After the female commentator introduced the participants.

The individual competition officially begins.

The first battle is with the captain of the Globe Pirates against the tamers on Hydra Island.

Both sides came out of their respective rest areas.

The captain of the Globe Pirates saw a little girl dressed in Raleigh’s clothes standing across from him.

She was followed by a leopard with dark hair.

The leopard was an adult cheetah, and it was almost as tall as the Little Giant Globe.

The globe frowned, feeling that this scene had somewhat subverted its own three views.

He said, “How come this kind of game still carries beasts?” ”

The girl on the other side smiled softly, “Uncle, are you afraid of my little black panther?” If you are afraid, go back early, don’t get hurt when the time comes, my little black panther especially likes fresh flesh and blood, and you will definitely be eaten by him when the time comes! ”

This young girl is so understated that it is not at all appropriate for her own age.

The panther, like a cat, stayed by the girl’s side and gently rubbed her head against the girl.

The provoked girl giggled.

“Hey, uncle, my little black panther says your meat is so smelly that it doesn’t care to eat it.”

The globe sneered, “Child, I think I have been traversing the sea for so many years, and this is the first time I have encountered such an arrogant doll.” ”

“Rest assured, when I was at the game, they said they couldn’t kill and I wouldn’t kill you.”

“I’ll maim you and let you see with your own eyes how your leopard was torn apart by me!”

“They said they couldn’t kill people, but they didn’t say they couldn’t kill animals!”

The female commentator announced the start of the competition.

Little Raleigh suddenly shouted, “Little Black Panther, go attack that man!” ”

His little black man leapt like a dark shadow and quickly flew in the direction of the little giant globe.

Although the globe is huge, it is very flexible.

Unlike traditional giants, traditional giants are only very prominent in strength, but the globe known as small giants has the speed of fighting with ordinary people.

At the moment when the cheetah pounced, the globe also pounced at the same time, raising his fist and punching it!

This punch just hit the cheetah’s front door.

The cheetah fell down with a whimper.

Immediately after the globe was about to strike again, he suddenly smashed into the cheetah that fell to the ground.

The cheetah sensed the danger, so he flashed sideways and avoided it.

But then the globe launched a fierce attack.

Several consecutive combination punches will defeat the cheetah.

Suddenly the cheetah showed its fangs, and the originally pale teeth turned black.

It turns out that cheetahs can also be domineering, and it must use domineering to defend.

The globe just smiled, and his arms were also wrapped in domineering, knocking the cheetah to the ground in a few clicks.

Then he walked up to little Raleigh and carried her off the field.

The female commentator said: “The first Globe Pirate Captain Globe wins! ”

Many people in the audience began to whisper, not expecting little Raleigh to fail so quickly.

The pirates caught this time don’t seem to be able to defeat them so easily.

Next, a battle begins.

The captain of the sailing pirate regiment, dressed in black, walked slowly to the competition stage.

Then across from him came a girl with coal marks all over her body.

The girl is in excellent shape, and in the perennial relationship of playing iron, the skin has an indescribable oil charm.

In her hands was a hammer and an unformed iron sword.

The tip of the iron sword was burned red by the fire.

She seemed to be very shy, and on this playing field, she was very nervous, staring closely at the pirate in front of her.

With the female narrator speaking out when the game started.

The two men began to rush towards each other.

Captain of the Sailing Pirates, the habitual weapon is a short black blade under a black cape.

At the handle of the short blade, he hung an extremely thin rope.

Under his cloak, there were at least a dozen such short blades.

He saw the hammer on the opposite side and the burning short blade, and at the same time drew out the two short blades in his arms to fight for it.

The four weapons interlaced and made a thudding sound.

The weapons intersected and glowed a dazzling red light.

They are all extremely fast, and perhaps they are all speed players at the same time.

Both sides seem to be extremely good at using assassinations.

It is said that on an island in the New World, there was a blacksmith who killed his employer and took away the good steel that his employer had brought to build a good sword for his own use.

This blacksmith did just that.

And the two weapons in her hand were made of that kind of blood steel.

The battle between weapons slowly turns into a battle between domineering spirits.

Both sides simultaneously unleashed their domineering, wrapping it around their weapons.

The battle that followed was already domineering and flying around.

Although the armed domineering spirit of the two of them is not strong, it is the most dangerous under the collision of the domineering spirit of the same strength.

The domineering air currents generated after the collision will form a fragment appearance and then fly out.

However, after a long time of fighting, the captain of the sailing pirate regiment made a sinister move.

He drew a short blade from his arms and flew out as a dart.

The blacksmith on the other side found that the situation was not right and quickly dodged.

However, as soon as she dodged, she found that there was a thin line at the end of the weapon that had just flown out.

Her current strength could not dodge the second attack.

Then she watched as the sailboat pulled the rope backwards.


The short blade pulled back was right in the middle of the blacksmith’s body.

The blacksmith was in pain and screamed to the end.

The pirates win again.

Everything is surprising to the audience, these masters they were optimistic about before have been defeated one after another.

For such a master as Han Cook, since they have determined that these people are competing, they have already discovered the difference between these people.

They are all top masters and cannot be treated as usual.

Then came the third race.

Luffy came from backstage.

Opposite is the second sister of Han Cook of Hydra Island, who possesses the ability of the Snake Fruit Viper.

Both sides ascended to the competition stage.

Then the game officially began.

Luffy was also not polite to the other party.

Directly open the second gear mode, after all, Luffy’s current second gear belongs to the strongest trick.

The third gear has a certain anti-phagocytic ability and is not easy to fight for a long time.

So the second gear is the best fight.

The second sister of Han Cook, in the form of a pit viper, spread her body across the competition stage.

Heavy scales do not hurt easily.

But Luffy’s second gear can penetrate the other side very well.

The two sides fought for less than a few rounds before winning or losing.

Luffy is much more flexible in second gear than the opponent’s pit viper.

It’s just a breeze to find the weakness behind the opponent.

Then make an accurate attack to knock the opponent out of the field.

The battle is over!

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