The interpreter turned to the White Night and said slowly, “You guys, you’re going to face the first battle.” ”

“Because your first battle was a personal battle.”

“So, each of you has to face an opponent from Hydra Island.”

“I can tell you that only by defeating them can we popularize the next battle.”

“You can use any weapon, you can use any of your abilities.”

“Including domineering and demonic fruit abilities.”

“But remember that you absolutely cannot kill anyone, and if someone dies in the first battle, the killer will be disqualified!”

“Not being able to compete is automatically canceling the opportunity to be Lord Hancock’s husband.”

The five men nodded, after all, they had come here to marry Han Cook, and once disqualified, there was no need to go down here.

Next, the narrator once again came up with a list of contestants.

She said: “This is the opponent you have to match in the first game. ”

The crowd gathered around, and everyone could see from here that the opponent they were facing was the female warriors of Hydra Island, and the first game of White Night was actually the captain of the guards, Margaret.

White Night looked at the list of matches, the corners of his mouth went up, and then he sighed.

“Eh, does this little girl still want to try a game with me?”

The globe and the sailing ship both came together at this time, and found that the opponent of the White Night was Margaret, the captain of the Hydra Island Guard who had once frightened them all.

The two of them had seen the skills of this woman, not only in the outstanding ability in the formation of troops, but also in personal ability, and also a female warrior who could use armed color domineering.

So they all knew that this Margaret belonged to the most outstanding warrior in the Nine Snake Island.

The globe patted Bai Ye’s shoulder, smiled and said, “Oh, brother, even if your luck is too bad, don’t look at her as a beautiful woman, but this Margaret is the most dangerous person here.” ”

The sailboat then catered and said, “We have lost at her hands a few times. ”

White Night smiled and said, “Isn’t it better for a dangerous woman?” Who doesn’t like the wild? ”

The globe and the sailboat looked at each other and laughed.

“Haha, you boy is really good, it’s all this time, and it’s still so humorous.”

Then they shook their heads and walked out of the rest area with the female commentator.

The match White Night was in fifth place.

The order of the remaining four battles is: Globe, Sailboat, Luffy, Reilly.

The five of them walked out of the battle stage first.

Let all the female citizens of Hydra Island watch.

It caused a cry of surprise from the citizens of Hydra Island.

“Mom, look, those people don’t look the same as us.”

“Silly kid, these are men.”

“Are those intruders, they’re bad!”

“The old lady has not seen a living man for a long time, and when Lord Han Cook goes to sea, I also want to go out and meet the world.”

“Is it fun outside?” What does the sea look like, and are there men in the towns outside the sea? Not much, not much. ”

“Of course, men are rare in our place, and they can be as many as they want in the open sea.”

“Really! Then I kind of want to go to the sea to see. ”

“You see, the man in white over there is handsome, although he is a little weak and can’t help the wind.”

“I don’t think he can win the game, so thin, it’s malnourished at first glance. Eh looks good, it’s a pity.”

“When the game is over, wouldn’t it be better for you to talk to Lord Hancock and ask her to reward you with this man?”

“Hey, that’s good.”

The women on the viewing stage were all discussing the men.

Inside is the most popular in White Night.

Because they had known Reilly and Luffy before, they talked relatively little and had no interest in them.

And the tall and strong of the globe and the sinister and cunning demeanor of the sailing ship also made these women circle some powder.

They were more talking about White Night, after all, White Night looked so handsome.

Not only the appearance of holding a long sword, but also the plain white robe was inconsistent with the men that the female warriors on the Nine Snakes Island had seen.

More is a shock from the heart, people often meet different people, will be from the bottom of the heart to send out a feeling, want to do too much attention, over time, will find that this different person is so handsome.

The female commentator came on the scene at this time.

She waved to the female warriors in the audience.

She held the microphone and said in a loud voice, “I’m glad you were able to watch this game, but this time is very different from the past.” ”

“As you probably all know, this contest determines who Lord Hancock’s future husband is.”

“And in this way, we at Hydra Island will most likely be born as the new queen!”

The audience clapped their hands in unison, and the feeling of excitement was unspoken.

Will the beautiful female emperor Han Cook really give birth to a new female emperor?

The narrator then continued, “Because this tournament is special, we’ve divided the tournament into three battles. ”

“They are individual races, team races, knockout tournaments.”

“The individual competition reflects the individual abilities of the players.”

“Team competitions reflect teamwork.”

“The knockout round reflects whether it is in the face of crisis and whether it has the enthusiasm of a fighting nation.”

After the commentary is finished, the white curtain on the competition stage will be displayed to everyone.

She said, “Let me introduce you, the contestants. ”

“First of all, the first battle, what we will see is the captain of the Globe Pirate Regiment, the Captain of the Globe with the name of the Little Giant of the Pirates, who has a bounty of 85 million beries at the Navy Headquarters, and is a very strong opponent!”

“What he has to face is our excellent snake herd girl on Nine Snake Island!” She is also the runner-up in this arena! ”

The female narrator continued to preach incessantly.

“Then there’s the second battle, and we’ll see the captain of the Schooner Pirates, the captain of the Schooner who is known as the Pirate Schemer!” He has a bounty of 93 million Berry at the Navy Headquarters, and his strength is also very high, and he is also a pirate player with terrifying strength! ”

“What he has to face is that the most famous blacksmith on our Hydra Island is also the same warrior who has won a second place in this arena.”

“The next battle will be fierce, and we will see Luffy, a straw hat with a bounty of three hundred million, participate in the battle.” He is also the super newcomer of the Great Passage, and he is also the Rubber Fruit Ability, the legendary Demon Fruit Ability of the Outer Seas, which I have only seen in our Han Cook family. ”

“What he’s going to fight is our second sister Lord Han Cook!” Those who have the ability to snake and snake fruit! ”

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