the white night, as if he could see the secrets of the white night.

Unfortunately, he didn’t have a heart net and couldn’t judge White Night’s inner thoughts.

In the end, I had to give up.

Because Luffy and Reilly walked in front, the three of them walked together in the White Night.

The captain of the Globe Pirate Regiment suddenly said excitedly, “Let’s introduce ourselves first.” ”

“Just call me the globe, I’m the captain of the famous Globe Pirate Regiment in this area, and my head is worth 85 million bery.”

Then the sinister man with squinting eyes said, “You can call me a sailboat, I am the captain of the famous sailing pirate regiment in this area, and my head is worth 93 million bery.”

Then the two men turned and looked at the white night.

Waiting for White Night to reveal his hole cards.

See how much bounty he really has.

On the Great Voyage, if the pirate does not report to his home when he meets, it is a very faceless thing not to let the other party know about his bounty.

Often when judging a person’s strength or weakness, it is usually decided by the bounty.

Before fighting, you should report your own bounty, and then if the other party is much higher than yourself, you will concede, if you are much lower than yourself.

Maybe you can get some booty, but it is also a bloodless blade.

But once the other person’s bounty is not too different from their own, it is interesting.

They will turn into cooperative and betrayal relationships, and finally fight for your life.

The winning side then picks up the other person’s head and is rewarded with a higher bounty.

This was the easiest way to raise the bounty, much safer than going to plunder the towns where the navy was stationed.

It’s just about estimating the strength of your opponent.

After all, bounty alone cannot accurately judge a person’s strength.

A person’s bounty is determined at the point in time when he is wanted.

And the growth of this period of time without renewing the bounty again cannot be judged on the bounty on the wanted list.

This means that if the same bounty is given, the actual difference also exists.

If it is also a 50 million berry bounty, if the opponent is wanted half a year earlier than himself.

That’s definitely the guy who’s been wanted for half a year’s bounty wins big.

And sometimes the bounty is mixed with some moisture.

The pirates who loot their identities everywhere may not have as much combat power as a man with a firearm.

And the slave traders who go around abducting human slaves and then selling the people they have abducted to the black market.

In fact, the combat effectiveness of such traffickers is also part adulterated.

After all, they rarely fight.

Then there is the third kind, the pirate group of globes and sailing ships.

They are perennial pirates on the black market and the New World, and abduction of humans is one way they generate income.

And they actually go to war with other pirate regiments and the navy.

Strength is exercised more than the bounty attack power on its own wanted warrant.

But to the outside world, these two guys still claim that they are just abducted pirates.

Let the other party slack off with themselves.

Then kill the other person with one hit.

So the actual bounty for both men, the globe and the sailboat, has reached about 120 million.

Exactly half more attack power than the representative on the bounty. 、

When Bai Ye was asked about himself, he was still thinking about it.

How to tell these two people, their reputation should have spread all over the world long ago.

If I reported that I would not be able to scare these two guys to death.

That would be fun.

White Night thought about it.

Since they both told me my real name, I could also say that White Night was just my nickname, and that’s it.

White Night deliberately pretended to be a promise.

“My name is White Night, an intern pirate from the White Night Pirate Regiment, and I don’t know what price the world government has set for me…”

When I said the words that I called White Night, White Night deliberately looked at the expressions of these two people.

Finding that their mood did not fluctuate.

Then White Night went on to say that it came from the time of the White Night Pirates.

The globe spoke, “It won’t be the White Night of the Five Emperors, are you an intern on his ship?” ”

White Night nodded and admitted, “Well, I’m from the White Night Pirates.” ”

“Haha, no wonder you call yourself White Night, learn from us, call the name of the pirate group your own nickname, your boy is still quite clever.”

With a sinister smile, the sailboat said, “It’s just that we are both captains, and you’re just an intern of the Five Emperors.” ”

“An intern still wants a bounty? Then you can just tell the bounty of your captain of the White Night, haha. ”

The globe saw the sailboat laughing, and laughed out loud himself.

So he said sarcastically.

“Boy, it seems that you have a lot of future, after all, you are only two billion and a half billion yuan reward hahaha, sooner or later you can defeat the navy and defeat the world government.”

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